Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1482: Broken Shenzhou

"Yes, it was the Shenzhou that I obtained in one experience. The peak chaos is not only a magic weapon for flight, but also an offensive magic weapon. If you run rampant, your soul will be destroyed!"

Seeing everyone exclaimed, Qi Xun was slightly proud.

Breaking the Shenzhou, known as breaking the god, the soul can be broken, an absolute offensive weapon.

Seeing that he took out the broken Shenzhou, Prince Fu Jiang was also surprised. Obviously, he was very surprised that Qi Xun had such things.

This broken Shenzhou is indistinguishable from his Fuxian Danshan, both of which are group magic weapons, but this broken Shenzhou is more flexible and powerful.

"What are you going to do? Do we need to cooperate?"

Surin asked.

"I need your cooperation. After a while, we will all enter the cabin. Everyone will work with me to smash the Shenzhou and directly collide with the Chaos Speech Wall. It should be able to tear the seal directly!"

Qi Xun said.

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded.

This is very simple and there is no danger.

"It's not too late, let's start now!"

When Qi Xun lifted his palm, he broke through the Shenzhou volley and flew in the air, turning into a hundred feet in length, with the taste of ancient vicissitudes and chaos, as if to break through the chaotic ocean and swim the universe.

"It's even more powerful than the ancient Yuezong's Jingyue ancient ship!" Nie Yun stunned.

Gu Yong and the three great suzerains all have such an ancient ship to ride on, each of which contains a small world and infinite power, but it is also only a top-grade chaos warrior, but this is the pinnacle, which is awesome.

Of course, this is not to say that the current Qi Xun is richer than the four lords. The lord Yong took the Jingyue ancient ship to transport his disciples, not to attack. He must have a more terrible attacking weapon in his hands, otherwise it would not be easy. I gave Hanyang sword to myself.

The broken Shenzhou became larger, and everyone immediately flew up. Prince Fu Jiang walked in the end, showing greed in his eyes, but he soon covered it.

This broken Shenzhou is no worse than the lost Fuxu Danshan, if it can be grabbed. Returning to the palace also explained.

Everyone entered the broken Shenzhou, and the hull of the ship suddenly shone, and the powerful forces continued to spread outward, and the tide was surging.

All seven people used the dominator sign, which is equivalent to the superpower of the lord. The seven lords simultaneously exerted their full urging. The Shenzhou immediately burst out the violent amount that broke the world and rushed to the seal in front of him.


There was a roar that made the world and the earth tremble, and a force to destroy the world centered on the broken Shenzhou and the room, rippling away. The ground and walls peeled off layer by layer, and Nie Yun hidden in the ground shook her body twice, and her chest became stuffy, so she almost showed her figure.

Under the violent impact of the Chaos Speech Wall, the written characters on it kept shaking. A tiny crack appeared.

"carry on!"

Seeing a crack appear on the wall of chaotic speech, Surin and others were delighted, breaking Shenzhou to speed up, and continued to bump into it.

Carrying the mighty power of the peak chaos and the power of the seven lords, the chaos wall finally couldn't hold it, and tore it from the middle, a huge crack appeared.

"Go in!"

Broken Shenzhou rushed in along the crack. The seven figures flickered out, Qi Xun reached out and grabbed, and the huge broken Shenzhou fell into his palm and melted into his body.

Zizi Zizi!

The books in front of them were shaking and rushing straight out.

These books are not words written by the strong, but some ancient chaos. Because the spiritual imprint of the strong is not added, it will not form a book demon like those in the Guixuhai Bookstore, but even so, it has a powerful power. Like some powerful weapons, it has unique spirituality.

"Everyone shot together!"

When Su Lin took the shot, the immortal Xianli formed a huge fishing net, which capsized downward from the air.

At this point, without his shouting, everyone knew what to do, and each took out his strongest method. For a time, the entire hall was shrouded in chaotic air, and dozens of books that rushed outward were pulled by the power instantly. Struggling so hard to escape.


