Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1503: 3 Realm Battlefield

"Please also cooperate, this matter involves a lot, I can't say it, and please forgive the prince. If the prince does not believe it, he can go back and ask His Majesty. Once he asks clearly, he will definitely understand my hard work!"

Zhuge Ling's face was dignified, and then he said, "Besides, the prince, please, there is one more sentence to ask!"


Seeing the other party so dignified, Prince Fu Jiang was puzzled, but still followed.


Zhuge Ling arbitrarily arranged a prohibition so that outsiders could not hear it and could not see it, so he bowed: "His Majesty already knows that His Royal Highness has lost Fuxu Danshan. He wants to ask who has taken this from His Highness. Robbed of treasure? "

"The father asked you to ask?"

Fujiang's eyebrows beat.

It is a shame and shame that the weapon was snatched away. Asking this directly is tantamount to uncovering the scar.


Zhuge Ling nodded.

"Yes ..." Prince Fu Jiang hesitated for a moment, then looked up: "I don't know exactly who it is. It was done by the three main gates of Wanyu Mountain, Shiqiuling and Duan Tianya. I only I remember the strongest two were Su Lin and Mo Yao. The others did n’t know it! It was because they snatched my Fuxu Danshan and destroyed the task assigned to me by the father. Start a killing ring and let them know how powerful my blood-dying dynasty is! "

"So it is!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Ling believed a bit.

Before he came, he heard someone say that the prince slayed the three gates in the ruins of God.

Although the three major gates are not as good as the dried blood dynasty, the details are there. As a royal child, you should know this, and you will not easily do such a rebellious thing. Prince Fu Jiang has always been known for his calmness. Obviously something is wrong.

Because of this, he hurried to come and wanted to check it carefully to find out whether the prince was real. After hearing this, he immediately believed 70% to 80%.

The three major gates actually dared to **** his east son. No wonder he was furious.

"Uncle Zhuge, carefully review here, you must not let those people escape. Shooting at me is to challenge the majesty of the dry blood dynasty, and there is no forgiveness!"

Speaking of this, Prince Fu Jiang hated. Eyes are full of hatred.

"Yes. The prince is assured that I will take care of this matter and seize all those people you said!"

Zhuge Ling quickly answered.

"Well, this Nine Dynasties is my subordinate, who has followed me for many years. As a prince, I cannot protect it. It is justified for ordinary soldiers to search at will! It is impossible to save my prince's face. Uncle, don't you really want to review! "

Prince Fu Jiang continued.

"Let ’s go, let the soldiers do the investigation. It really hurts the majesty of the prince. I will do the investigation myself, but it's good to just probe the soul!" Zhuge Ling hesitated after hearing this, said.

Those who blatantly censored the prince were indeed shameless.


Prince Fu Jiang nodded, walked out of the restraint, and beckoned to Nie Yun: "Nine Dynasties, come and release your soul for Uncle Zhuge to review. After checking, let's go back quickly. I still have something to tell my father! "


Nie Yun came over.

Although Zhuge Ling laid out a ban just now, Prince Fu Jiang was Nie Yun's servant. He could clearly "hear" what he said through his soul imprint. Therefore, what Fu Jiang said just now was actually Nie Yun's idea.

Continue to pour water into the three gates, which can not only protect themselves, but also allow them to bite the dogs, and relax.


Nie Yun's soul spread out.

His soul didn't have any killing breath. It was relatively clean. Even if the other party reviewed it, it was fine. Sure enough, Zhu Geling examined it carefully and found nothing. Then he smiled awkwardly and apologized to Prince Fujiang.

"Well, let's go now. Uncle Zhuge must catch Su Lin and Mo Yao and give them to me. I will kill them myself!"

Prince Fu Jiang once again said, taking Nie Yun quickly to the distance and disappeared from the crowd in a blink of an eye.


The two flew without knowing how many miles, and no one noticed it, so they stopped.

"I want to go back to the sea of ​​returning to the market. You first enter the world of things, and after finishing the matter of returning to the market, I will go to the blood dynasty with you!"

Nie Yun was relieved and commanded.

Although with his current strength, he will not be afraid of General Zhuge Ling and Zhenyuan, but it is best not to reveal his identity at present, otherwise there will be more troubles, and it is the best choice to avoid these troubles.

