Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1511: Horror Dance


After being 'pumped', Yue Wu almost fainted. Copy this address View% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 73% 68% 75% 68% 61% 68% 61% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d

Her dignified lord level, a member of the galloping party, can be counted even in Liuli City, being pinched by the other side, just like a grasshopper, can't move at all, what's going on?

"What's wrong? This kind of charm is like 'fascination', 'confuses' me? It's too low to look at yourself, too small to others!"

Although Nie Yun said lightly on his mouth, he was secretly saying that it was dangerous.

The charm of the other side's charm and the special aroma are really terrible. Even if his heart is as strong as iron, he can't help the Tao, and he is almost completely lost and confused.

At a critical moment, the rune power that incorporated the soul in his body worked, only to wake him up.

"'Mis', 'Confusion' can't kill you, enough to kill you ..."

Unexpectedly, her hard-working Mei Gong was cracked for the first time, Yue Wu was ashamed and annoyed, her body trembled, and her body moved forward like a fish. Her strong fairy power shot from her body and volleyed. A scratch, a soft whip appeared in the palm of his hand, stroked straight and split.

软 This soft whip is a peak ‘hybrid’ chaos warrior. With the strength of her lord, like the blade of a knife, the air explodes in a sudden, and the sound of the explosion spreads forward.

It ’s okay not to fight, this time is opposite Nie Yun, the roundness in front of the ‘chest’ is constantly trembling, because the angry body is slightly reddish, and it is clearly visible on the white skin, adding a charm ‘confuse’.

In the face of this situation, Nie Yun shook his head.

He is not a saint, and he will still be tempted to face such a seductive seducer.

Can't stand it. The charm just now has been carried away. This is not a big deal, and the runes shine brightly in the soul. With the index finger pointing forward, the peak “hybrid” chaotic soft whip has fallen on the tip of the finger, the wrist turns, and the next moment, the soft whip reaches his hand.

"Are you ... the lord of the supremacy?"

When I saw the strongest move, I didn't even touch the other person's skin. Yuewu knew it was terrible. More powerful than expected.

She was arrested just now, but she only felt that the other side was attacking. While she is not being attacked, it seems that even if the preparation is sufficient, I am afraid that she is not an opponent!

Absolutely reached the peak of the suzerain!

"Even if it is the peak of the suzerain, it ’s useless.‘ Yes ’is so good, the ninth turn, shock dance!”

I was surprised and only flashed on my face, Yue Wuxiu raised her eyebrows, grabbed a volley, and she wore a fairy-tale fantasy dress, her body turned like a light swallow.

Like her name, she didn't attack. It's like a swallow dancing in the sky, dancing not far away!

第九 The strongest trick of the ninth turn of ‘Yu’ ’s body and flames, Shock Dance!

I jumped off. Two jumps startle, three jumps break! ‘Yes’ is the most powerful trick in the body.

Let's sizzle!

Along with her dance steps, all the thoughts of "*" swayed from her center, like the water 'flowers' falling from the rocks into the water, spreading out layer by layer.

"No wonder Tallinn's" getting "the month-old meeting was originally to absorb the idea of ​​gathering * ..."

See the special airflow coming in layers. Nie Yun was shocked, and a short period of "mystery" and "confusion" appeared. However, the situation was resolved by him in an instant.

Tallinn held a month-old conference to attract countless young men and women. Once love breeds, there is bound to be *. These things are gradually fermented, absorbed by many runes in Tallinn, and come together to form the reliance of this person's cultivation.

No wonder before I thought that the runes in Tallinn were not only simple to decorate, the original purpose was here!

This kind of * thought is different from the evil "evil" evil demon. It is a simple thought of a man and a woman. The feelings are pinned. The first love is beautiful. There is no impurity in it. By doing this, not only is it more powerful, it also shows its charm. 'Confused' **** is also greater!

He can even say, it seems that this glazed tower is not as simple as imagined, very terrible.

These thoughts flashed in my head, the dance of Yue Wu's shock dance is getting faster and faster, and the wave pattern from the "swing" is getting stronger and stronger, and a pink 'color' breath is formed in the room again, piercing soul.

The sigh of breath sounded in his ears, like a whisper and a confession from a lover. For a moment, Nie Yun felt that Lingtai Lingyue came to him again. The lover who made him love his whole life was sealed in the heavenly cry.

