Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1502: Zhuge Ling

"Returning to the master is the order of my father and emperor. He said that he was looking for a person, who it was, and did not elaborate. He only said three conditions. First, the spirit smell was killing. Second, he was good at Sword, progress is fast. Third, fate can not be calculated! As for the other, the father did not elaborate, he did not know! "

Fujiang Prince Road.

"Taste of killing? Good at using swords? It seems to be looking for Nie Tong!"

Nie Yun froze.

Only the younger brother Nie Tong, also known as King Shura, can meet this condition. It seems that King Ashoka already knows that Nie Tong has entered the Xieyue Supreme Realm and is ready to shoot.

However, because Nie Tong's fate could not be calculated, even if he was as powerful as the king, he could not calculate his position, which allowed the dry blood dynasty to use this method to search one by one.

Once detected, it must be retrieved immediately, and it will be too late where it is sent to Ashoka.

"Fu Jiang, I am your follower now, take me!"

When the spirit moved, Fu Jiang was released from the world of holding things, and his disguise was changed into another look. It was the subordinate of Prince Fu Jiang, the nine dynasties.

Although Nie Tongzang is in the Tianxuan Hall, the other party may not be able to find it, but it is better to be careful. As the dynasty, the other party must have many means. If anything is found, it is difficult to leave!


Prince Fu Jiang flew out of the world of objects and landed not far from him.

Nie Yun stood behind the crowd and exerted some means. His actions were slight and did not cause others to discover.

"Yes, master!"

Prince Fu Jiang knew what he meant, glanced at the surrounding environment, and immediately nodded, ignoring the people in the line, and took Nie Yun to step forward.

"Who? Return to the line! If you walked earlier, watch out for us!"

When a soldier saw him cut in line, he immediately yelled loudly, with a fierce attitude.


With shouts. Dozens of soldiers raised the Del rifle in their hands at the same time, and their actions were uniform. Although each of these people was not high in strength, they did not have a certain power and strength when united together.

The soldiers of the Dry Blood dynasty all have combined strike methods and joint means, which can unite to exert 100% or even 230 combat effectiveness.

Although Fu Jiang is a prince, not everyone knows it. Especially this soldier, where do you know who he is.

"Presumptuous! This is His Royal Highness Prince Fu Jiang, do you want to check?"

Nie Yun's camouflaged nine stepped forward and raised his eyebrows.

Since disguising others, of course, we must do a good job of dog legs.

"Ah ... it's His Royal Highness, please here!"

I heard the man was a prince. The soldier was startled, afraid to stop, and led the way directly.

Followed behind, a moment later saw a shuttle car, colorful streamers above, surrounded by Kowloon, a gold armored general sitting on it. Eyebrows raised, with awe-inspiring majesty in his eyes.

"General Uighur, the prince is here!"

The soldier came to the cart in a few steps and hugged.

"General Chen Zhenyuan, Liu Zhiyuan, has seen His Royal Highness Prince!"

As soon as the body moved, General Zhenyuan hurried to his feet, his whole body clapping, his arms clenched.

Although he is a general. Great achievements, but in terms of identity, it is not as good as His Royal Highness.

"No courtesy!" Prince Fu Jiang waved his hand at will: "Father the emperor asked you to investigate, specifically how to investigate, use me without help!"

"His Royal Highness Prince Lao is worried. This is the obligation of Wei Chen. His Royal Highness can just watch!"

How dare Liu Zhiyuan let the prince search by himself. Quickly let his subordinates get a shuttle car again and let Fu Jiang sit on it.

The distance was close, and Nie Yun took a closer look. This Liu Zhiyuan was indeed a suzerainian. Because of the perennial battle, the body has a taste of iron blood and killing. Although there are only 2,900 avenues, the combat effectiveness is probably higher.

"His prince, this is ..."

Arranged Prince Fu Jiang, Liu Zhiyuan's eyes fell on Nie Yun.

"This is my subordinate nine dynasties!" Prince Fu Jiang said.

"It turned out to be the brothers of the Nine Dynasties. It was really boring and interesting. This time I have the king's life. I hope you can cooperate with the inspection. Once there is nothing, I will apologize to you in person!

When Liu Zhiyuan beckoned, several soldiers ran over immediately and surrounded Nie Yun in the center.

