Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1506: Break the tower

Chapter 1506 Breaking The Tower

"Let's go to the glass tower!"

However, when I wandered casually, I encountered this kind of thing, which made Nie Yun's original mood, a little disappointed, looking up at the tallest building in Tallinn.

This tower is far superior to others. I don't know how many floors there are, and it is inserted into the sky. From a distance, it looks similar to the headquarter of the driving tower in Tiandi Liudao.


Prince Fu Jiang followed behind him.

The two cascaded forward, and soon came to the tower.

"Look, Master Chongyao has reached the fourth floor!"

"Chong Yao master's heavenly talents, such an achievement at a young age, it is amazing!"

"Although there are eighteen floors in the glazed tower, almost no one can cross the third floor in ten years. Master Chongyao is a record breaking!"

"Master Chong Yao is my idol. I want to marry him. I want to make a bed for him ..."

When I first arrived in front of the tower, I heard a series of screaming shouts. Countless young men and women kept discussing a name, especially a lot of young women around, screaming excitedly, and it was difficult to hide the meaning of worship in their eyes.

Seeing these people's idiots, Nie Yun was almost drowned.

It is indeed a place of old age. The atmosphere between men and women is more open than any other place I have seen before. There are girls in other places who dare to say this in public. They will definitely be despised alive.

In his opinion, it is ... shameless.

Shaking his head and ignoring the girl's roar, he looked up at the tower in front of him, all the previous towers were dark, and it would become brighter and brighter when someone passed.

Nie Yun glanced. It is found that the first four floors of the tower are now brightly lit, indicating that someone has rushed to the fourth floor and waited for a moment. The lights on the fourth floor dimmed again, and then the light on each floor went out, and a young man stepped out.

Although this young man was wearing a gray-grey dress, he could hardly conceal his nobility and handsomeness. He shook his head and walked down. Although he was known as the first person to break into the tower within ten years, he had no pride on his face. Instead, with deep frustration, it seemed that he was still dissatisfied with his own performance.

"Master Chong Yao. I love you, you are the only genius in my heart ..."

He just came out and was shaking his head, a girl flew straight. Regardless. Pass a white handkerchief.

"Thank you!"

Master Chongyao took the handkerchief, and the frustration on his face disappeared, and then he was full of smiles. Seeing him so graceful, a series of screams sounded around him, and another four or five girls rushed over and passed the handkerchief representing love .

Master Chongyao accepted them one by one without speculating.

"Eh? Why did he take all these handkerchiefs. Does he like these girls?"

Nie Yun was strange.

In his opinion, the other hand dedicates his handkerchief to show his love. If you don't return it to the other party, it means accepting. He can't accept the kindness of so many girls by himself.

"The offering of a handkerchief only means showing affection for the other party. This is a kindness. It ’s okay to accept as many people as possible. Only if you donate the sword to the other party can you show that you also love the other party. It's very impolite, it's tantamount to despise each other ... "

Nie Yun murmured in disbelief, and someone nearby heard it and explained it casually.

"Don't look at each other?"

Nie Yun's eyes widened. Then he realized why the girl was crying. It turned out that there was such a saying, I didn't know that it would really offend people ...

But it doesn't matter. He is just a traveling crane and will not leave for a long time without causing much impact.

"There is one more chance to break the tower today. Does anyone want to do it once?"

Master Chongyao was accepting the worship of many girls, the dark tower door opened again, and a hot, tall and thin figure came over and spoke loudly.

"One more chance? I'll try it!"

"You go, let's forget it, as far as you are concerned, I'm afraid even the first floor can't get through!"

"That's right, don't go ..."


The shouting of the tall and thin figure ended, and the crowd in front of the tower talked, each one showed a eager attitude, but each one moved forward.

"let me try!"

Nie Yun came over.

The purpose of his coming here is to reach the top of the tower. At this time, he has to go up naturally.

"Look, another guy who knows nothing!"