I heard this cry, Nie Yun's heart pounded suddenly, like a knife.

Before Xuan was born again, he had two thoughts in his heart. First, he avenged his parents and friends, and second, Yantai Lingyue.

After the rebirth, all the matters of parents and friends were resolved. This obsession disappeared. After the spiritual world thing, I thought that the matter of Lingtai Lingyue could also be resolved satisfactorily. ...

This incident has always been the most secretive pain in his heart. At the beginning, he was sitting in the Six Roads for 30,000 years, just wanting to hear her voice and listen to her talk. At this time, he heard that his whole body was trembling and his eyes were slightly red.

Yueyueer, I didn't protect you!

Although I have the strength that no one in the world can match, but without you, there is no honor, and only the loneliness of my heart is left.

Xu Jingjing listened to the sound of ears, and Nie Yun seemed to be sinking.

"So you have a lover? And love so deeply ..."

I was dancing Yue Yue, as if seeing the pain in Nie Yun's heart, slightly surprised.

However, she knows that the soul can't fight at all. Once the opponent backs bites, she can only be injured. Immediately, she is dignified and dances faster.

Puppet power is getting faster and faster like the ‘wave’ pattern, and the ‘fine’ stab ‘radical’ is getting stronger and stronger. Nie Yun stays where she is, and she seems to be completely conquered by her tricks.

On the eighteenth floor, Nie Yun and Yuewu souls fought ‘fighting’. On the nineteenth floor, the tower master and others awoke from shock.

"Since Yuewu is looking for her, she must be on the eighteenth floor. Let's go and save her!"

Said an elder with a worried face.

长 The elder will enter the eighteenth floor after speaking, but he is stopped by the tower owner before he leaves.

别 "Don't be busy, if Yue Wu meets this person, she must have performed her‘ sexuality ’, and her soul is the most afraid of collision. Let ’s just let her get distracted and go into magic, very dangerous!”

"The tower owner said yes, it is not appropriate to go now!"

I heard the tower owner's analysis, and an elder nodded.

The soul's 'fighting' front is the one that is most afraid of interference. If they rush over, it will become a bad thing if they fail to save people.

"What should we do? Let's not wait here!" Said the elder who was in a hurry just now.

不用 "No, this glazed tower order can clearly reflect what happened on the 18th floor. Let's watch it here. It is really dangerous for the moon dance, and it is not too late!"

The tower master took out the small tower in the palm again.

The core of all the banned glass towers can clearly reflect the whole situation of the entire glass tower.

A little forward, a ray of light emerged, 'shooting' on the tower order.

The eighteenth floor of Wu Xiaotiao's "bright" flashed fiercely, and a few Daocai "color" rays reflected in the air, and everything that happened in the entire eighteenth floor was "exposed".

I can see that Yue Wu is constantly performing the shock dance in the wide tower floor ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fast dance makes the idea of ​​* getting stronger and stronger, and slowly fills the entire room, and the teenager across her face frowns. It kept beating, seemed to be unbearable, and fell into a coma.

"Fortunately, the moon dance has won ..."

I saw this scene, everyone was relieved at the same time, one by one smiled.

Before I was still skeptical about the ability of moon dance, I was relieved at this time.

"Yuewu is stronger than I thought, it seems that this person has become a stubborn lord!"

Xi Ji laughed.


As soon as the crowd was full, when the crowd was full of excitement, Su Ji suddenly saw the tower owner's eyebrows "hair" frown tightly, and looked at it strangely: "What's wrong, tower owner? Is there anything else to worry about? "

"Be charmed by people, should be controlled by the thought of *, unable to extricate themselves, thinking is not controlled by themselves, and this boy seems to be caught in memories, not 蛊 'confused' ..."

Pagoda main road.


When I heard this, everyone was stunned, the excitement disappeared, and it turned out that something was wrong.

Although the young man's eyebrows "twisted" and "twisted" continually, and his expression looked a little uncomfortable, he seemed completely unaffected by the surrounding pink 'color' * thoughts, but remembered something by himself.

"Ling Yue has become heaven, and it ’s useless to think more ... Now I'm going to cut off this thought, no more obsession!"

When the tower master and others were suspicious, Nie Yun on the eighteenth floor opened his eyes violently, surrounded by dark black runes, splattered like golden light and lit up.


The image in front of the master of the tower immediately burst into a bubble. Q

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