Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1481: Chaos Speech Wall

woo woo woo woo!

Walking across the corridor where the territory map is located, a dark room appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he entered the room, a cry of whining sounded in the air, like ape crying in the valley, which made people fear.

"Yes [Yuan Wen Crying Blood] ... Everyone be careful!"

Hearing this voice, Su Lin shouted, pointing his finger up a bit, a light cut through the space and illuminated the surroundings.

"According to legend, in ancient times, a suzerain ’s wives and children were killed by a ruling juggernaut. His strength could not be revenge, so he had to hang on to Lin Yuan and let his whole body strength become a remnant. Even birds are not allowed to pass! Later, a strong man passing by here felt out of harmony, condensed this grievance, and sealed it in a book with ancient chaos. Unfortunately, the grievance of this strong man was too strong. Even if the seal is sealed, this book still makes cuckoo cries every night, and its strength is slightly inferior. When you hear this, you will fall into infinite sorrow and life and death! This book was called Yuan Wen crying blood, is it true? of?"

Qi Xun seemed to know the allusions of Yuan Wen crying blood very clearly, feeling the impact of the grievances in the air on his soul, his scalp exploded.

After hearing the explanation, everyone looked up and brushed up, at this time, the light was dazzling, and the source of the sound was clear.

I saw a book suspended in the air, with a human head above him, with intense resentment in his eyes, which made people glance at it, and his heart trembled.

woo woo woo woo!

The head was so cold that he suddenly fell down. Came to everyone in an instant.


Su Lin grabbed the past upwards, a barrier appeared over the crowd, and the barrier was completely composed of fairy power. Thick and dignified.


The barrier didn't stop the cold, and continued to fall down.

"This is a mental attack caused by resentment. Xianli can't resist it. Look at me!"

Mo Yao stepped forward, his palms became larger, and a thick book in the palm of his hand immediately formed an umbrella in the sky. The ancient chaotic words on the top exude a sound similar to heaven. The falling cold mang touched one of them, and suddenly made a noisy sound like ice cubes burned by coals. Disappeared in the air.


Seeing that Mo Yao actually had books written in ancient chaos, the head of the air was surprised, faded, and went into the book below. Make a sound of breaking. Fly straight out.

"Where to go!"


Prince Fu Jiang stepped forward, and a flame spread out from his palm, straight over the books.

As soon as the flames appeared, the surrounding space was burnt and twisted.

Beacon Talent!

"The prince who doesn't care, don't bother, let me do it!"

Seeing the other party's display of the beacon talent, it was obvious that he wanted to burn the books in front of him, and Mo Yao snorted. Books in the palm of your hand trembled, and dozens of words are densely intertwined. A fishnet-like thing was formed and flew in the direction of the book.

Fishing nets have a vast ancient meaning, as if they came from the depths of the mixed ocean. The escaped books seem to see the most terrible things, and the speed continues to accelerate.

"Everyone keeps up and this thing shows that there must be a library of books written in ancient Chaos here. Keep up with this guy and you will definitely find it!"

Mo Yao shouted loudly.

"A library of books written in ancient chaos?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Before entering the shrine, Surin said several treasures. This ancient chaotic book is impressively listed. This kind of book is not only a powerful weapon, often enlightened, but also allows people to quickly understand the Three Thousand Avenues. For a great help.

"Catch up!"

Surin and others dare not hesitate to fly straight behind the books.

"Follow up and see!"

Nie Yun, who followed quietly, saw them walking away and followed them calmly.

After walking for a while, the eyes were radiant, the ground was shaking, a vast civilization passed from the front, and the ground seemed to be printed with golden light.

Stopping, Nie Yun looked forward, and saw that the first seven people walking had stopped in front of a huge room.

There is a special light flashing outside this room, like a powerful writing force, the voice is loud inside, it seems that there are books constantly chanting incomprehensible language.