"Check me? I have been with the prince for so many years. Do you suspect that I am a fugitive?" Nie Yun stunned.

This guy was too careful, he had to check behind Prince Fu Jiang himself. If he acted alone, it would be difficult to escape.

If the other party is really checked, many secrets will inevitably be exposed, and the trouble will not be small. When his body moves, he winks at Fu Jiang.

"Liu Zhiyuan, what do you mean?"

Seeing his wink, Prince Fu Jiang didn't understand what was going on, and raised his eyebrows, got up from the car, and looked angry.

The people who searched him were tantamount to distrusting him and challenging his majesty.

"Please also forgive the prince. I am also ordered to act. Everyone must conduct a detailed search and must not let go of any clues!"

Seeing Prince Fujiang's attitude, Liu Zhiyuan hurriedly explained.

Although his strength is stronger than the prince in front of him, the other party is prominent, and he is also the emperor's biological son, so he does not dare to be excessive.

"Can't let go of any clues, is that even I have to check it? OK, I'm here now, you can send someone to check it, if you find out that I am a fugitive, you can take me away, if you can not find Be careful, I overturned your car! "

With his eyebrows raised, Prince Fu Jiang's strength shot, and a dry blood king Hou Ling dripped and swirled to set off his identity and majesty.

"Don't dare to subordinate!" Liu Zhiyuan was about to bleed blood on his face, his face pulled straight, but he couldn't say anything.

The other party is a prince, who has the pride and dignity of the prince. Those who check him are tantamount to doubting him. Isn't this plucking the tiger's ass?

"Don't dare to stop talking nonsense, hurry up to check other people, and stay away from me here!"

With a big wave, Prince Fu Jiang is not saying much.

"Yes!" Liu Zhiyuan didn't dare to say any more. He took a closer look at Nie Yun and found nothing abnormal. Then he turned away and arranged to continue the investigation.

Although Nie Yun's strength is not as good as that of the other party, after using the circle of the road, he can be like a half step to dominate the strong. With his strength, he can't see any flaws at all.


Seeing him leave, Nie Yun was relieved.

Thanks to leaving a means to leave Prince Fu Jiang, otherwise, today's events must be difficult to deal with.

Looking at Liu Zhiyuan's appearance, he will never miss an opportunity for investigation. If he does not follow Prince Fu Jiang, he will be found out, and it is inevitable that he will fight for a while.

After avoiding investigation, Nie Yun said nothing. Prince Fu Jiang stayed in the car for a while and stood up again: "General Liu, I want to go back as soon as possible to return to the father and the emperor, so I will not continue to stay here. You have to Strictly investigate, don't make mistakes! "

"Yes!" Liu Zhiyuan nodded quickly, relieved.

The other party is a prince, who has been here all the time, and he is under a lot of pressure.

"Well, let's go towards the nine!" Seeing that the other party was no longer obstructing, Prince Fu Jiang nodded with satisfaction and turned to leave. Before flying, he heard a scream from a distance, and a figure flew over quickly. .


Along with the discourse, a middle-aged man in Chaofu flew over.

This middle-aged man has a serious face, and his strength is not worse than that of Liu Zhiyuan. He is also a strong master.

"This is the celebrity next to my father, the minister Zhu Geling, always resourceful, be careful!"

Nie Yun's ear rang the voice of Prince Fu Jiang.

His voice passed the soul contract, without the slightest energy fluctuations, even the dominant ones may not be able to see it.

"Resourceful?" Nie Yun's eyelids jumped.

Did the other party find out? Want to check it out?

"It's Uncle Zhuge!"

Prince Fu Jiang smiled.

Although this minister is not as good as his prince's identity ~ www.readwn.com ~, but the other party is a celebrity around the emperor, even Fujiang should be a bit jealous.

"His prince!" Zhuge Ling stopped and bowed: "This time Your Majesty has commanded that no mistakes are allowed. Please forgive the prince!"

"What does Uncle Zhuge mean?"

Hearing this, Fu Jiang frowned.

"No meaning. The prince is noble and naturally does not need to be examined carefully, but this subordinate of His Royal Highness Prince, in order to prevent it from being disguised by others, hopes to cooperate with the investigation!"

Zhuge Ling said.

"You want to check him?" Fu Jiang looked ugly.

PS: Two chapters are over!

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