"Yes!" Prince Fu Jiang nodded, his body disappearing in place.


Taking it into the world of receiving things, Nie Yun restored her original appearance, stretched her body, and flew towards the crack of God's remains again.

When he came just now, he had seen the ancient ship of Jingyue, the lord of Guixu Haiguyong, and stopped near the cracks in the ruins, waiting for the disciples of Guixuhai to return.

In order to prevent others from discovering it, Nie Yun was very careful, and soon came to the ancient ship, his body fell to the deck.

"Nie Yun!"

When he saw him abruptly, a laughter rang, and then saw the owner of the ancient Yongzong standing on the bow of the ship, looking at it with a smile: "Your Xiao, Gu Xiao told me, really a young hero!"

Gu Yongzong smiled.

For this suzerain, Nie Yun still has a lot of affection, and directly gives the peak chaos magical soldier Hanyang sword and the master's rune, and for others, there is certainly no such courage.

"Brother Nie Yun, I told you to lead us into the Ten Distinctive Lands and get treasures and save the trump, and told the Sovereign, you won't blame me for talking!"

Gu Xiao was standing behind the suzerain, also full of smiles.

"Where to say!"

After listening to Gu Xiao's words, he should not say about the King Qingye and King Wanli. Nie Yun was relaxed and looked at the suzerain. When he wanted to speak, Gu Yong raised his eyebrows and looked at the other two ancient ships not far away. .

"Wanyu Mountain, Shiqiu Ridge, and Duan Tianya seem to be really shaving their faces, but rest assured, I just took a check just now, and they were attacked by Prince Fujiang. They lost even more, but we lost the least. I'm afraid we won't dare to do anything to us in a short time, and we have more time to prepare! "

Speaking of this, Gu Yongmei's eyebrows fluttered: "Furthermore, it would be possible for a dignified prince to do this kind of means. It seems that their three main gates have done outrageous actions, and the dry blood dynasty must have follow-up means!"

"That's good!"

Seeing the appearance of Gu Yong, Nie Yun knew that Gu Xiao had not spoken about the prince of Fu Jiang, and he knew that the suzerain had made a complete preparation. He no longer said it at once, and asked with some doubt: "Yes, suzerain, What the **** happened, closing the seal so quickly that everyone came out? "

According to normal circumstances, the ruins of God will be opened for three months, and now it suddenly ends, something must have happened.

"You need to know about this sooner or later, just tell you first, because the battlefield of the Three Realms is about to open!"

Gu Yong set a forbidden, solemn expression.

"Three Realms? What is that?"

Nie Yun showed a strange expression.

"You should know the three powerful kings!" Seeing his confused eyes didn't seem to be false, Gu Yong remembered that the young boy hadn't been home for a long time. He didn't know many things, and asked with a bitter smile.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

There were originally four strong kings. After King Shura died, there were three left, namely Asoka, Chaos and Lore King.

"Knowing the three kings, I must also know that the Oblique Moon Supreme Realm is the domain governed by Ashoka, and the remaining two kings also have corresponding management domains. These three worlds are considered the best in the ocean of chaos, so Called the Three Realms! "

Gu Yong explained ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oh, that's it! Which Three Realms battlefield ... "

Nie Yun understood it.

If King Shura's world would not be destroyed, there should be four realms, and now there are only three great worlds left.

"Although the three great worlds are far apart and rarely connected, there is still competition between the same chaotic ocean world. In order to ease this competition, a three-world battlefield will appear in the chaotic ocean every 100 million years. People from all three realms on this battlefield can enter into it and fight in the battle! This is the largest battle in the entire Xia Yue Extreme Zone and the entire Chaos Ocean. Numerous geniuses and countless strong men will rush in and fight in, the battle is very fierce! "

Gu Yong said slowly, with vigilance in his eyes.

ps: Thinking about the follow-up plot today, there are some jams, just three more, in addition, I saw only three monthly tickets, old Ya heart is cool, no monthly tickets, no motivation, everyone still? If you haven't subscribed to Endless Dantian, come to a full subscription, there will be six or seven monthly passes, and you can cast as you please. Wow quack! (To be continued ...) ()

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