The books that had just escaped seemed to have entered the room.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of books ... at least a dozen, so many books must have covered the Three Thousand Avenues. As long as we get them, we will become a strong master, and we are just around the corner!"

Su Lin and others stood in the front, looked into the room, only glanced at each other, their faces were ruddy, and it was difficult to control themselves with excitement.

"I'll go check it out!"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Xuan rushed forward.

He rushed faster and retreated faster. The light in the front of the room immediately saw him rushing to form a huge wall. When he touched the wall, Hu Xuan's body immediately burned, giving off a strong odor, Blood spurted and flew out.


He fell heavily to the ground, his face was pale, and his internal organs were completely black.


Looking at his appearance, Mo Yao hurried forward, grasping the palm of his hand, and the books in his palm fell down, forming a special airflow that shrouded it. After a while, Hu Xuan's injuries were intact and his pale face recovered.

"Don't worry, the light outside the room is a special seal formed by these books. It is called [Chaos Wall]. It has a very strong defense force. If you force it, it will be counterattacked!"

After curing Hu Xuan, Mo Yao said solemnly.

"Chaos wall?"

"It is a defense written in ancient chaos, with‘ wall, attack, kill, defense ’and other fonts. If you ca n’t comprehend these ancient chaos, you will only get a stronger counterattack!”

Mo Yao knows a lot about books written in ancient Chaos. He looked at the wall that just appeared suddenly and said slowly.

After hearing his words, everyone looked, and sure enough, they saw strange runes flowing in the walls shrouded in light, forming special strokes, completely blending with the atmosphere of the chaotic ocean, with inexplicable coercion.

Ancient chaotic text!

"Comprehensive understanding? The ancient chaotic language was originally difficult to understand. If we could not enter without understanding, would we still wait here?"

Prince Fu Jiang frowned.

It is very difficult to comprehend the ancient chaotic language itself. This can be seen from the three big characters of Guihuihai. No one has comprehended it for countless years. Only comprehension can go in. They ca n’t wait here forever!

"Comprehensive understanding of nature is the best way, and there is another way ... that is, to storm and tear this wall! If we can succeed, we can all go in!"

Mo Yao said.


Surin came up.

He was not proficient with Mo Yao about ancient Chaos books. He immediately nodded in agreement with Mo Yao's words.

Time does not wait for people. They can only stay in the ruins of God for three months. It is obviously unrealistic to stay here for a book.

"Prince Fujiang, it depends on your means!"

Surin turned to look at Fu Jiang.

"Look at my means? What do you mean?" Prince Fu Jiang turned his head.

"As far as I know, your dry blood dynasty has a weapon called Fuxu Danshan. This mountain has great power. Look at so many treasures in the hands of the prince. This thing must be in your hands. It is better to exhibit it to chaos The wall is broken! "

Surin Road.

"what did you say?"

Prince Fu Jiang's face sank, his whole body flashed, and he would run away at any time.

It's okay to mention Fuxuan Danshan. Immediately reminding him of the previous events, he almost lost his life.

"Eh? Why? If you don't want to take it out, don't you want to keep working with me?"

Seeing his appearance, Su Lin once again became unhappy.

Is this guy ill, I just asked, if it does n’t matter, what is the attitude?

"Huh!" Prince Fu Jiang waved his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ to Su Lin, he had no certainty to win. Continuing the fight would only add laughter and no meaning.

Besides, he took a closer look at the other party and did not seem to know what he had lost in Fuxu Danshan. He just asked about it, and he thought a little bit more.

"I can try it!"

The two stopped talking, and Qi Xun hesitated to step forward, palms raised, and an ancient ship appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Broken Shenzhou?"

Seeing this ancient ship, everyone stunned at the same time, and then exclaimed.

ps: There is a chapter at 12 pm, continue to ask for two monthly tickets ... Some do n’t forget to vote, oh!

Then ps: Recommend a new fantasy book, gray is often good. And this is the URL:

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