With a loud roar, the power formed by the seven people gathered together into a huge palm, grabbing many books in the palm of the hand and pulling them over.


Many books also seemed to feel the danger, and made a flipping sound of the book. Suddenly, they didn't escape and clawed together.

Suddenly the two of them fused together, erupting different powers, as if the books could also unite and exert far-reaching abilities.


The combined book slammed into it and slammed into the big hand.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

The seven people turned red at the same time, and then quit, blood spurting.

Seven people joined hands together, and the general top-level lord class powerhouses had to retreat from their homes. They were thrown back by dozens of books, making Su Lin and others look ugly.

"This is not a dozen books, but a book that is broken for some reason. Because of this, it cannot be transformed into a human form and possesses self-awareness. But now it has spirituality. Once they have been merged for a long time, It is bound to become a huge existence that we are all unable to compete with! This spirituality must be killed as soon as possible! "

Prince Fu Jiang was well-informed and roared.

"A book broke for some reason?"

The crowd was stunned first, and then shocked.

He is right, if this book is not separated, it must have formed self-awareness and transformed into a human form. Like the book emperor in Guixu, he has even escaped from here.

At this time, again, all the spirituality is superimposed, and this spiritual consciousness will surely appear soon if this spirituality is not worn out as soon as possible. Even if they join together, it is still uncertain.

"Get on board!"

Knowing this, Su Lin and others were thinking of how to destroy the spirituality of this book. When they heard a shout from behind, they immediately saw the broken Shenzhou appearing in the air again, and Qi Xun was greeting everyone.

"Yes, use a broken Shenzhou!"

The crowd was suddenly shocked, and at the same time they flew over to the ship.

The broken Shenzhou can attack the soul, and the spirituality formed by books can also attack!


The seven returned to the broken Shenzhou, and the big ship sang loudly. As before, with the power and momentum that crushed all the ancients and settled the heavens, they rushed straight towards the books.

The books are fused together, and the spirituality is even higher than just now. It seems to know the price that might be paid when being hit by the broken Shenzhou, and then fled after turning around.

A huge font appeared in the air, and when it was pushed, the speed of the book became several times faster. The Shenzhou collision did not work and it hit the air.

"It should be the word" speed "or" line "in the ancient chaos! Corresponding to the talent of Skywalker, otherwise it would not be possible for books to erupt so quickly!

Nie Yun, who was hiding underground, looked at this scene in his eyes and judged secretly in his heart.

Although he didn't know the word, it gave him the feeling of a skywalker and should have a very close relationship with the skywalk.

"Where to go!"

The books fled faster, the Shenzhou broke faster, and the boats infused with the power of the seven masters broke through time and space like lightning. They came to the books in a blink of an eye and crashed into them.


There is a special wave of strength in front of the broken Shenzhou. Don't hit the book, it won't tear, but shake it a bit and fall from the air.

Obviously, due to this collision, its inherently weak spirituality suffered a fatal blow.


Seeing that the books fell, there was still some trembling spirituality that had not completely disappeared. The broken Shenzhou rushed again and hit it severely again.

This time, the spirituality of the book was completely worn away, and the power was completely exhausted.

"Haha, see where else are you fleeing!"

Su Lin flew out of the ship ~ www.readwn.com ~ laughing loudly, holding a palm of his hand, holding the book directly in his palm.

Without spirituality, it is just an ordinary book. It is filled with ancient chaos. Each one represents the avenue, and people cannot understand what is written.

"After solving the problems, discuss how to divide the books, Qi Xun, do it!"

Seeing everyone's eyes were fiery, Su Lin snorted suddenly, pointing his finger in one direction.


Qi Xun nodded, and Broken Shenzhou violently changed direction in the air, rushing forward in one direction with great potential.


Nie Yun's pupils suddenly shrank.

The direction in which the broken Shenzhou rushed was exactly where he was hiding.

ps: I have to supervise the high school March exam during the day, so I do n’t have time for the code. I will come back at night and re-code. . I wish I could see a lot of monthly tickets when I came back, hehe.

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