Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1499: Huang Ning

No big, no small, panic at the slightest thing, what a system! Yue Chen, applause! "

Seeing the rushing figure, Lu Xiang frowned.

He was so proud that he felt that the situation in the world was under control, and the other party rushed over and said "bad". Isn't this a face?


The young man Yue Chen who had been making fun of him just came over with a sneer and slaps the figure in a row. His mouth was full of blood, and then he stopped: "Those who don't understand the rules are so rude in front of Brother Lu Xiang. It ’s so hard to find! "W" Pig Island novel "Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

After scolding, he looked respectfully at Lu Xiang: "Brother, I'm done ..."

"Huh!" Nodded with satisfaction, Lu Xiang was full of praise, so he looked at the person who was clamoring: "What happened, so panic that you do n’t even understand the rules? Carefully, you have followed me for many years Old man, if you are so treacherous, be careful I kill you! "

"Yes, brother ..."

The silhouette nodded quickly, hesitating, and said, "That's it. Just now, people outside the area sent a false obituary saying that an ancient ship was coming, and our people couldn't resist it ... So I was anxious to report ... ... "

"An ancient ship rushed in? Is it Gu Xiao? Yes, he can come the best. I just killed him to deter others!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiang did not have the slightest fear, but flashed with excitement.

"Brother Wencheng Wude, the world is invincible, of course, are not afraid of these jumping beam clowns!" Yue Chen boasted again.

woo woo woo woo!

After the words were finished, a whine roared in the distance. A huge ancient ship rushed straight up, with the meaning of breaking the air, and everyone who was blocked everywhere was killed alive. Like a sickle harvesting wheat, the crowd fell to the ground.

"Brother, this ancient ship ..."

Seeing that the ancient ship was so powerful, his face was frightened and his face trembled.

"Profitless thing! A small boat is so scared. Look at me now to pinch out the people inside and make them Zhīdào. Here I want to run rampant, I have to let it go!"

With a sneer, Lu Xiang stood up. Gently flew to high altitude, the momentum of the whole body rolled, as the overlord came.


A spear appeared in the palm of his hand. The surging fairy power shoots out from many pores in the body. For a moment, it seemed as if he was alone in the whole world, and could not speak of Yingwu.

"You look like you're not doing anything. With Brother Lu Xiang there, no cow, ghost, snake or **** is vulnerable!"

Grimly looked at the figure being yelled, Yue Chenman looked proudly into the air, his eyes full of worship.

"Stop the ancient ship for me, Gu Xiao. Come out soon and die!"

Feeling the great attention, Lu Xiang laughed. The spear in his hand shook and shattered the universe.


As soon as the words fell, a handprint suddenly appeared in the ancient ship.

This handprint is not big, it is only one person tall, and it looks a bit dangling, without any power.

"Haha, I thought there were so many people in the ancient ship. See Brother Lu Xiang stunned!"

"Yes, Brother Lu Xiang is our strongest younger generation of Wan Laoshan. Some old elders are not opponents. However, they can rely on the power of the ancient ship, how could they be brothers' opponents!"

"Brothers showed their might and knocked them down, letting these wastes from Guixuhai know how powerful we are ..."


Seeing the situation in the air, everyone laughed.

But before the laughter was over, Lu Xiang's spear came into contact with dangling palm prints.

Click! Click!

The fragile palm print seemed to touch the spear, and the latter broke immediately. Lu Xiang's pupils shrank, and the palm print hit his chest.


A spit of blood spurted, his chest narrowed, his eyes protruded, and Lu Xiang consciously left the body, and the body fell from the air.

"Brother mighty ..."

The following Yue Chen didn't understand the above situation and was still yelling, but she suddenly felt wrong when she shouted the four words.

"Brother must be showing weakness deliberately, and then be fooled ..."

Some guilty yelled, hurried to the place where Lu Xiang fell, only glanced at him, and fell to the ground in shock: "Brother ... Brother ... dead!"

