Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 146: 2nd Nirvana Success


The dust on Nie Yun's eyes opened immediately.

If you do n’t eat or drink for a month, your body is covered with dust.

"The second Nirvana succeeded!"

Opening his eyes, the boy already knew the changes in his body, and the dark eyes released the radiance of excitement.

After nine years of Nirvana, after a lot of hard work, Nirvana finally succeeded and completed a qualitative leap!

"As expected, it really has reached the beginning of the Supreme!"

With his fist pinched, Nie Yun immediately felt that the surging power in his body could rush out at any time, and the whole person was ten times stronger than before!

Before, I could hit 5 elephants with one punch, but now I can definitely hit 50 elephants!

The worst Supreme had only 10 elephants in the early stage, 20 elephants in the middle, 30 elephants in the late period, and the peak was only 40!

Now Nie Yun had 50 elephants in the early days, saying that going out can scare people to death!



"Nine transfers of Nirvana is truly a practice method that surpasses the superior quality of the royal family. If you only accumulate cultivation, you do n’t know how long it will take to reach the air, let alone the supreme! Complete a qualitative leap in a month, ignoring level barriers It ’s incredible! "

Thinking of the magic of Jiu Zhuan Nirvana, Nie Yun couldn't help but marvel.

For a practitioner who has been working for more than ten years, it doesn't even take time. In such a short time, he can reach the beginning of the Supreme from the late period of Bingjia Realm. Passing it out will definitely make the most powerful genius ashamed to death!

We must know that there is a natural barrier between Bingjia Realm and Qi Clan, and the barrier between Qi Clan and Supreme is even greater. Since it is called a barrier, naturally it cannot be made up by the experience of two generations!

Barriers are like your perfect work. What you can do before doesn't mean that you can make the same in the future if you are more experienced!

After all, if you want to break through barriers, experience is only one of them. Opportunity and the state at the time are also very important!

"Although the elemental spirit fluid contains a lot of aura, my accumulation is too thick, coupled with the consumption of nirvana ... I thought it would be rich, but I didn't expect it would be enough ..."

I remembered that Primal Liquid almost made himself explode. Nie Yun shook his head.

Originally I thought that Yuan Yuan Elf Liquid contained so many auras, which was enough to allow myself to reach the middle or late period of the Supreme Supreme, but I did not expect that I had accumulated my queen mother, and she almost had insufficient energy during the Nirvana process!

If there is really insufficient energy, I am afraid that the time for nirvana will not be one month, it will be longer, three months, half a year, or even one or two years!

Nine turns Nirvana and Nirvana cannot be transformed. As long as you do not go into the magic, the body will automatically draw the aura from the air, but this drawing speed is very slow, and the time consumed can not be determined.

However, this did not happen ... Thanks for the energy!


Nie Yun stood up from where he was.

Reaching the extreme level, has reached the peak of Qihai practitioners. Even if you encounter two monsters, you don't have to hide in Tibet as before!

"With the current strength and the mountains and rivers of Xuan Yu's sword, I am afraid that there is more than 100,000 kilograms, and millions of kilograms, 10 million kilograms of power!"

With one hand, I took Xuanyu's sword out of Nagoya Dantian again.

The original Xuanyu Sword made herself a bit unbearable, but now it seems to be nothing!

of course. This is in the case of using true energy, if the pure body is not used. It is still very difficult to pick up this Xuanyu sword. After all, the nine-turn Nirvana Gong Nirvana transformation is only an increase in Qihai strength, not muscle strength!

At present, the spirit rhinoceros refining method is still the second-level masterpiece, which is much weaker than Qi Haixiu.

"Huh? The two monsters haven't left yet? Oh, it's just right that I haven't been satisfied with the quota of the monster pets, so take these two guys!"

Looking outwards, he found that Heiyan and Zitong were still guarding outside, and Nie Yun laughed.

A tamed beast Dantian can tame five monsters in total. Now he has only two (Little Tiger and Wind Wolf King, Copper Armed Giant Ape has not been conquered), which is far from five places. Since these two monsters Don't want to leave, just happen to complete them!

Being able to surrender these two monsters at the highest level also means that you have three monsters at the highest level, plus a tiger who is the peak of his sect and himself. This power, even if the four families of the Kamikaze Empire are united, Never dare to mess with it!

It is not too much to call it the first empire!

After all, none of the four supreme empires are animal trainers, and although there are a lot of empire animal trainers, they have not been able to treat the supreme monsters as demon pets!

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Nie Yun's body was shaking, he flew up from the same place.

When you reach the extreme level, you will fly. Nie Yun's previous life can't be familiar with flying anymore. Now there is no need to experiment.

"Go out!"

"Hoo", Nie Yun appeared outside the cave.


"But we have waited for a hundred years before we can wait for it. No matter who we take it, it will greatly increase its strength to reach the true supreme peak. Do you just give up like this?" Tieyan was anxious when he heard Zi Tong's words.

"Nothing happened for a month, this kid must be dead. As for how he died, I can't guess!"

Zitong said, "As soon as he dies, the Yuan-elves liquid will definitely stay in the cave. None of these monsters can get in or take out. What should we do if we don't give up?

"Dead? Yeah, it has been dead for so long, it must be dead, but ... it's really cheap to die like this! If I were caught, I would cut off his flesh and sip. Eat it! "

Heiyan's teeth clenched and said fiercely.

"Don't say you, I'm almost the same! You know how angry I was at the time, waited a hundred years, a whole hundred years! It took so long for me to mature and I was snatched, and I wish I could pump his bones Cut his skin! "

Zitong also roared ~ www.readwn.com ~ The life of the monster is much longer than that of human beings, especially the monster that has reached above the airs, and there is no problem in living for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

But even if the life is long, they waited for a hundred years to be snatched by a human as soon as they got their hands. They still made them angry!

"Abominable, abominable! It would be so good if he didn't die, and it would make me angry, otherwise I would be strangled!"

Thinking of this, Heiyan was so angry that he yelled and his fists kept pounding on his chest.

"Listening to your words, seems to miss me, ha ha, fortunately, I am not dead yet ..."

Just after a few hammers, Heiyan heard a faint utterance from the back, and then a figure flickered out of the cave.

ps: This is the first change on the shelves, only two thousand words, high v is only 4 cents, pleading for genuine subscription support, thank you! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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