Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1480: Inward

The Jinxuan Mystery Stele is a treasure that he got before he entered the Ten Great Ancient Lands. He thought that it was involved in the inheritance left by a strong man. He never dreamed that it would be the key to open the map of this territory. No wonder it was not felt in the remains of God. The ancient battlefield is suspended above the ruins and is completely in two different worlds, so it is difficult to sense it.


Finding the key to open the territory map, refining it has become very simple, a few breaths of effort, the stone map has been completely refined by him.

"The territorial map is only temporarily detained, and it cannot be killed at all ..."

Refined fossil map, Nie Yun also understood.

Originally thinking about refining the territory map, you can directly kill Su Lin and others in the map. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. I will restrict it to the map, but just evaluate it. I want to kill the other party. It takes more difficulty.

In this case, let's not start off the grass.

As soon as the spirit moved, Nie Yun hid again, and at the same time with the palm of his hand, the huge territory map immediately shrank and turned into a cold mang into his body.

Huh Huh Huh!

As soon as the territory map was taken away by him, the ground in front of him flickered a bit. Seven rays of light fell on the ground at the same time. Su Lin and others fell to the ground, panting heavily, panicking.

"What about the territory map? Who has refined it?"

After taking a few breaths, Su Lin looked up into the air, his pupils narrowed, and he stood up and looked around for a week, with a cold chill in his eyes.

Before they finished the assessment, they were excluded from the territory map, indicating that the map had been refined and had a master.

"who is it?"

Prince Fu Jiang was also ugly, his eyes staring at the crowd with **** eyes.

Territory map is such a good thing. Everyone is thinking that they can take it for themselves, but now they have been refined and don't know, it is really annoying.

"Just a few of us. Everyone went in just now. Whoever refines it will admit it directly. There is no need to hide it!"

Qi Xun raised his eyebrows, and also showed displeased.

"Don't look at me. I refined it. Sure to say it!"

Seeing several people's eyes mostly focused on him, Mo Yao snorted.

"Not me!" The remaining Zhang Lin, Zheng Zheng, and Hu Xuan shook their heads at the same time.

"None admit it ... it seems that our alliance. There is no need to exist!" Seeing that the remaining six were not adults, they all pretended to be innocent, and Su Lin's lungs quickly exploded.

His eyes were bright and energetic. I stared at each person's face carefully, and wanted to see who was lying, but found that everyone's face remained the same, and people could not see the depth.

Everyone's strength is almost the same. Each has countless means. I really don't want to admit it, unless I tear my face, I can't find it.

"Su Lin, you don't have to pretend. You first entered the stone map and knew the most about the territory map. It must be that you have refined and pretended not to admit it! Such a thing can be hidden from others. Can't live with me! "Prince Fu Jiang stepped forward, and the situation changed behind him. The surrounding space is distorted like a black hole.

Seeing the action of Prince Fu Jiang and hearing his words, Mo Yao and others all froze and looked at Su Lin one by one in confusion.

If you want to say who can refine, Su Lin really has a lot of suspicions. He first entered the picture and doubted others when he came out. Is it true that he wants to swallow this treasure alone?

"What? Do you doubt me?" Seeing that his actions were inconsistent, he struck his hand, and Su Lin's eyebrows went green. "You don't say I don't have much doubt yet. You have to say who in our group can cultivate You have to transform the territory map! The territory map is similar to the dried blood dragon seal of your dry blood dynasty. You must know how to refine it! Refining the baby's attitude of sham, the thief shouts and catches the thief, what does it mean? Have a portion? "

"Very well, I'll see if you can swallow this territory map!"

When Prince Fu Jiang saw the other party, he not only did not admit that he was "hitting a rake," and was too lazy to talk nonsense. His hands were like hooks, and he grabbed one step forward.

The wind behind him accompanied his finger torn forward like a blade, a dark energy, like the thunder of the universe, and the roar of heaven.

"Want to stop my mouth? Then see if you have the ability!"

Su Lin could not bear it for a long time, and punched out.

