Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1510: Fascination


Nie Yun appeared on the eighteenth floor of the glass tower.

On the fourteenth floor, his soul strength is evaluated.Under the nourishment of the runes and the boulevard ring, his spiritual strength has reached a very high level.This level of assessment is nothing at all.

After breaking through the fourteenth floor, I thought that the remaining layers would be very difficult, but who knows it is a lot of offensive formations and special weird atmosphere.

For example, the fierce killing array on the fifteenth floor can release a strong killing breath, and it must be unbearable for ordinary people, but he has experienced the process of the temple, and this killing is nothing.

The gas of death on the sixteenth floor has a similar effect to the gas of death in Desperate Lands.The wings of the Phoenix unfolded, and it was easily blocked out, which could not hurt the slightest.

The seventeenth layer is the water of despair and one of the four major death waters of the Chaos Ocean, the water of birth and death. This thing has great corrosive ability to the superpower, but it is not too difficult for him. .

Break through four consecutive floors and directly go to the eighteenth highest floor of the glass tower.


The entrance is empty, there are corresponding assessments and items on the previous floor, and there is nothing on this floor, like an empty room.

Is there no assessment on the eighteenth floor?

Should not!

Did n’t you say that you have to pass through the eighteenth floor to get recognition? It ’s impossible to have only seventeenth floor!

Suspiciously, he turned around in the room and was planning to run Tianyan to see if there was a hidden array.He saw the surrounding walls appear pink, and a faint aroma penetrated into his nostrils.

This aroma makes the blood float, and I can't help but produce some original impulse.


A figure suddenly appeared. It was a woman, a very beautiful woman, in a light red dress. She was hung lightly on her body, her slender legs were looming, her white skin was slightly red, and she was seduced by the pink walls and aroma. people.

\"It's you?\"

\"It's you?\"

Looking at the man's appearance clearly, Nie Yun looked at him, and the other side seemed extremely shocked. He stopped in place.

Nie Yun recognized that the other person was the woman who had wanted to help someone in Tallinn before, and the other person also recognized this person as the rude guy.


If it was said that Yuewu had some resistance to absorbing the potential of the other party, and saw that the person who appeared here was this person, he immediately made up his mind.

How can a guy who is so rude and hurts his favorite women so much?

A soft humming sounded through the room, as if piercing into the soul.

\ "媚功? \"

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun's eyes fixed.

This voice carried supreme charm and mental confusion, and even he was so determined to reveal a flaw, which was terrifying.

It seems that this girl is not easy!


Being concentrated, the girl in front of her came slowly, and the light clothes on her body floated slowly under the breeze, exposing the milky skin inside, and the smooth and slender legs. She showed amazing elasticity and approached slowly.


In a blink of an eye, Nie Yun felt that all the pores in the body seemed to be seized, and an unexplainable dryness was transmitted.

\ "Oops, there is something wrong with this aroma! \"

Ning Yun's eyebrows frowned as the spirit was frozen.

He has a highly toxic talent and can resist all poisons, but this aroma is an aphrodisiac. It does not belong to the poisonous leaf domain. It can be used alone without any problems. With the charm of the other party, the power has become several times, even if it is He all felt a bit unbearable.

Zizi Zizi!

A shadow flickered in front of her eyes, and two naked women appeared in front of her, gently twisting her body, clinging to his chest, back and back, dancing like a water snake with a thin waist.

Although these two figures are unreal, they have smooth skin, even heat on the body, and each hair is completely visible, no difference from the real person, even if Nie Yun's eyes are not flawed.

\ "Oops, what kind of charm is this? Why is it so powerful? \"

The whole body seemed to be imprisoned, and the whole person was a little stiff.

The opponent's charm is so terrible, Nie Yun's determination seems to be torn.

\ "What more hesitation? This is your place, whatever you want ... \"

A fluttering voice sounded in the ear, and then a flower bloomed in front of her.The only lewd clothes on Yuewu slipped off her shoulders, appearing in front of the smooth satin, the arc-shaped roundness of the chest, the two red points, and the long legs The hidden beauty ... all at a glance!

