Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: Slap

For this defensive formation, Huang Ning has an absolute Zìxìn. It can be seen from the fact that the three major gates can be blocked for so long. Now the other party comes over and breaks them open. How can I not be nervous?

He just felt his scalp explode, and the whole man was going crazy.

"I'm really Gu Xiao, Huang Ning, why don't you even know me!"

The formation was broken, and Gu Xiao followed closely behind and saw him look speechless for a while.

"Really Gu Xiao?"

Seeing that Gu Xiao and others came to break the formation, but did not attack, Huang Ning believed a bit. If it was someone from other sects, if they had the ability to break the formation at will, there was no need to disguise.

"Well, I heard that I was under siege and came here to save you. Let's leave this soon!"

See the other party's moderation, Gu Xiaodao.

"Leave? How to leave? It's surrounded by three layers inside and three outside, how difficult it is to escape!" Huang Ning shook her head.

If it was so easy to escape, they would have escaped long ago, so why wait till now.

"Everyone aboard, I will take you away!"

Nie Yun came forward with a smile.

"Who is this?" Huang Ning frowned.

Although Nie Yun was the first disciple of the core disciples, as a member of the disciples who taught it, he had been in retreat all year round and had never seen it.

"This is Nie Yun, the first person at the core of Seventy-two Peaks this time!" Gu Xiao had not spoken yet, Du Zhao introduced.

"The first person at Core Seventy-two Peaks? Huh, there is no part of you talking here! Don't think that you can become the core disciple first, there is nothing remarkable, the situation outside is more complicated than you think!"

Hear the Seventy-two Peaks first in the Core Hall. Huang Ning didn't care.

They can become disciples in charge of teaching and have all been the so-called first people, for other core disciples. It's extremely powerful. For their disciples to teach, it's nothing.

In his opinion, a person who is not very good at talking directly is so impolite.

When Nie Yun broke the line just now, he didn't take any action. He thought it was Gu Xiao who used some means to destroy it. I never thought it would be the youngest-looking teenager.

"Huang Ning, how can you talk to Brother Nie Yun like this, we can come here. It's all on his means!" Didn't he scare Gu Xiao to his word?

"By his means? You said he was a core disciple ..." Huang Ning yelled: "What do you call him? Brother?"

Gu Xiao is the first person among his core disciples, which is a little stronger than his strength. Now actually call a core disciple as a brother. No wonder it was surprising.

"Well, Brother Nie Yun is much stronger than me. He can take us away from here!" Gu Xiao busyly said.

"This ... OK!" Hesitated for a moment, Huang Ning nodded, and there was no other way at this time. Since Gu Xiao was so convinced by this core disciple, he could only believe it once.


See him agree. Nie Yun didn't say much, swiped gently. The ancient dragon boat reappeared, and everyone rushed in.

"Brother Gu Xiao, you ... really went to Shiju Ancient Land?"

When they came to the boat, Duozhao came over and looked at Gu Xiao and others with blushing faces.

At first I heard that they were afraid to run away from the battlefield. Now they see that the other party not only comes back alive, but the spirit and spirit are a lot stronger than before, and they feel shameless.

"Well, not only came back, but also got countless babies, look!"

Qiyuan was not as angry as Houde of Gu Xiao. At the beginning, the departure of this sign made him very angry. At this time, he had the opportunity to embarrass the other person.

"Look, that's the flame venus stone, the necessary thing to make the flame chaos of the peak chaos, a good treasure ..."

"Leaves of the avenue, you can write the supreme treasure on the avenue. I heard that the suzerain sent someone to look for it, but he didn't find it ..."

"It's the water that shakes, it can cleanse the soul ..."

"It's too strong. With these things, their repairs will definitely improve rapidly. It won't take long for us to leave us far away ..."


Everyone was shocked to see what appeared in Qiyuan's hands, and his eyes widened.

These treasures are legendary, and each one is valuable. Seven yuan in one shot took out so much, subverting everyone's imagination.

"It's all ... everything?"

