Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1498: Rampage

The speed of the ancient boat of Dragon Boat was so fast that it broke through the dangerous places of the Meteorological Mountain without any stops.

Time passes quietly. Not only are there many traps on the broken mountain, but also the time and space are nine bends and eighteen bends. Most people enter it without entering the maze, and it is difficult to escape. Nie Yun controls the ancient boat of Dragon Boat, ignoring the surrounding time folds, straight forward and curved The wall of time cannot block the cent at all, and it is extremely fast.

"His strength has definitely surpassed the suzerain level!"

Seeing all this, Gu Xiao, Qi Yuan and others looked at each other, and then they knew that the real strength of the boy in front of him was definitely beyond the level of the suzerain!

Only with this kind of strength would he dare to break through the dangerous place like the Meteor Mountain, without hesitation.

"No wonder he is so calm. It seems that we returned to Huihai this time!"

Gu Xiao murmured to himself, with an excited light in his eyes.

Before hearing the news that the three sect gates besieged and returned to the sea of ​​the sea, he was ready to die in order to return the sect gate with blood, never dreaming that this master Nie Yun would have such strength!

What is the fear of such a powerful man, even if there are more masters of the three major gates?

"Look ahead!"

The ancient dragon boat continued to walk forward, flying for a long time in the Meteorological Mountain, Qiyuan pointed forward.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, on a mountain in front of him, dark clouds are dense, and numerous forces converge to the middle like a torrential rain. Sword Qi, Sword Qi, Formation, and Xian Li ... all kinds of forces condense like a cloud. A frightening picture.

Even if the three major disciples are weak, they cannot hold up a large number. In addition, they have integrated countless scattered repairs, thousands of shots at the same time, even if half-step dominates the power rashly encountered. I'm afraid to drink hate on the spot.

There are many people with great strength, and it is by no means unfounded. If this is not the case, King Wanli will not make people change.

"So many people are surrounded, and there must be people from the market. What should we do?"

Seeing this scene, everyone focused on Nie Yun.

Gu Xiao had them obey Nie Yun's words before. Others feel that a young man is not enough to command them, and now that he has seen his strength, this idea has long been thrown out of the clouds.

Cultivate the world. Everything depends on strength. Without strength, everything is fake.

"Nothing, just kill it!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly. Moved mentally. Dragon boat ancient ship rushed straight ahead.

Since it was chosen to rush forward, the concealment had no effect, and the huge ancient ship tore out the space and wheezed, moving forward quickly.

This time, there was a lot of movement, and the entire space exploded, like a giant thunder that rolled from the sky, tearing the sky, and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Look. An ancient ship!"

"It seems to be a soldier in Guixuhai, haha. It is expensive to come up with such a powerful ancient ship! Let's do it together, as long as these people are killed, the ancient ship is ours!"

"This situation is still here, I don't know if I live or die!"

"These guys are mine. Don't rob me, you're really going to develop this time ..."

"It's not a dead ghost. I'll share it ..."


Seeing the ancient ship rushing straight, countless thoughts flew, and many disciples who were under siege all seemed to see delicious fatty meat and rushed over.

Each of these people has the strength of more than 2,000 avenues. Hundreds of people rushed in at the same time, and the space made a whimper. The strong air waves washed all the rocky vegetation on the ground into powder.

"Now come here, wait for death!"

The strongest one in the crowd roared and rushed to the front, his eyes lighted with excitement, and came to the ancient ship.


He pushed forward with both palms, and wanted to kill all the people in the ancient ship. Who knew that the force had not been touched by the ancient ship, he was unloaded by a huge force, and then felt a force that destroyed the world and overthrown, when empty Pressure.


The excitement turned into panic, and there was no time to scream, and it was fried into a pile of minced meat.

Squeak! Squeak!

The giant dragon boat and the ancient ship crushed the person to death, without any intention of staying, and continued to move forward. The countless figures rushing forward couldn't escape at all, like the mouse touched by the road roller, did not stop the ancient ship. All fried into minced meat.

