Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1493: Heart of Ruins

The stone statue was split off half of its body, and the rock shattered. Under the attack of murderous force for a long time, it became a little dark. Vertex Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

I walked over the stone statue and came to the hall where I saw Nie Tong before long.

There was nothing in the hall, only a huge stone statue standing in front of the clouds.

This stone statue is not much different from the outside, it is more complete, I do n’t know what stone is carved, smooth and without any flaws, stepped out to the stone statue, and flicked the palm on it, the rock above was cut off by his palm. Hunk.


With a clear drink, the palm power broke out and hit the stone statue severely.


Huge stone statues standing for hundreds of millions of years, under the ferocious force, issued a "squeak!" Roar, slowly fell down, and raised a piece of dust.

"Sure enough!"

The stone statue was overthrown, and he flew up quickly, looking down, and sure enough he saw a sealed entrance.

The entrance is not large, only one person is allowed to enter, and the seal flows around, flashing a lilac ripple. Hearing the description of King Aoba about dominating the soldiers, he thought of it, and it seemed that there was a different place below the statue.

Coming to the seal, the palm stretched forward slightly.


Ziguang's victory, and a strong reaction force spread up his arm, making him reluctantly take a few steps back.

"It's really amazing, the ring road is broken!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun made a punch.

The avenue ring matched the strongest strength in the whole body, and Ziguang was suppressed immediately. The seal cracked.

Gently stroked like a fish and dived from the seal.


A huge room appeared before his eyes.


The soles of the feet had not yet landed, and a dull idea sounded from a distance. Then Nie Yun saw a fist coming out of the air.

The master of the fist was shrouded in black clothes, unable to see his face and age, his strength was torn down, the air was torn and his energy was roaring.

"No fairy power?"

Feeling the attack from the opponent, there was no fluctuation of the fairy power, and Nie Yun's body fluttered away. See each other's looks.

This is a puppet made without knowing anything, with a stiff expression, but very powerful. With every punch, even the lord of the two thousand nine hundred avenues could not bear it and would be killed alive.

The running strength of the Nie Yun Avenue circle has surpassed the suzerain, reaching a half step to dominate the territory and grabbing forward. A huge barrier appeared.

Boom boom!

The power of cricket hit the barrier. All blocked out.

"This is awful, see if it can be refined!"

Seeing that this puppet was able to fight autonomously, and his strength was comparable to the power of the suzerain class, Nie Yun was happy in his heart, concentrated, and turned into a thin line to entangle him.


The spirit enters the body of the maggot, and later arrives at the core position, urging the maggot to be a king of chaos!

No wonder it has such power. Use the Chaos King Stone to urge and create this shy guy. The handwriting is too big!

The spirit came to the core and touched it. After a moment, I stopped attacking and came to me in a few steps: "Master!"

"It's as simple as refining ..."

When he saw the action of Ning Yun, Nie Yun could not laugh or cry.

I thought it would take at least a long time for such a powerful puppet to refine. I never dreamed that it would be so simple.

"where is this place?"

Seeing that this tadpole was different from the one I had seen before, and was able to speak, Nie Yun was a little strange and asked.

"Back to the master, this is the core of the ancient battlefield and the core of the relics of God!"


"The core of the ancient battlefield?"

Nie Yun froze and turned to look around the room, and it really made him see the difference.

At the very center of the room, a heart-like sphere is beating constantly, exuding a powerful majestic breath.

"This ... is it the heart of the ancient battlefield?"

Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

He had seen this kind of thing before in the Six Heavens and Earth, just like the dark magic heart of the original refining. As long as refining, it is equal to refining a world. It is hard for King Wanli to be right. Climbing up the iron chain, is it possible to refine the entire ancient battlefield?

A few steps came to the ball.

I saw that the sphere and the territorial map exude the heavy majesty of the earth, as if it represented the countless spaces of the whole god's relics, including a huge world.

"Can I refine this?"

Seeing that the cricket came over, Nie Yun turned his head and asked.

It is rare for this uncle to know who it is, but to have his own will like Qi Ling.

"You can refine, but you shouldn't be able to do it now ... if you don't believe it, try it!" I saw that he was eager to try in his eyes and did not stop.

"All right, let me try!"

He realized that the boulevard circle was as strong as the No. 1 strongest player who dominated Jiuzhong Realm in half a step. He couldn't believe that a round ball could not be refined.

As soon as the spirit moved, a drop of blood flew from his fingertips and flew straight toward the ball, and at the same time, a strong mental force spread to the ball in front of him.

Zizi Zizi!

It seemed to feel his strong mental power and what he wanted to do. A special electric flicker on the surface of the ball, and a strong anti-thrust thrust surged, pushing him away.


Taking a few steps back in a row, Nie Yun actually felt like he couldn't breathe.

"This ... really can't be refined? What's going on?"

After only a few experiments, Nie Yun suddenly understood that the ball in front of him was not refining now! This thing seems to limit the strength level, although he has a combat power comparable to half-step dominating the strong, but the real strength is not high.

"If you want to refine the heart of this ruin, you must have the strength of 2,990 avenues, or the combat power of 2,999 avenues ... If you can't reach it, you cannot refine it!"


"The strength of two hundred and ninety-nine avenues?" Nie Yun looked bitter.

Although he is able to defeat the two hundred and ninety-nine Avenue powerhouses now, his real strength is still far behind. All his strengths rely on the Avenue ring, and he really has the fighting power in these two situations.

Unable to refine the orb in front of him, naturally he could not control the relic of this god, Nie Yun shook his head and continued to look around.

After looking at it for a while, it was strange that this room had nothing but a ball.

"Does this temple dominate the soldiers?"

There is nothing that can't refine the heart of the ruins. The key is to dominate the soldiers. Nie Yun comes back here again for this purpose.

"There is a master soldier in the temple area, but I don't know where it is. I'm just a puppet here and I can't go out!"

I shook my head.

"Yes? Since it's good!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

He was afraid there wasn't here, and the other party confirmed that there was a glimmer of hope.

"Master, if you are leaving the ruins of God, this is the Chaos Teleporter, which allows you to return here again, even if the ruins of God are closed, it will not be affected!"

Seeing that Nie Yun intends to return to the temple to find the master soldier ~ www.readwn.com ~ He came over.

"Chaos teleporter?" Nie Yun laughed.

I was still thinking that once three months had passed, once he left here, he would not be able to return even if his strength was reached. After all, the four major gates could only be opened together in order to open the ruins. It had to be done once a million years. He didn't have to wait so much time.

This kind of teleporter is different. The chaotic teleporter can be directly transmitted here regardless of the seal and the barrier of the world. In the future, the power is really strong. You can come back again and refine the heart of this ruin easily!

Reaching for the Chaos Teleporter, Nie Yun was full of joy, but at the same time a little strange.

The progress of returning to the temple this time was a bit frank, and he couldn't believe it.

"This is because the owner climbed up through the iron chain, and the body has been completely tempered again by the runes! These runes are the Wang Wangqiangs who left the realization of the avenue and integrated it into the body, which is equivalent to having obtained the temple. Acknowledgment, plus your fighting power is comparable to half-step dominating the strong, so it will be easier! "

Seems to see his doubts, I explained.

"So it is!"

Nie Yun understood: "I went out first and will come back to you later!"

Although I really wanted to take this puppet out, but the other party couldn't leave the room, just give up, explain, and stretched out from the previous seal to return to the temple. (To be continued ...)

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