Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1507: Tier 11


Under the glass tower, hundreds of young men and women who had been laughing at the moment were all dumb, their faces were as if they were slaps with fierce pain, their eyes were staring at the bright light in front of them, their chins were about to fall to the ground.

I never dreamed that before, they were mocked by guys like idiots. Not only could they successfully enter the tower door, they were so fast!

"Look, he has already reached the third floor. As soon as the fourth floor is lit, it means that it has passed ..."

"The fourth floor is also on. It's actually as tall as Master Chongyao ..."

"He wouldn't pretend that he just acted, otherwise how could he pass the third floor so quickly? You need to know that Master Chongyao just got up here, but it took a whole hour! How long does it take? Ten breaths? Fifteen breaths? "

"Are you sure the glass tower is correct ..."

From the glass tower to the first floor, people outside can't see it, but it can be inferred from the light shining on the floor.

As long as the floor is passed, fireworks light will be emitted to illuminate the Quartet.

From entering the tower door to lighting on the third floor, this boy had at most a dozen breaths. How did he ...?

"This ... this ... impossible, no one can be so fast!"

Seeing the fourth-tier glass tower burning, Master Chongyao shivered all over his body. He didn't believe what he saw was true, and screamed insanely. Qin Yin is complete. I came here for the first time, and listened to it 72 times. After studying tens of thousands of results, he succeeded in one fell swoop. How can he pass it? The second layer is a chess game! Heaven and earth, I am a lore! This is a lore game. Once entered, there are chasers before and then wolves. Without superb chess skills, it is difficult to complete. I visited a famous teacher for 373 years before I thoroughly studied this game. Understand that when you pass, you still experience countless hardships. The powerful soul is crushed, the illusion is confused, and you pass immediately. This ... "

"The third layer is to read a word carved on the wall and copy it out. This word is ancient chaotic text, which requires deep understanding of the avenue to complete it. How can he be so fast than me ... no ... ... no ... it can't be true! "

Master Chongyao is going crazy, his eyes are red.

In order to break through the first three floors of the glass tower. He studied it carefully, no less than a thousand years ago, and succeeded in one fell swoop today. He never dreamed of the young man before, but there were more than a dozen breathing exercises. He achieved his results, and his strong contrast made him completely unacceptable.

"Master Chong Yao, he is just a fluke, every three floors of the glazed tower is a hardship, eighteen floors and six hardships can pass the third floor. It must not pass the fourth floor!"

The idiot girl saw the person she liked so much and quickly explained.

"Yes, the fourth floor is a pair of ink paintings. There are only half of the paintings, not only for people to understand the artistic conception in the painting, but also to complete it. I stop at this floor, I don't believe he can pass!"

Hearing the consolation of the idiot, Master Chongyao recovered some self-confidence, his fists squeezed tightly, his eyes stared at the tower in front of him.

The success of the tower. Just pay attention to the number of landings. It has nothing to do with time. The achievement achieved by one breath on the top of the tower and ten years on the top of the tower is the same. As long as this guy does not exceed the fourth floor, it is the same as his achievement. Grab his limelight.


As soon as Master Chongyao waited for the fourth layer of fireworks to go out, just when the young man was ashamed and down, a wind rang out from the tower, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh layers of fireworks were booming at the same time!


Master Chongyao scared back and fell, his face was pale, and he dared to say that the other party could not even pass the fourth floor. In a blink of an eye, they had already reached the seventh floor. Is this ... Is the world crazy, or is he wrong?

It wasn't just him. At this time, the entire front of the glazed tower was silent. It seemed that everyone was crazy by the scene in front of him. Even the tall and thin person in charge of the glazed tower just stayed in place, and his whole body was stiff.

"Look, the glazed tower actually lights up to the seventh floor?"

"On the seventh floor, this magnificent scene has not been seen for thousands of years. Hurry up and take a look ..."

"Who went in? So powerful? Is it Master Chongyao?"

"It wasn't him. He only came down to the fourth floor, and heard that he was a newcomer from the future!"

"Newcomer? Newcomer broke into the seventh floor? This ..."