"Hey, there's a good show!"

"This kind of person estimates that if they can't go up the first floor, they will be kicked off ..."

Seeing a young man with a gimmick walking over, everyone was born with a chuckle.

Nie Yun concealed his cultivation. In the eyes of others, the strength is not very good, so everyone is not optimistic.

"Pay the cost of getting on the tower first, and then go in!"

When Nie Yun stepped out of the crowd, he walked straight up to the tower. The person in charge of the tall and thin glazed tower frowned and hummed.

"Still on the toll?" Nie Yun blinked.

"Crap, don't charge anyone, everyone wants to, we are not exhausted!" The tall and thin person in charge frowned, thinking that this time he would be a more powerful person who knows nothing but rules. .

"Haha, did you hear that? He didn't even know Tafei, but he wanted to go to the glass tower. It was ridiculous!"

"People who want to go to the glazed tower are prepared in advance and spent years of research, but they ca n’t even go up to the third or fourth floor. Seeing his appearance, one bun, I do n’t understand anything, I really want to go, right?”

"I bet he can't go up one level!"

"I bet he can't go up one level ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun's appearance didn't seem to be false, it seemed that he really didn't know about Ta Fei, and everyone around him laughed.

Dare to come and hit the glass tower. Which one didn't know the glass tower very well and did his homework in advance. This guy didn't even know the most basic cost of the tower.

"Don't make trouble here, leave!"

The tall and thin person in charge also listened to these ears, thinking that the teenager in front of him had come here to make troubles, and his face sank.

"What is the toll fee?"

Ignoring his attitude, Nie Yun asked.

"A high-quality chaotic soldier, if you hand it in, you can go in, and you don't quit immediately, otherwise, I will arrest you on the charge of disturbing the glass tower!"

The tall and thin person in charge posed a big hand.

"A good chaos soldier? Not expensive, here!"

After the ancient battlefield and his party, he did not know how many top-level chaos soldiers, let alone the top-level chaos soldiers, it was nothing, just throw one.


When he saw him, he took out the top-ranking chaotic soldier, without frowning, the tall and thin person in charge froze, then nodded, and let go.

No matter who it is, as long as he pays the tower fee, he is fully qualified to enter the glazed tower, and even he cannot stop it.

"This guy has really taken out the tower fee. Could it be that we have gone away, in fact, a rich young master?"

"Who knows, what about the young master? He doesn't even know how to get to Tafe.

"It's true that every year many wealthy children come to try their luck, but in the end they all fail ..."


Seeing this young man who didn't understand anything, he took out the upper fee ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone else stunned, even Master Chong Yao who was about to leave just now could not help but stop.

"Master Chong Yao, in the past ten years, you have lost many more layers and have the most say in your tower. How many layers can you see on this boy?"

Seeing him not leaving, a girl who worshipped him came over and asked with a smile.

"The first floor? Each floor of the glazed tower is very difficult. Without profound knowledge and strong strength, it is impossible to complete. The young man did not even know how to enter the tower. Hard to say! "

Master Chongyao shook his hair and made many girls act like stars, laughing.

"Can't get in the gate?" The girl wondered.

"Yes, entering the tower gate is also a test. You must have a strength of 2,000 avenues to enter. I don't think his strength is very good. If he can't get in, he will be blasted out!"

Chong Yao master said.

"To reach 2,000 avenues? Master Chongyao is awesome ..."

The girl committed **** again.

The idiot's voice had not yet fallen, and the ground suddenly shook.


Then everyone saw that the boy who didn't understand anything just strode into the tower door.

"Even if you can walk in, you can't get to the first floor ..."

As soon as he couldn't enter the tower door, the other party walked in. Master Chongyao seemed to be beaten, not very good-looking, gritted his teeth, but his words were not over. So he saw the tower in front of him, and the light flashed instantly. Up, the layers light up, and the speed is fast, like burning fireworks. (To be continued ...)

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