In one stroke, he killed Lu Xiang on 2,850 Avenues. Who was in this ancient ship? Why is it so powerful?

Yue Chen trembled in horror, but the ancient ship in the air continued to fly forward without stopping, as if killing Lu Xiang, it was no different from killing an ant.


With the example of Lu Xiang, all of them were terrified by the ancient ship in front of them, and they dare not stop it and leave.

"That was ... Lu Xiang? We have played against each other before, and my strength is not much different, but it looks like it should have improved a lot, I don't know how strong it is!"

Inside the ancient boat of the Dragon Boat, Gu Xiao was a little shocked to see Lu Xiang, who had become a meat pie directly.

Just now, Nie Yun's speed was too fast and there was no resistance. Although Zhīdào was shot dead with a slap, he didn't have any strength.

"Oh, that guy had a strength of 2,850 Avenues!" Nie Yun said casually.

"Two thousand eight hundred and fifty?"

Everyone frowned. Although he knew that Lu Xiang had made great progress, he never thought it was so terrible!

Of the 2,850 avenues, the strongest of all disciples at Guixuhai were not so powerful.

"It's a harbinger of them!"

Without obstruction, the ancient ship moved fast. After a while, a group of disciples returning to the sea were sitting around the middle of the mountain peak, hiding in a huge formation. Each of them looked pale, and seemed to have exhausted all his strength. Keep going, can't hold it.

Nie Yun looked and saw several acquaintances in the crowd.

This omens came to the ruins of God with him at the beginning. Because of the fear of going to the Ten Great Places, they diverged, leaving with the remaining few people. I didn't expect to be trapped here. At any time, the lamp will run dry.

"Brother, we can't stand it!"

The duo zhao and others in the formation method are all trembling with ugly faces.

The relics of God can not absorb the aura to restore physical strength. Under the siege of so many people, even if they are guarded by the formation, they have spent all their means to clean up, and can no longer hold on.

"You can't keep it up!"

Shouted a young man in the crowd.

Not a harbinger, but a young man with thick eyebrows.

He came up with this formation and has a high status in the crowd.

"Huang Ning, Du Zhao, here we are!"

When everyone in the Guixu Sea felt unable to persist, a drinking sound in the air sounded, and the ancient ship came forward.

"This is ... Gu Xiao's voice! Quickly open the formation and let them in!" Du Zhao's eyes lighted up, and he quickly got up.

"No, in case it is the strategy of the three major gates, we will all die here!"

The young man named Huang Ning waved his hand and hummed.

"I'm Gu Xiao!"

As soon as his words fell, the ancient ship stopped, and Gu Xiao and others flew out of it, and Nie Yun grabbed the ancient ship with his palm.

"He is really Gu Xiao, I can be sure!" Du Zhao confirmed that ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a look of joy.

"Well, what if he is the one who understands the disguise of the avenue? Can you see through? I think these people have Kěnéng and can't easily let go of the big battle ..."

Huang Ning didn't agree, gritted his teeth in the cold hum.


Duozhao hesitated to hear what he said.

If the other party uses the camouflage avenue, even he can't distinguish it. In case it is really camouflaged by the three masters of the gates, everyone will die because of the opportunity to enter the formation.

"Huang Ning, I'm really Gu Xiao. I came here to save you. I'm not quick to open up the formation, let's go in!"

Seeing the other party's delay in opening up the formation, Gu Xiao's face looked a little unsightly.

"They should think that we are disguised as three gates, and dare not let go. Needless to say, just break the seal and go in!"

Seeing the crowd's expressions, Nie Yun had guessed something and laughed.

"So Brother Lau Nieyun!"

Zhīdào Nie Yun's strength was strong, and Gu Xiao was not embarrassed at all. He changed from a former brother to a brother.


With a slight hum, Nie Yun walked forward without any action, and the defensive formation in front of him immediately melted like ice.

"Who the **** are you?"

Seeing that the matrix method was destroyed, Huang Ning was startled, and his pupils could not help shrinking, roaring out loud. (To be continued ...)

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