Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Submit to me

"What? You are not the lord of the suzerain, but ... dominate the power in half a step?"

"Half-step **** under 100,000?"

"We are besieging a half-step dominator?"

Uh ...

I heard the trembling voice of the tower master slightly, and flew at the same time with the other party. The faces of the people froze at the same time, and their bodies trembled.

Although the peak of the suzerain of two hundred and ninety-nine avenues and the half-step dominance of two hundred and ninety-one avenues are only one avenue away, the strength is different from heaven and earth. It is completely different.

The main method of the tower was exhausted, and it would be able to kill the two hundred and ninety-nine Avenue Sovereign peak strong, but in the face of the most ordinary half-step dominion, there will be no room for resistance.

A half-step master who is less than 100,000 years old ... what is going on?

"Let's do it together!"

The elders who have a good relationship with Yuewu screamed violently, grabbed it in the air, a broken patch suspended in the palm of their hands, sobbed, and pierced Nie Yun's heart.


At the same time as she started, several other elders also screamed at the same time, each showing their best trick.

In the air, several peaks of chaos and magic soldiers rotate to form a seven-star layout. The magnificent power condenses, as if to tear the sky and pierce the universe.


Qi Nieyun's original contempt was dignified.

Although these seven are only ordinary suzerain-level strength, they are united and arranged in a matrix method, and the fighting power is far better than one plus one. The seven actually exerted the supreme supreme strength of the suzerain, which is only a small step away from the half-step master. !!

The Big Dipper Seven Star Array gathered in the air, and the vast chaotic ocean seemed to be sensed. The bright and brilliant light shines down from it, the shaking light and the position of Tianshu condensed into two sword qi, together with the entire star. Stir the air and capsize.

攻击 This attack is even more terrifying than the prohibition imposed by the tower master just now. Even if the supreme leader of the two hundred and ninety-nine avenues meets, they will temporarily retreat and dare not to attack them.


Xu's face was dignified, Nie Yun's palm pushed forward, and a flat stone figure slowly grew in his palm. The territory above is vertical and horizontal, carrying everything and carrying the weight of the earth.

的 Sword Qi formed by the opposing formation. Extremely sharp, even if he has half-step dominating strength, he dare not directly contact, and can only use the territory map.


Qixing Jian Mang and Shi Tu met, the latter remained motionless. Fly forward slowly. A blink of an eye came to the top of the seven.

"what is this?"

"The same magic weapon as the Dried Blood Dragon Seal? Why is there such a thing ..."

Uh ...

The map of the Xi territory came across, and the seven elders of the glazed tower changed their faces at the same time. His whole body shivered, and under strong pressure, his knees could not help but bend to his knees.

The Territory map carries the territorial power of a world, thick and solid, irresistible. Although the seven men joined forces to form the formation, although the combat effectiveness was strong, they could not resist.

"Stop ... we confess!"

The tower owner who was injured before. Seeing that other elders would be crushed to death at any time, squeezing into meatloaf, biting their teeth, the small tower in their hands flew out, turning into a giant pillar, blocking the map of the falling territory, roaring.

"Concede defeat? If I lose strength today and confess to you, will you not kill me?"

Qi Nieyun stared.

"I ..." The tower master froze.

Squeak! Squeak!

When the tower master did not know how to answer, the territory map continued to fall, and the small tower was squeaky and squashed at any time.

He is also a peak chaotic magic soldier. The territory map represents the thickness of a land that dominates everything and has tremendous power. It is not the core of a glass tower that can be countered at all.

Hearing the voice, everyone panicked.

Don't think about it, as long as the opponent continues to push the momentum, the stone map in the air will inevitably crush the small tower and squeeze everyone into a meat pie at the same time.

Hagiwara thinks that this person is less than 100,000 years old. Even if their talents are strong, under their power, they can only be willing to kill and be arbitrarily beheaded. Now it seems that this person is even more terrible than the original demon!

Although the devil acted, he didn't care about the expression at all. He didn't take himself seriously, a game-like attitude, and in front of him, his eyes were as cold as ice, without any emotion, although he didn't show the killing. But they know that as long as they are not satisfied with the answer, they will definitely act relentlessly, regardless of whether you are a beauty or not!

