Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1514: Fu Jiang is gone

"I don't agree. The tower owner should never agree ... Our glass tower tradition has been passed down for so many years and cannot be destroyed in our hands ..."

An elder shouted, eyes full of disagreement.


Before she could finish speaking, a sword air suddenly struck, like a thin line, and her neck was wrapped in a blink of an eye.


Blood spewed out, the elder's head rolled to the ground, his eyes bulged, and he couldn't believe the other party's means were so fierce and fast.


Seeing that the elder died directly, without even escaping the soul, the entire room was silent immediately.

The young boy was more indifferent than he had imagined. If he didn't agree, it was foreseeable that he would dare to kill them all. No one left!

"What's the benefit of our allegiance to you?"

When the rabbit died and was sad, when an elder was killed, the people gritted their teeth and asked Ji Ji.

"Now you have no choice but to choose to die or not! If you are true to your allegiance, the benefits will be greater than you think!"

Nie Yun's fingertips were lingering with a sword faintly.

The other person's life and death are in their own control, and it is impossible to promise them any good.

"Okay, my aunt Ji agrees to be loyal to you!"

Xi Ji bit her lip, and the first promised.

"You Ji ..."

After hearing her agree so quickly, the others' faces became unsightly at the same time.

"The situation is compelled, we don't have many choices. I think you all agree. This adult has such strength at such a young age. He will follow him. It will definitely be better than staying at the glass tower!

媃 Hime Road.


When they heard this, everyone was silent.

She's right, although the current situation is forced by the form. But with a half-step dominating the strong, covered in the future, the space to grow in the future must be much larger than just staying in the glass tower!

The glazed tower itself was jeopardized by the dried blood imperial city. Although they were the suzerain class, they did not dare to go too far. They were afraid of being killed by the handle. At this time, they would turn to a half-step master who was less than 100,000 years old. What wonderful story happened?

"Allegiance to me, I can heal your genius Moon Dance. Do not leave any sequelae, and help her to dominate the realm of half a step!" Nie Yun said indifferently when someone agreed.

This is a psychological tactic. At first, they gave each other despair, letting them know that they would die without surrender, and tangled in their hearts, and then gave some benefits. Light up hope.

really. As soon as this sentence came out, several elders who originally felt that they had surrendered to others had no hope at once.

"You can really cure Yuewu without any sequelae?" The elders who had a good relationship with Yuewu were excited and asked quickly.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Moon Dance was wounded by his counterattack with rune power. As long as the power of the backlash stabbing into the body is drawn back, the soul master's talent is used to nourish and recover completely.

Nie Yun was not sure about letting him be promoted halfway. However, you can throw it as sweet dates. There is no way now, it does not mean that there is no way in the future. With his promotion speed, it is only a matter of time to become the master. Once successful, it should not be difficult for such a talented person to become a half step master.

"Okay, I'm willing to submit to you!"

Hearing Nie Yun's confirmation, the elder nodded directly without dragging his feet.

"I do too!"

"I agree……"


When several others saw that someone had betrayed, there was no burden in their hearts, and they shouted at the same time.

No matter what, I am afraid that there is a leader, and the emergence of the leader will become more and more simple later, and the unwillingness in my heart will become natural.

"How about you?"

Seeing everyone agreeing, Nie Yun nodded, and his eyes fell on the tower master.


The sword air hovered at the fingertips, and a long sword full of cold mang appeared in the air.

As soon as this sword appeared in space, a crack appeared, and before the force was exerted, the entire glass tower seemed to be shattered, and the aura quickly gathered, condensing into a powerful sword.


Many of the top chaos soldiers cast by the crowd just now, including the small tower in the hands of the tower master, saw this sword as if the subjects saw the monarch, and at the same time they whimpered and stayed in place, dare not compete with it.

"Dominate the soldiers?"

Everyone was stunned.

Although everyone had never seen the master soldier, but they saw this scene and immediately knew it.

