Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1494: Ji Xu

Knowing that there are master soldiers in the temple area, Nie Yun is full of strength again, and his spirit is flowing like mercury, spreading slowly around him. This time he was very careful not to let go of any strange place, and even glanced under the sky with his eyes. A circle.

The temple was wide and vast. Nie Yun spent a full three days scanning while moving forward. Abandoned peak-level chaos soldiers found a lot. The so-called master soldiers did not even find a similar thing.

"Is it the wrong direction or is it out of the temple?"

Three days and three nights of sleepless sleep, different exhausting search, even though Nie Yun's strength is strong, he also feels tired.

Searching for this, he was a little skeptical, whether the cricket was lying to him.

"If it is not within the scope of the temple, look for it in the entire ancient battlefield. It will be worth the effort to dominate a soldier!"

After three days of searching, he came to the entrance of the temple unconsciously, walked out of the half-covered door, and looked out. Nie Yun had a decision in his heart.

If he can't find it in the temple, he will spend more time searching the entire ancient battlefield. It is definitely worth the hard work to dominate the soldiers!

Relying on his current strength and cooperating with a master soldier, as long as he is not the master, he will not be afraid even if he encounters the 299th Avenue Powerhouse.

Make a decision, relax a lot in my heart, stretched a lazy waist, was trying to gather the spirit to find in the ancient battlefield, eyes suddenly fell on the stone statue outside the hall.

This stone statue is the same as the one in the temple, but was cut off by people. Only the soles of the feet and the long sword in the hands remain proudly sky-high, showing strong anger and unwillingness.

This stone statue is very expressive, with a strong momentum. Although there is no head, the deterrent power is undiminished, as if King Shura in the heyday, with pride and disobedience.

"King Shura ... the battle must have been terrible ... eh?"

Seeing such a mighty stone statue being split in half by a sword, Nie Yun said with emotion, but the words were not finished. Suddenly I thought of something, my eyes were getting brighter, and I burst out laughing in excitement: "Haha. Haha! I'm so stupid, I saw it when I came, but I didn't know it!"

The laughter was over and he stood up straight. Gently move. When he came to the stone statue, he clamped his hands, and the long sword held in his hand by the half stone statue was lifted by him.

This long sword seems to be carved entirely from stone, and has nothing to do with the so-called Lord God Soldier. Lifting it up, Nie Yun did not have the slightest frustration, but took a strong sense of excitement.

Gently stroke the palm on the stone sword.


The stones above melted immediately like snow, and a cloud of smoke scattered under the impact of his thick palms, revealing the hidden things below.

A sharp sword!

This sword is made of unknown materials. The whole body is dark, and there is no trembling man. There is no sword intention to pierce the sky, some are ordinary and moist, comfortable in the palm of his hand, as if connected to his blood.

When the spirit moved, blood rushed along the lines of the sword. After a moment, a special idea passed over. The sword seemed to change instantly, and it trembled slightly. A straight sword stalk broke through the sky and pierced hundreds of kilometers. Distance, tearing a dark crack in the space in front of me.

"Good sword!"

At this moment, Nie Yun felt that he was this sword, and this sword was him. It can release the strongest attack. Don't think about it, this is definitely a master soldier!

It is too much stronger than the peak chaos, and the two are completely incomparable!

"Ji Xujian, I am afraid this sword was left by a strong man named Ji Xu!"

Gently brushing across the sword body, a long roar uttered a roar, and the two ancient chaotic fonts on the hilt of the sword shined brightly, shining on the four sides.

He recognized the two words, called "Ji Xu", which sounded like a personal name. This sword should be made by a master named Ji Xu who dominated the strong, and this strong was accompanied by King Shura's destruction, I am afraid It has long become a historical dust.

"Hiding the sword in the stone statue of King Shura, as soon as you come here, you can see that the Ji Xu master is really smart. I'm afraid everyone can't think of it. The most precious thing in the entire temple is not in the temple, but in Everyone can see outside the temple! "

Putting the sword away, Nie Yun smiled bitterly at the stone statue of King Shura in front of him.