Seeing the many treasures flying in the air, Du Zhao and others were surprised at first and then full of bitterness.

If they were not timid at first, they must have these treasures now, but at this time, they can only dry their eyes and get nothing.

"Yes, Gu Xiao, Qi Yuan, these peak chaos are all accidental to me, I have forgotten to give you, hurry up and recognize the Lord!"

With Zhīdào's idea of ​​seven yuan, Nie Yun smiled slightly, pointed his fingers, and several peak chaos soldiers flew from his palm and fell into the hands of Gu Xiao and others.

These soldiers were all stolen from Fu Jiang, Surin and others. It was not very useful to him.

"Peak Chaos as a gift?"

"Zhīdào, I also went to Shiju Ancient Land ..."

"Duo Zhao, they lost the most chance, if they were with them, they would not only get so many treasures, but also a peak chaos soldier, but unfortunately ... now they can't get anything ..."


Others also saw what was going on and talked about it.


Hearing this, Du Zhao and others were injured. At this moment, they were in a hurry, and they still lived there, while the blood spurted and fell to the ground.

Needless to say at this moment, they are also wrong.

In a critical situation, regardless of morality, only thinking of himself will certainly not end well.

Ignoring the injured Dou Zhao and others, Nie Yun turned his head and continued to urge the Dragon Boat to advance.

There is no favor for those who are ungrateful at such critical moments.

Qi Yuan once said that Gu Xiao's life was saved by Gu Xiao at that time. He gave up when he heard the danger. If he didn't feel dirty, he would have killed him.


The ancient boat of Dragon Boat flew not far away, and then heard a roar behind, then Huang Ning and others saw an unforgettable scene in their lifetime.

A figure stood among the crowd who besieged them, and a vine covered the whole body. Everywhere the vine went, everyone was drained and turned into a corpse.

Behind the figure, several gods and beasts flew in the air, spread their wings and swept. As soon as they passed, there were countless people's heads landing. Before siege to their three gates and casual repairs, several breathing efforts were nearly half.

The remaining people, Zhīdào, were terrible, all frightened to flee, but before they went far, they were blocked by a giant cloud-like ant and turned into food in their belly.

"This ... what's going on ..."

Huang Ning and others were stunned.

The scene in front of them was terrible, far beyond their imagination.

"I'm not Zhīdào either, but they can kill the three gates, they should be friends!"

Gu Xiao Zhīdào Nie Yun deliberately let Fu Jiang take the shot, because he didn't want people to turn his finger, shook his head immediately, pretending not to know Fujiang and others.


Huang Ning couldn't believe it, but when he saw Fu Jiang's killing of the three main gates and left without embarrassing them, then the words of Zhīdào Gu Xiao were true.

"The prince Fu Jiang who seems to be a dry blood dynasty, I have met once ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect to save us!"

Suddenly, one person in the crowd recognized Fujiang.

"Prince Fujiang?"

"Why did the Dry Blood Dynasty save us?"

"I won't be Zhīdào. Look at the gods and beasts, they should all be his demon pets. It's amazing!"


Hearing that Prince Fu Jiang had killed three disciples, Huang Ning and others all looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

The relationship between Guixuhai and the dried blood dynasty is not good. Why should the other party save them by offending the other three major gates?

"Hehe, he must have his own purpose to do so. Are we left and others left? Where are we? Let's go and save them together!"

Gu Xiao didn't explain, looked at Huang Ning and others and asked.

"There are others, but ..."

Huang Ning was about to speak, and suddenly a stream of air passed by, and a voice that shook the sky exploded.

"This trial of God is about to close, please all disciples in the ruins return within a day!"

It sounded through everyone's ears like thunder,

ps: tired finger headache, six more outbreak is over, thanks to the bookmate [Asynchronous Xiaoxin] for the 100,000 rewards, tomorrow Laoya will do its best to continue the outbreak, can burst out a few chapters, you can see your monthly ticket Laoya is full of passion, begging for more support, erupt, erupt! (To be continued ...)

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