At this age, according to common sense, when it was young and full of vitality, it was inevitable for the opposite sex, especially the country's all-encompassing women, to be fragrant and precious, but he did not have the slightest such attitude, and his firm mentality caused panic.

I'm also right. Without such a mind, how could it be so young to have such strength! Even if they joined forces, they were helpless with the dragonfly shaking the tree.

"I will do it ..."

The tower master gritted his teeth and told the truth.

"Very good! What I want to hear is the truth!" Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand, a throne appeared, and slowly sat down. The map of the territories falling in the air stopped, but it was not withdrawn. He could still give it to him if he wanted Several people were fatally hit.

"What do you ask me to answer now!"

Qi Nieyun's voice did not deliberately exert its strength, but with unquestionable majesty, the tower master and others knew that if they refused, they would be hit with a headache.

第一 "First, the relationship between your glass tower and the dried blood royal family!"

"An ancestor of our glass tower was abandoned by the emperor of the dried blood royal family, so we set a door rule for all men in the world. Although the glass city and the dried blood royal family are close, the relationship is not good! It wasn't the Emperor Ganxian who cared for that ancestor, and we have been curling up inside the tower, I'm afraid we have been uprooted! "

The tower master did not dare to hesitate, and said in a hurry.

This matter is not a secret, as long as you can inquire about it at will, there is no need to hide it.

"Very good, second question, what has happened to the dried blood royal family recently, how is the defense inside the royal city?"

Bian Nieyun then asked.

"There is nothing moving in the dried blood royal family! As for the defense of the imperial city, the four gates of the southwest and northwest of the imperial city are guarded by the four main suspicious peaks. The characters of the 19 Avenues are guarded by them, and it is difficult for the flies to mix in! "

Pagoda main road.

"The four main suzerains sit at the peak, the two hundred and ninety-nine Avenue Powerhouses ... there may even be kings who dominate them ..."

Nie Yun frowned.

The dried blood dragon seal is really not so easy to obtain. Not to mention the possible dominance in the imperial city, just talking about the four major lords and the dried blood emperor on 2,999 avenues is a headache and difficult. contend.

"How can I enter the palace without doubt and meet the Emperor Gansu smoothly?"

Nie Yun continued to ask.

The dried blood dragon seal is equivalent to the jade seal, and it must be with the dried blood emperor at all times. If you want to get it, you can only find the emperor, and then think of a way.

这个 "This ... The Emperor Ganxue only met his close relatives, or the people with great credit, who were not usually in the palace. How can I see them? I don't know ..."

The tower master looked bitter.

Listening to the other party's question, she already knew that the other party might be from the blood emperor, and the blood dynasty. What are they looking for? They are not familiar with the dynasty ...

"I don't know? Your glaze tower is beautiful ~ www.readwn.com ~ There should be no problem in getting a minister!"

Nie Yun hummed.


The tower master and the elders stopped at the same time.

It is true that by virtue of their charm, some ministers have no problem at all, and it is precisely because of this that they have a foothold.

If not many ministers spoke, even if the Emperor Ganxue nostalgic, the others would have already started. Wouldn't someone else sleep on the couch?

"Allegiance and obedience to me, you can not kill you, otherwise, not only will you be killed, this glazed tower will not need to continue to stand here!"

Seeing that everyone was not talking, Nie Yun didn't bother to continue to ask more, raised his eyebrows, his power was faint, and the territorial map of the air whistled and made sounds, which seemed to hit him at any time.

"Let's be loyal?"


不可能 "Impossible! We are all superpowers, how can we be loyal to others ..."

The elders did not expect the other party to make this request, all of them changed their faces.

"You have no choice but to agree or ... disagree!"

Yan Nieyun's face sank, and the territorial air map was thunderous, and the roaring voice dropped suddenly.

ps: quack, conquering a group of girl soldiers who can perform charming feats is also a very good thing. From time to time, throw a wink, cough, it is exciting to think about it ... ask for a few monthly tickets to raise the spirit, and it will be mid-month On the 14th, the new book "Universal Respect of the World" was put on the shelves. When one hundred chapters broke out, the book would also break out. There could be a few chapters. It depends on everyone's failure in these two days. quack! (To be continued ...)

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