The fireworks of the glazed tower illuminate half of the sky, and the entire Tallinn is shaken. Before Qingqing, many of my lovers, and many singles who were walking around, seeing such a magnificent scene, all came over. A moment of effort, the glazed tower was The crowd was full and there were tens of thousands.

All of them looked at the towering glass towers in front of them, as if they were pinched around their necks. Thousands of people were silent, and the needle fell silently.

Everyone came up with an idea ... who is the man who broke the tower? How many floors can I reach?

For billions of years, since the glass tower was established, the best record is the thirteenth floor ... Can he break it?


Nie Yun didn't know that his actions had attracted the attention of everyone in Tallinn. At this time, he was walking forward step by step.

At this time he was in the room on the eleventh floor.

For him who already has three thousand Dantians, the first few layers are very simple and there is no difficulty. Starting from the tenth layer, the difficulty gradually increases.

Appearing in front of him was a huge shelf with a large pile of medicinal materials on it. In the middle was a copper tripod. The name of the elixir was suspended in the air. Obviously, he chose the medicinal material from this pile of medicinal materials at will and took the elixir Refined successfully!

"Broken Spirit?"

Looking at the name of the suspended elixir on his head, Nie Yun frowned.

There are so many types of elixir in the Oblique Moon Extreme Domain. Even him, he has never heard of the name. He has never heard of the name. Naturally, it is impossible to know Dan Fang, know nothing, and how to make it?

Do you want to stop at this level?

"Look at the effects before talking!"

Eyebrows were wrinkled, and Nie Yun looked at the efficacy of the elixir.

With his Dan Tao talent and insight, as long as he knows the efficacy, then based on this pile of medicinal materials, he may be able to infer the prescription.

The finger gently touched the name of the elixir, and the effect immediately fell into the eyes, but there were only eight words-the soul broke through the ground and the strength was improved!

"Soul breaks through? It seems to be the elixir of ascension, so the choice is narrow ..."

Although there were only eight words, it showed the efficacy and power of the elixir, so Nie Yun was relieved and turned to walk to the herbs on the shelf.

"Jinzhu grass, psychedelic flowers, nine knot wood, red leaf sandalwood ..."

There are a total of twenty kinds of medicinal materials on the shelf, each of which is very precious, but after looking at it for a while, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned and his face looked ugly like an ice cellar.

"Jin Zhu Cao is a metallic medicinal material, which is good for physical tempering. The psychedelic flowers and Jiu Jiu Mu are both healing medicines. They have no use for the soul. The red leaf sandalwood can make people resist the demon. Effect, it is completely ineffective for the soul ... "

Although these medicinal materials are precious, they are not rare. You can find them if you look for them carefully. The rare medicinal materials can also be used to make great elixir. It is not unusual. The key is that these medicinal materials are not available. One is useful for the soul!

If you want the soul to break through the country, you must have at least the elixir that has an effect on the soul. There is no one in this pile of medicinal materials. How can this so-called soul-breaking elixir be refined?

Nie Yun's appearance is as low as water ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you want to refine the corresponding elixir, you must first have the corresponding medicinal materials, in order to extract the spiritual power. There is no one in the medicinal herbs that can enhance the soul. How to make the elixir that breaks the soul?

Isn't this playing with me?

"Yes? By the way, if you want the soul to break through the country, you must first be calm and calm, so that you can go further and further. Hongyetan just makes people meditate. Is it possible that this soul-breaking spirit is based on it?

"The physical body is the place where the whole body is qi and blood, and the soul is nourished. The physical body is strong, so that the soul can grow, and Jin Zhu Cao must have a great effect!"

"Although psychedelic flowers and nine knot wood are healing things, they can increase the body's metabolic rate and increase people's metabolism ..."

Although it seemed impossible to complete, Nie Yun was calm in the water, and he took a closer look at the medicinal materials in front of him again. The properties and capabilities of these medicinal materials kept flowing in his mind, and they were continuously formulated into one prescription after another.

ps: monthly pass is zero, no need to change, hehe, today's two changes are complete!

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