This seemingly unusual sword is bound to dominate the soldiers. Otherwise, it is impossible to completely surrender these peak chaos soldiers, and there is no strength to compete with them!

Dominate in half steps and have a master soldier? What the **** is this guy?

"I'm willing to surrender!"

Shocked by the master soldier, the tower master exhaled and gritted his teeth.

The power of mastering the magic soldier is the envy of anyone. Since the other party let her know that this thing exists, if you do not submit, you will definitely kill it. Had nodded to promise.

"Very well, sacrificing the soul!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

After experiencing the relics of God, he did not believe in the vow of chaos, and sacrificing the soul was the most secure.


The people decided to surrender, without much contortion, and sacrificed their souls. Nie Yun was shocked by the sea, and felt the thoughts of everyone, grasping the palm of his hand, and the territory was taken into him.

With soul sacrifice, it is tantamount to controlling it all. The territorial map is no longer necessary.

"I woke her up!"

Sitting down again, Nie Yun looked at the moon dance lying on the ground, and grabbed the palm of her hand. The rune power that melted into her body was immediately absorbed into the body. At the same time, a stream of soul appeared in front of her, and several gentle rays of light flow into the moon dance. Heal her chaotic soul.

After a while, Yue Wu woke up.

"Master ... Master, be careful, this person is amazing ..."

Yue Wu woke up and saw Master and others standing with Nie Yun, her face quickly shouted.

She was stunned just now and didn't know what happened. Where did she know that her master and elder had now become the attendant of the young boy in front of her.

"Yuewu, this is our new master, don't hurry up and acknowledge the subject!"

Tower main road.

"Recognize the Lord? Surrender?" Yue Wu's eyes fell to the ground.

"Well, we've all surrendered, so let's do it!"

The elder who had a good relationship with her was busy.


Yuewu looked at the crowd and blinked a few times, knowing what everyone said was true. Then she realized that the young man was terrible, his mouth was bitter, his soul moved and he sacrificed.


In the blink of an eye, he also recognized Nie Yun as the main player.

"Very well, since you recognize me as the master, I will not conceal any more. I plan to go to the Imperial Blood City to steal the Blood Dragon Seal!"

Seeing that all the people in front of him recognized the Lord, Nie Yun no longer hid, and stated his purpose.

Conquering these people, he has his own usefulness, so he must say his goals in advance to better arrange for cooperation. Otherwise, at a critical moment, everyone is too shocked to digest and will only affect the plan.

"Stealing the Dried Blood Dragon Seal?"

The tower master and others almost scared to death after hearing the words of the master.

The dry blood dragon seal represents the jade seal of the dry blood dynasty, the emperor status symbol, steal this thing ... dream it!

"Stolen, actually robbed, you can only succeed but not fail!"

Nie Yundao.

The Emperor Ganxue comprehends the arrival of 2,999 articles, and it must have been fully understood that Stealing the Avenue. Long Yin is in his charge, and it is almost impossible to steal the task.

It is difficult to imagine that it is difficult to grab things from the strongest of the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine highways.

Because this was a difficult task for him, Nie Yun decided to accept these people as servants and cooperate with him.


Everyone was crying when they heard the news ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are you sure you are right?

Go to the Blood Palace and grab the Blood Dragon Seal ... Why don't you always feel that it is not true enough?

"Don't be surprised, I have my own way, Yue Wu, go and see if the attendant who came to Tallinn with me before is still there!"

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Nie Yun laughed lightly, looked at Xiangyue Wu, and commanded.

He and Prince Fujiang had met Yuewu while strolling in Tallinn, so she must be able to recognize Fujiang.

"Yes!" After obeying the order, Yuewu walked out, and flew to the front a moment later: "Master Hui, your attendant ... is gone, I have searched the whole Tallinn and found no trace!"

"Really? Fine!" Nie Yun stood up. (To be continued ...)

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