Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1483: Escape

Chapter 148 Escape

"Well, it was found ..."

When seeing the broken Shenzhou rushing straight, the direction was facing his hiding place, the world was broken, domineering, and Nie Yun's scalp exploded.

Stealing the sword fairy gourd by himself, taking away the territory map, it looks very secretive, and the means are very clear. In fact, the other party has already discovered it. Even Su Lin and Prince Fu Jiang fought a lot to show him and let him eliminate it. Alert, kill in one fell swoop!

Each of these people is either a rebirth of an old monster who has not lived for many years, or a peerless genius. If such a weird thing happens, it will not be seen, and it is too idiotic!

I'm afraid I didn't make a shot just now. The first was to paralyze myself. The other was to find these books. I was afraid to destroy them at the critical moment.

Sure enough, it is not easy to deal with, it is a great effort!

The speed of breaking Shenzhou was very fast. When Nie Yun understood this, he had torn the space and came to his eyes. The fierce force brought heavy pressure and confined all the surrounding space. Nie Yun was instantly wrapped in a mule, even if the means No matter how strong the wings of the Phoenix are, they cannot escape!

"Space oppression, soul locked ..."

Nie Yun's face was ugly.

This broken Shenzhou not only has the ability to destroy the soul, but it can also block time and space. It really locks the soul and makes people unable to escape.

This is the case now, unless his strength truly reaches 2,900 avenues, and he can run away even with the Rune of Domination. Even if many talents are exerted at the same time, they will only be crushed alive, without the ability to escape and resist.

"How to do how to do……"

Since coming to Xieyue Extreme Domain. All the way down the road, although there are also thrills, but there has never been such a crisis, this feeling makes him seem to return to the floating continent, the scene when Yun Xuan and Mihua jointly hunted, was also completely imprisoned, no trace Method.

"Master. Fast forward to Tianxuan Temple!"

Seeing that the Shenzhou has arrived, there is no escape, and he will be crushed alive at any time. A voice sounded suddenly in my ears.

Little spirit's voice.

"Yes, go!"

Hearing this, Nie Yun's body flickered and disappeared from the crowd in an instant. Then a huge palace appeared.


Broken Shenzhou and Tianxuan Temple were slamming together. The whole hall rolled up, and numerous restraints were torn apart.


Nie Yun, who had just entered Tianxuan Hall, fell to the ground with a blast of blood. Although he escaped fast, the pressure of breaking Shenzhou was too great, and his soul and body had been injured.

Moreover, unless the Tianxuan Temple blocked most of the power at the critical moment, the soul would be crushed directly. Drink hate on the spot.

No wonder the chaos speech wall has just been torn, and the broken Shenzhou with seven people is really terrible! Strength has definitely reached the peak of the suzerain level!

"So strong ..."

The spirit of wood is moving fast in the body. Restoring the wounds of his body and soul, Nie Yun stood up, exhaling a breath, revealing a shocking color.

If it was n’t for Tian Xuan Temple, if you changed it to someone else, even if it was the strength of the King of Heaven, this time it would be destroyed and the bones would not exist.

It seems that the other party tried hard to kill him, leaving no means at all.

"Peak of Chaos-level palace?"

Nie Yun's face was ugly, and Su Lin and others were also full of accidents. I thought that the seven people who had gathered the power of the Shenzhou would collide, and they would die directly regardless of the other party ’s strength. The strength of the ban, even if Shenzhou is so powerful, cannot be broken in a short time.

However, after the accident, all eyes were hot.

There are many top-level chaotic magic soldiers, but there are almost no palace weapons. This type of weapon is slightly different from the boat type. It is more suitable for restraining and stronger defense. Although there are not many offensive means and true value, Not lower than the broken Shenzhou, even worse!

Especially when they saw the prohibition on the palace and even the broken Shenzhou they joined together could not be torn apart, their eyes brightened.

If you can get this palace, it's definitely worth the trip!

"Hit hard and tear these seals! Whoever killed this man is this palace!"

With a roar, Surin's eyes were filled with greed.

"it is good!"

Others did not use him to say, they were all rushing in blood, and the Shenzhou "Boom!" Rushed up again and hit the Tianxuan Temple fiercely. The severe tremor and the violent force made Nie Yun take a nap again. reclined.

"Well, continue to knock them down. Although the Tianxuan Temple will not be destroyed, these seals will inevitably be torn, and there will be nowhere to escape when that happens!"

When he saw several more seals being torn, Nie Yun was anxious.

If you don't want to do anything else, the outer seal will inevitably be completely torn, and when the other party rushes in, it will be difficult to escape.


Seeing the opponent ’s broken Shenzhou rushing again, the palm of his hand turned over, Fuxu Danshan appeared on the palm of the hand, and “嗖!” Shot out from the Tianxuan Temple, turned into a tall mountain, and greeted the past.


Taking this opportunity, he flew out of the Tianxuan Temple and grabbed the palace gently.


When the Shenzhou and the mountain peak were touched, the latter could not resist the powerful impact and rolled over.

Although Fuxian Danshan is almost the same as the broken Shenzhou in front of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ are all powerful treasures, but the other seven people are fully driven, and they are forced to meet with Nie Yun, the difference is too great, not at all a level.


Knowing that at this time, he and the other side could not fight at all. With the help of the peak of the mountain, the wings of the Phoenix unfolded, and Nie Yun's body stretched out and rushed forward.


He walked fast, being rushed by Zhenfei's peak faster, rolling down and crushing with the force of tearing space.


The spirit moves into the world of things.

According to the speed of the mountain peaks, even if it is a refining weapon, if you pick it up with your bare hands, you will be crushed alive if you don't get it right, but it will not be involved in the world of receiving things.


Taking the mountain away, Nie Yun didn't dare to stop at all, the wings of the Phoenix kept dancing, and penetrated through the space and time to the depths of the hall.

At this point, nothing can be taken care of, and the danger inside can't be controlled, so let's escape first.

"It's you?"

Fuxu Danshan appeared, and Nie Yun showed the wings of the Phoenix again. Prince Fu Jiang could not recognize it, and his anger was ejected from the cranial cavity, burning into a red flame.

The enemies were very jealous when they met. At that time, the king of heaven and the king of cicadas looked at each other side by side and had to run away. At this time, they placed an order, how can they let it go, in the roar, a finger, a cold mang immediately at Nie Yun pierced his back.

ps: After a day of invigilation, I wrote a new chapter. There was a guest at home at noon. I didn't sleep. It was too scarce. Just two chapters today. Let's work harder tomorrow and try to break out. . .

Hey, it seems that Confucius was right. He didn't sleep at noon and collapsed in the afternoon. . Hum, ask for two monthly passes to comfort me. . (To be continued ...) RT

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