This is the typical black under the lamp. I have found all parts of the temple, but I never imagined that the real treasure is hidden in the place where everyone can see it.

According to the thinking of normal people, the so-called master soldiers, which everyone wants, will be hidden, hidden in a secret place, and placed under the eyes, it is indeed difficult to think of.

If he hadn't glanced at the stone statue again, with the previous experience of overthrowing the stone statue, I am afraid it would be difficult to understand the mystery.

"Let's go back!"

The master of the magic soldier arrived, and the purpose was achieved. Nie Yun was not staying, his body cut through the sky to find the chain again, and flew straight to the direction of the ten ancient places.

Studying the Excalibur as we advanced along the road.

This Jixu sword is really the same as King Qingye said. When it is not urged, it is no different from ordinary weapons. Once urged, it immediately stirs up the huge brightness that changes the color of the world.

Of course, no one can motivate this sword. If you want to use this sword, you must cooperate with the avenue ring to exert the most powerful power. move.

Compared with this weapon, the previous Hanyang sword, Zhiqiu sword and scrap iron are no different, and can be cut and destroyed at will.


Taking Ji Xujian into his body, Nie Yun fell down.

Arrival of the King of Heaven.

"Master, you are back!"

Before entering the palace this time, beasts such as King Xuan Chan flew out.

"Go, kill the will of that corpse!"

Refining dominated the soldiers, and Nie Yun's confidence increased, and he threw the broken Shenzhou and greeted the beasts such as Qingye Wang to fly to the heartless place.

I once came here, it was faster, and it didn't take long for the huge body to appear in front of everyone.

The body was the same as it was a few days ago, without any change, and his chest was slightly undulating, as if breathing gently.

"You are still waiting here, I will try!"

Thinking of the strangeness of this corpse, Nie Yun exhaled a breath, flew directly from the broken Shenzhou, and fell to the top again.


Upon reaching the corpse, a dark shadow rushed straight into the sea of ​​his knowledge.

I had long suspected that this would happen. This time, Nie Yun was not surprised at all, and his mental strength hurried back to knowing the sea, looking at the sudden appearance in front of him.

Zizi Zizi!

The figure was the same as last time, without any change, and launched a strong offensive directly against Nie Yun's spirit. Obviously, he wanted to obliterate his spirit.

Without tension, Nie Yun also clearly saw this special will this time.

The shadow is composed of a mess of wills. This will is not like a person, it has an independent spirit, but it looks a little divergent, as if many consciousnesses are forcibly united.

"It seems that the guess is correct. The corpse is using a special method to support the entire ten-earthly souls as nourishment. Once the time is ripe, pick a batch and fuse to form his will!"

Seeing this cluttered consciousness, Nie Yun knew that there was nothing wrong with his guess. The corpse in front of him really regarded the life of the ten ancient sites as a nourishment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course, if it is just a confused consciousness, it is not worth his attention This consciousness of chaos, after being moisturized by the corpse, seems to be developing towards concentration. Looking at this situation, if there is enough time, it will definitely form a unique will and resurrect the owner of the corpse.

After death, being able to resurrect yourself is an imagination that feels terrible. According to what Nie Yun knows, even the powerful ones cannot do this.

I am afraid that only Wang Fengqiang can complete it.

But ... Aren't there only four strong kings? And only one King Shura died, then ... who is this?

"Leave it alone. If you want to be immortal, how can there be such a good thing, the soul is obliterated!"

Wanting to understand this, Nie Yun was too lazy to make nonsense. The palm of his hand continued to appear in the palm of his hand. With the help of his soul power, a reminder of the sword was formed, and he slashed straight into the shadow.


Hei Ying was hit by Ji Xujian, and instantly collapsed, completely disappearing between heaven and earth. (To be continued ...)

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