"This ancient ship is awesome. Don't rush into it and shoot together!"

It's not stupid to be eligible to come to the ruins of God. When you see so many people dead, you don't know the power of this ancient ship in front of you, and the crowd suddenly called out.

His shout was immediately responded by countless people, and they all shot at the same time. The magnificent and powerful force formed a huge palm in the air in a blink of an eye, and shot straight like an ancient ship.

The palm lines are clear, with traces of the road, and the space has collapsed under the pressure of the palm.

The palms formed by so many people joined hands, even if more than 2,800 avenue powerhouses came across, they were afraid that they would be crushed into meat pie, but it was a pity that they met Nie Yun.


I did not see any action by Nie Yun, but the palm came fast, went faster, flew backwards at a faster speed, and fell straight into the crowd. In one click, hundreds of people were killed alive, even the soul. No chance of escape.


"What's the matter?"

"Who is it? Will it be so strong?"


Looking at this scene, everyone is crazy.

In their view, this ancient ship is invincible. So many people not only did not hurt each other, they were also counterattacked and killed alive. Whose ancient ship and who is in control?

"move on!"

Killing these jumping beam clowns, Nie Yun didn't stay in the slightest, and controlled the ancient ship to continue to rush forward. Nowhere was he able to stop him.

In the face of absolute power, all means of conspiracy are a farce.

The dense, cloudy core.

"Brother Lu Xiang, you still have a strong appeal. Just a moment, you called for more than 30,000 casual repairs, the guy who besieged the siege of the returning sea together.

A young man with a smile on his face pleased Tsing Yi in front of him.

This Tsing Yi man is not very young, and he is also a young man, with a strong suffocation between his eyebrows, and his cold eyes turning with indifference.

"That's natural. I don't know where I went at this critical moment. I still want to grab credit for it. There is no door!"

Tsing Yi Lu Xiang sneered.

"Brother is mighty and domineering, and he is invincible. Where can Mo Yao be compared!" The young Lima flattered.

"You can't say that, as a powerful reincarnation of ancient times, Mo Yao still has a certain strength. Of course, that was before, this time into the relics of God, I have inherited it, and my strength has soared. I already have 2,850. Ten avenue strength, back to Zongmen, he is definitely not my opponent! "

Lu Xiang's eyes were full of confidence.

He also has self-confident capital, and the strength of 2,850 Avenues is indeed not comparable to Mo Yao.

"That's natural ~ www.readwn.com ~ Brother will be our youngest genius in Wan Laoshan. What about the reincarnation of ancient powers like Mo Yao, will be stepped on by his brother, and he will not stand stand up!"

The young man behind Lu Xiang is a loyal dogleg, so at this time he missed the opportunity to praise.

"Well, you are very good, rest assured, when I will kill these guys from Guixuhai and get the Zongmen reward, I will talk about merit and reward, and the benefits are indispensable to you!"

After hearing the compliment, Lu Xiang was full of joy and gave the other a sweet date.

"Thank you for your cultivation, I must work hard and live up to the importance of my brother!"

Hearing this, the young man almost jumped up in excitement, and quickly laughed, remembering what he said, saying, "Yes, brother, Guixuhai should be surrounded by us this time, no master!"

"Guixuhai can make me look good, but it is also Gu Xiao, but with my promotion, as long as this guy lets me meet, he can be pinched to death! Rest assured, Guixuhai is a group of black people who ca n’t afford to stir. Here comes the big wave. The reason why I convened so many casual repairs with us is that I don't want them to fight back before they die! "

Lu Xiang waved his hands freely, his face full of pride: "Now it seems that my thoughts are still a little more thoughtful, and none of the crowds returning to the market can make me look good!"

"That is, my brother is very talented ..." The **** young man hurriedly praised, but before he finished speaking, he stumbled over and ran over, his face full of terror.

"No, no, brother ..." (To be continued ...)

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