Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1501: Zhenyuan General

"Return? How long is this? Isn't it three months?"

"Yeah, every trial of the ruins of God is three months, and now it is more than half a month, why should I go back?"

"Nothing will happen!"


Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned.

According to normal circumstances, the relics of God will be opened for three months. Now it is more than half a month, and everyone is required to go back. It is unreasonable.

"It's best to go back like this, otherwise you won't be so lucky if you encounter a siege again!"

"Yes, the three main gates launched an attack on our return to the sea at the same time. This must be falsely reported to the lord!"


Although shocked and weird, everyone was more fortunate.

I can go back now, just to avoid the siege of the three main gates, it is profitable, otherwise, I have stayed here, and I will meet other people in the three main gates sooner or later. Not so lucky next time.

"Brother, what shall we do?"

Hearing this voice, Gu Xiao knew that other people were almost safe without rescue, and looked at Nie Yun.

"You take these brothers back first, and I will come later!"

Nie Yun didn't expect to let everyone go back so quickly, but he made a slight mistake. However, this time in the relics of God, his purpose of improving his strength was achieved, and he had to complete three things for his younger brother. This commandment is just what you want.

After thinking about it, we have to wait for Fu Jiang and Qingye Wang, etc., and not with Gu Xiao and others.

"All right, let's go now!"

Gu Xiao knew what Nie Yun meant, and he nodded, took out a flying soldier, and flew straight towards the crack in the entrance with everyone.

"Go back and tell the ancient Yongzong lord, but he guards against the other three main gates, and I will come later!"

Put away the ancient boat of the Dragon Boat, Nie Yun Chuan Yin ordered, and flew in the opposite direction.

Fu Jiang is his attendant. King Aoba and others are his demon pets, and they can clearly feel their position. Rather than waiting here, they might as well find it quickly.

The wings of the Phoenix unfolded, and the ring of the avenue moved quickly in the body. The whole person was as fast as the teleportation. Even if someone saw it, they thought it was wrong.

A moment of effort. Flying over hundreds of kilometers, it fell down on a mountain peak.

"the host!"

Just after he fell, Fu Jiang and others also fell.

On the way, he had already used the consciousness to spread the sound. He gathered here and came at the same time.

"Master, this is Tianxin Rattan, broken Shenzhou ..."

Came to me. Prince Fu Jiang handed over a series of treasures.

After receiving Tianxinteng into his body, Nie Yun glanced and nodded secretly.

After being swallowed in a wide range, although the level of the Tianxin Rattan has not increased, it is still the strength of 2,800 avenues, but the vines are more and the roots are larger. The vitality has increased more than several times!

Now, with the power of Tenshinten alone, if she encounters Su Lin and others, she can easily kill.

Of course, provided they do not use the Rune of Dominance.

Putting Tianxinteng into his body, Nie Yun looked at the beasts such as King Qingye and found that their strength has actually improved, which can't help but feel strange.

They are not celestial hearts, they can progress by devouring energy. Why did you kill for a while and increase your strength so much?

Especially King Wanli, who has made the most progress and has no serious breath, seems to be able to break through the 2,900 avenues at any time and become a strong master.

"Because we cannot sense chaos. We cannot cultivate the avenue. We can only increase our strength by devouring human beings. There are too few strong men who have entered the ten wonders before, so ... our strength is progressing slowly. This The next time it devoured so many people, especially King Wanli, every ant avatar clone could converge its power on it, so there has been greater progress! "

Seeing his doubts, Aoba Wang explained with a smile.

"So it is, then you can enhance your strength by devouring humans?"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

"Theoretically this is the case, but at most it reaches the peak of the suzerain. If you want to become a half step master, you need to understand!" Aoba Wangdao.

"Amazing, it is indeed an ancient beast, too strong!"

Ecstatic in his heart, Nie Yun knew that he had really picked up treasure this time.

Human monks need to comprehend the avenue. As Gu Xiao said, it ca n’t be done in one shot, but special ancient beasts such as the Celestial Heart King and Aoba King are different. They do n’t need to comprehend the avenue to directly advance by swallowing and practice Much more convenient!