The moon dance came softly, and the slender waist was like a snake, with every charm with special charm.The whole person seemed to have entered the eyeball, giving a strong shock.


The beautiful figure came to the front, and the jade hand was lifted, and it was gently slid across Nie Yun's chest. The roundness of the chest was pressed against Nie Yun's chest. The squeezed slightly deformed and moved slightly, causing the most primitive anger of human beings. Crazy and obsessed.

\ "Don't move yet? Don't eat anything to the mouth, I'm leaving ..."

Nie Yun's whispered voice clung to her ears, and her long black hair tips flicked into Nie Yun's ears under the breeze, which made people feel itchy.

When Jiao's body moved, Yuewu walked forward, as if to leave him, her waist twisted like a goddess dancing.

\"do not go……\"

Nie Yun's eyes blurred, he walked forward, grasped gently, and the girl poured into his arms.

Smooth as. [,! ] Silk's skin fell on the palm, and it was indescribable that Nie Yun seemed to be confused and completely stagnation, and seemed to want Lima to tear the woman in her arms, and savagely.

\ "Hmm, it really is no different from other men, a pervert, don't blame me today if you die! \"

Seeing the look of the young man in front of her eyes, Yuewu's eyes grew cold, and her body was full of murder.

I thought that this person could break into the eighteenth floor, and he would be invincible and resist the charm, but he did not think that it was no different from ordinary people. When he saw the beauty, he forgot himself. Such a person is dead!

Indifferent eyes, Yuewu didn't do it, but touched his palm gently like Nie Yun's chest, entangled him, raised his red lips, exhaled like blue, and looked like a pick of Ren Jun.


\ "Eighteen floors? That's bad! \"

Here, Yuewu moves her body to the limit, her body begins to turn red, and she immediately pushes Nie Yun back. The master of the nineteenth floor stands in the room and looks at the small glass tower that falls to the ground. Zoom out.


With a big move, she grabbed the small tower on the ground, moved her spirit, and passed her ideas around her.

Breaking into the eighteenth floor so easily reminded her of the last thing, and I don't know why she felt a palpitation in her heart.


The idea had just stopped, and the elders who had just flew out returned to the room.

\ "So eager to find us, what happened? \"

When Ji Ji appeared, her brows frowned, and her tone was slightly unpleasant.

\ "Yeah, Tower Master, I am carrying out the task you just explained, it has not been completed yet, what happened, makes you so anxious! \" Elder Ruxiang also came in.

\ "Look at this ... \"

The tower owner was too lazy to explain, the small tower swayed forward, radiant, and the fully illuminated eighteenth floor illuminated the entire floor.

\ "Eighteenth floor? This guy reached the eighteenth floor so fast? How is this possible? \"

\ "Don't you say he's less than 100,000 years old? How can he resist the test of the 17th floor and come to the 18th floor so soon? \"

\ "I can rush to the eighteenth floor, will the last thing happen again? This is bad, this guy is not so great!"

\ "Well, no matter whether it can be repeated or not, this person must not be able to offend us, it is really impossible, calculate!"


Seeing the light emitted from the little tower, several elders' faces also changed.

The last thing appeared like a tide.Although I don't know the specific strength of this tower-breaker, I know that it is not easy to get along with the eighteenth floor.

\ "Well, I think so too, even this time ... \" The tower master saw this attitude from everyone, relieved, and was trying to continue talking. After watching for a week, his face changed suddenly: \ "How did Yuewu not? Come up? She won't already perform her own body, to confuse each other, it's bad! \ "


After hearing the tower master's exclamation, everyone realized that Yuewu was indeed absent, and all of them looked pale, as if they had seen something terrible.

\ "You want to kill me? \"

On the eighteenth floor, the girl holding the girl's body like a confused teenager suddenly opened her eyes, and a ray of direct light shot like a scorching sun.

At this time, as long as the discerning person can see, this pair is half-confusing!


Yuewu was startled and was about to run away, and suddenly Jiao's body tightened, only to find that he was hung tightly by the opponent's big hand and could not escape at all.


Jiao's body shook, and a slap had been drawn on her rounded hips, her voice crisp and loud, echoing throughout the room.

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