Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 147: One Fight 2 Beast

The figure came out of the cave, and stepped into the air step by step, as if stepping on a staircase of nothingness, strange.


Seeing the strangeness of the figure, an eagle-like air peak in the air, Warcraft, swooped down with a strange cry.


Before the eagle-like Warcraft came to the figure, suddenly his body swelled and his head burst, and his body fell through the air and turned into a pile of rotten meat.

"Extreme ... Supreme? Impossible, the late strength of Bingjia Realm, reaching Supreme in a month?"

Without seeing how the teenager shot, the eagle-like Warcraft at the pinnacle of the ancestors died directly, and Black Rock and Zi Tong thought they were going crazy.

Being able to use this method has not only reached the Supreme, I am afraid that the strength is only stronger than their own two beasts!

A month ago, this boy was only in the late stage of Bingjia Realm. How did he reach the supreme moment? how can that be?

Bingjia, Qizong, Supreme ... Progressing one level at a time, the shortest cultivation speed in history is difficult to succeed without three or five years. Even before I heard that there was a genius named Mo Yanqing who was 22 years old Zong, the 31-year-old Supreme, has been trapped in the realm of qizong for nine years!

In a month, this guy has reached the extreme, let's read it right!

"Why, let a monster at the pinnacle of Qi Sect realm try my strength? Didn't you try it out?"

Killing the eagle-like Warcraft, Nie Yun looked at the black bear and the iron armor dragon indifferently.

"Experimented, Supreme, I never thought you had reached the Supreme level! Sixteen or seven-year-old Supreme ... I am afraid that the Kamikaze Empire can rank on the top!"

Heiyan is indeed a supreme-level monster, and the blink of an eye suppressed the shock in his heart. Lengheng said.

"Have you swallowed the Primal Liquid?"

A pair of purple pupils of Tiejialong stared at Nie Yun.

There is only one possibility to reach the Supreme Age from Bingjia Realm in such a short time. That's swallowing the Primal Liquid!

Primal Liquid ... That's mine ... Blood is dripping from Tiejialong's heart.

"You're smart, yes, I have swallowed the Primal Liquid!" Nie Yun smiled.

"Swallowed? Well, you die for me!"

Upon seeing the young man confessed, the iron armor dragon roared, and his thick tail slammed through the space. He drew on Nie Yun, and at the same time pointed his head out. The trick was used immediately.

"Kill you, drink your essence, the effect of Primal Liquid is still better, even better. Don't blame us for being cruel, if you are to blame, come out of the cave!"

Heiyan also screamed, his fat body turned into a streamer. The thick claws patted the young man in front!


Two powerful monsters comparable to the supreme peak shot at the same time. The violent energy whirlwind shook the whole valley and caused the chaos to splash. The air monster on one side saw this scene all tighten its tail and hid in the corner, his eyes were full. fear.

Although Qi Zong is a great master, his strength is amazing. But compared to the Supreme is still too bad!

Extreme is only one step away from the mystery of heaven and nature. This strong man has deservedly stood at the pinnacle of Qihai practitioners, and it is not something that little airlords can compete with!

"Want to kill me. It's up to you? Oh, I think you guys should still be my darlings!"

Facing the attacks of the two Supreme Monsters. Nie Yun didn't panic, Xuanyu's sword in his hand split directly forward!


Xuan Yu's sword did not exert the momentum of mountains and rivers, but was the most normal power coercion. For this reason, the rolling force still smashed into the momentum of the two major attacks, which instantly caused a mushroom cloud-like air wave to burst into the air. .


Heiyan and Zitong took a few steps back at the same time, eyes full of shock.

"Don't you just advance to the Supreme level? How could there be such a powerful force?"

They couldn't figure it out, how could this young boy have such power in front of him, with one move to repel the strongest attack of the two beasts!

"Oh, how strong I am, you will know right away!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun's body flickered, and the whole person turned into an electric light, which appeared in front of the black bear instantly, and Xuan Yu's sword split again.

"Black Rock Iron Armor! Invincible defense!"

Seeing the teenager so fast, Heiyan knew that he could dodge, but his body's dark breath surging, and the body's armor emerged immediately.

For the armor formed by its talents, Black Rock is relatively confident. After all, it cannot be broken with the level of purple pupil spine impact. The defense is strong, even the royal weapons may not be comparable!

"Invincible defense? Can you stop my mountains and rivers?"

Seeing that the other party was forming armor, Nie Yun did not stop, his eyes glared, and a sharp light shot instantly.

"The power of mountains and rivers!"

With a long cry, Xuan Yu's sword instantly turned into a streamer and unbiasedly chopped on the black bear!


The black bear immediately flew out like a baseball being pumped, and a huge roar was embedded in the rock wall not far away.

Wow! Blood spurts!

Because of the strong defense power of the Black Rock Iron Armor, Xuanyu's sword is too powerful to attack, and it still hurts its internal organs through the armor!

It's like a ten-year-old child's steel shield can indeed block the adult's attack, but the adult really wants to punch him, and feels so hard that he can drink a pot of light shock!

Iron armor has a good defense, but it can't stop the anti-seismic force. Nie Yun's tendency of mountains and rivers has concentrated the whole body's strength in one sword. The strong attack power is not what Black Rock can resist now!

"Mystery, purple pupil light!"

When Nie Yun Yijian flew to Black Rock, the purple pupil on one side started to work. With huge eyes, she shot a bright purple light, and the gorgeous purple completely covered the whole valley.


Feeling that purple light penetrates into the body, Nie Yun feels that the whole person's thinking seems to be slow, and he can't move.

"Awesome secret ..."

Reaching the Supreme level will allow you to understand the secrets naturally, but the secrets like iron armor dragons can slow people's thinking and can't move. It's really amazing!


Seeing that the boy did not hide from his secret method, his body stiffened down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zitong flickered, and the huge dragon's mouth bit down to Nie Yun's neck!

As a descendant of the Dragon tribe, Zitong Iron Armored Dragon has noble blood and sharp teeth. This will be bitten in the head by him.


When he saw it opened wide, Nie Yun sneered, and the sword of Xuanyu in his hand suddenly trembled, and the purple light in the sky was cleaned, and the rigid body recovered again.

"Let's go too!"

After breaking the imprisonment of Ziguang, the sword of Nie Yunxuanyu swept across!


The huge body of the purple pupil iron armor dragon immediately flew out sideways, and slammed heavily on the black bear who had not yet got up!


Smashed by the huge body of the iron armor dragon, the black bear spurted blood again, and he had the heart to die. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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