He hasn't shot much, and can't see the specific strength. At this time, Nie Yun found that this guy's strength was not weaker than Prince Fu Jiang. He cooperated with the dominator, and even if he himself, he could not defeat one-on-one.

The two strong men suspected that the other side had refined the territory map, and shot inconsistently. The others stayed in place, motionless, without help.

To put it bluntly, this group of people looks like an alliance, but it is actually a group of cohesive interests. Without interest, no one will be in the forefront.

"Hit, it's best to kill two first!"

Nie Yun hid on one side and looked at the two men in a fight, and laughed inwardly.

He just took away the territory map and did not expect such an effect.

Of course, although he muttered in his heart, he also knew that it was unrealistic to want them to kill each other.

All of them are smart people, knowing that the most important treasure has not appeared, and fighting for life now will only make others take advantage.

Nie Yun reasoned that the two men in the battle had entered into a fever.

The Prince Fujiang did not know what tricks he had performed. The sky was shrouded in gloomy darkness, countless weapons in the light, axes, badgers, hooks, forks, sticks, sticks, swords, halberds ... The sky fell from the sky, and these weapons formed various forms in the sky. The various formation methods are like hundreds of millions of troops doing a neat dispatch.

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers? You are fierce! However, it is not so easy to kill me!"

Seeing this strange trick in the sky, Surin's face changed.

[One Thousand Soldiers Formation] is a famous trick of the royal family of the dried blood dynasty. Using thousands of weapons to form a large array, it is like thousands of troops coming.

Looking at the weapons in the air, all of them are top-quality chaos soldiers. Although they are less than 100,000, there are thousands of them. In one shot, so many weapons are arranged into arrays. I am afraid that only one prince has such a large skill!

If this kind of trick is adopted, there will be a big loss. In the long howling, Su Lin's body flashed, cracks appeared at his feet, and he jumped lightly, and dozens of arrays appeared immediately in front of him.

Some of these formations preside over killing, some are psychedelic, and some are full of traps ... As soon as the formation appears in the space in front of everyone, they are distorted, making it difficult to see the real battle scene.

"It is truly a reincarnation, so rich ..."

Seeing this, Nie Yun could not help shaking his head and admired.

The two fighting, one is a prince, and the other is a reincarnation. The treasures on them are countless. The tricks of the two are certainly not their strongest means, but they are also shocking. Compared with it, he is still no different from Jiaozi .


The battle method defeated the weapons in the sky, and Prince Fu Jiang grabbed the weapons and took them back. The two looked at each other, and each of them saw the fear in the other's eyes.

"I don't think the two will fight. It doesn't make any sense to kill each other. Let's find the most precious treasure first!"

Seeing the two stopped, Mo Yao and others looked at each other and stepped forward to dissuade them.

"Fine! Prince Fujiang, you must have seen it. I want to kill you, it is not easy, but it is not easy for you to kill me. It doesn't make sense to continue to fight!" Su Lindao.

"Yes, I don't want to kill you!" Prince Fu Jiang did not deny.

"That being the case ~ www.readwn.com ~ I want to say it again, afterwards we will be frank with each other, the crisis in the temple is heavy, and we will kill each other, I am afraid that no benefit will be gained!" Su Lin hummed.

"I think so too, it's better not to play tricks with me!" Prince Fu Jiang stared at the other side with his eyes.

"Well, let's go!" Seeing that he didn't admit it, and doubted him, Su Lin looked at the others in confusion, knowing that if he said more at this time, it would only cause greater contradictions. Go on.

Although he really wanted to kill Prince Fu Jiang, but he couldn't complete it by his means, and others couldn't work, he really had to tear his face and suffered even more, so hesitated, just let it go .

His actions, Prince Fu Jiang, also looked in his eyes, his eyes flickered, and I didn't know what to think, but he didn't stop.

The movements of the two people were all watching, and the seven of them had their own ghosts and went forward again. After this incident, there was no tacit understanding just now, and they did not know what the other party thought.

ps: Whooooooooooooooooooh, there are only poor six-month monthly tickets, do n’t everyone have any tickets? Please cast it, thank you! !! ...

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