If the energy is enough, it can be cultivated to become the supreme power of the supremacy in a short period of time!

"Don't you resist, I will take you out first!"

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Nie Yun said to beasts such as King Qingye and Xiong Gu.

These gods and beasts are nothing to put here. Once they go out, they will inevitably cause a violent storm and make a great deal of noise. If the situation outside is unknown, it is better to keep a low profile.

If the younger brother succeeds in snatching and possesses the power of Chaos King, it doesn't matter if he is high-profile.

After bringing the beast and Prince Fujiang into the world of things, Nie Yun flew back.

With all the power, the speed is extremely fast, and the crack at the entrance is seen in front of you in less than half an hour.

"Well? What are these people doing, and why are they so slow?"

I was going to rush straight through the crack and suddenly found something wrong.

The people in the cracks were lining up slowly, not as if they were rampant when they first came in.

"Quickly line up the team. General Zhenyuan of the Dry Blood Dynasty personally inspected it and gave it to me. Otherwise, if you are killed on the spot, your ancestors will not dare to say a nonsense!"

Falling from the air, wondering what was going on, a loud drink came in front.

Looking up, I saw the crowd lined up, two rows of soldiers guarding the surrounding, densely packed, sealing all the surrounding space to death.

Each of these soldiers has a strength of 2,500 avenues. They are strong in body and deep in strength. The runes in the avenue flow in the body between breathing, and they are uniform and uniform, showing their superb fighting power.

"Soldier? General Zhenyuan of the Dry Blood Dynasty? What happened?"

Seeing this situation, Nie Yun was a little confused.

The Dry Blood Dynasty suddenly sent troops to block the cracks and inspected them one by one. What was to be done? Could it be that the dried-blood emperor knew that he had harvested his son as an attendant?

"Hey, this brother, I want to ask, what are these soldiers doing? What to check?"

Confused, Nie Yun held a young man and asked.

"I don't know, it seems that I heard that the Ganxue Dynasty is going to be mixed with our crowd. We need to examine it in detail and seize him!" The young man didn't seem to understand, and said casually.

"I want to commit? Why is it worthwhile for the dynasty to do this?"

Nie Yun was strange.

The four ancestral gates are all dignified, so reviewing their disciples one by one is tantamount to tearing their skins. He did not believe that for an ordinary fugitive, the Ganxue Dynasty turned at the four ancestral gates.

This is too exaggerated.

"Who knows? Anyway, the censorship is very strict. What is easy to find, what blood even the age must be carefully checked, I don't know what to do ..."

The man didn't understand, shook his head.

"Blood, age?" At the hearing of Yi Rong, Nie Yun didn't care, but when he heard the age of blood, his heart was full of vigilance.

He has a blood relationship with Nie Tong. The blood in his body has attributes similar to those of King Shura. Because of this, he can make King of Heaven and King of Green change his mind as soon as he sees it.

Just catch the fugitive and check Yirong. Blood and age are a bit fun.

Let ’s not talk about blood, let ’s talk about age. It ’s only about 30,000 years old for a full fight. This age has such strength. Once it is found out, it will inevitably become the object of other people ’s research.

"Fu Jiang, does your dry blood dynasty have a general Zhenyuan?"

Confused, he quietly transmitted a message to Prince Fu Jiang in the world of things.

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ This Zhenyuan general is a celebrity around my father, the sovereign power of 2,900 avenues!"

Fujiang Prince Road.

"He is now heavily guarded at the exit of God's Relics, saying he is looking for what to commit! Can you contact him and ask what is going on!"

Nie Yun continued.

"You can contact, wait a minute!"

Prince Fu Jiang took out a jade card and entered a message to enter it. This message could not fly out of the world of receiving things, but as soon as Nie Yun's spirit moved, he passed it on.


A moment later, a message came, and Prince Fu Jiang frowned.

ps: Today Laoya also has to work hard. If you want to see more, it depends on your monthly pass. All the monthly tickets are cast to let Laiya's passion burn and code more! !! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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