Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1515: Lord of the City of Liuli

Seeing that Nie Yun was not surprised but laughed, everyone was confused.

His servant is gone, not disappointed, but happy, what is going on?

"My servant is Prince Fujiang of the Dry Blood Dynasty!" Nie Yun explained.

"Prince Fujiang?" Everyone's head exploded.

主人 This master is going to go against the sky!

Not only did he have to steal the blood dragon seal, but even the son of the emperor who had dried blood became an attendant, how did he do it? Besides, you have to grab the dragon's blood dragon seal, and now Prince Fu Jiang will run away. He must pass the news on. He should be afraid. Why be happy?

"The owner wants to pass the news of the robbing of Dragon Seal through Prince Fu Jiang's mouth?"

The master of the pagoda should understand it first, his eyes raised.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

Although Prince Fu Jiang sacrificed his soul to him, he knew that this person was unreliable, otherwise he would not let the king cicada and others be careful. I am afraid that entering the glass tower is one of his strategies. High tower, the soul is isolated by the formation outside the tower, giving him the opportunity to escape.

Sure enough, as expected, the guy fled directly without stopping.

"He escapes will reveal your purpose, so the dried blood dynasty will take precautions, and then it will be difficult to get the dried blood dragon mark ..." This time, not only the tower owner did not understand, everyone was confused.

If you want to grab the dragon's blood dragon seal, let the other party pass the news in advance, and the other party is ready, isn't it passive?

"How about the guard of the dried blood palace?" Nie Yun did not explain, but asked casually.

"The formation method personally arranged by the dominating strongman. Like an iron bucket!" Said the tower master.

"What if I go in and **** the dried dragon's seal?" Nie Yun then asked.

"This ..." The tower master's face changed, not looking good, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Straight!" Knew she was concerned about her feelings. Nie Yun laughed.

"Master enters ... I'm afraid it's hard to come out!" He said slowly for a long time.

"You're right. I entered the palace and will be caught. It's almost impossible to escape!" Nie Yun nodded and continued: "Also, you said just now that the Emperor of Dry Blood was almost in the palace, never Out! "

"Master means to ... lead him out to arrest you?"

The master of the tower finally realized that his pupils shrank.

Lead the dried blood emperor? This is too crazy!

The Emperor Gangan Xue was a peerless powerhouse who realized 2,999 avenues. There is only a slight difference from the master level, and if it really comes out, it will definitely bring thunder. Shocking, let him take a shot ... This master is really dare to do it!

"Nice!" Seeing the shock of the crowd, Nie Yun looked indifferent.

The dry blood imperial city is full of crises, especially the imperial palace. It must be difficult to get out of it. Anyway, they are all robbed. If the emperor can leave the imperial city, it is best! Let the other party lose the advantage of the ground, he can better get the Dragon Seal!

Anyway, he has to face it anyway. Although the opponent is strong, he is not a weak person. It is hard to say who wins or loses.

"But ... even if you want to **** his dried blood dragon mark, he ... may not come!"

I saw the host nodded in confirmation. The tower owner still felt something wrong, though the words were gentle. But others still understood.

What is the identity of the Emperor Ganxue, and how can he grab you? Even if you are a half-step leader, he may not leave the Imperial City to take his own shot!

因为 Is it just because you want to **** his dried blood dragon seal?

In recent years, many people who want to rob Longyin for the throne have gone, and have not seen the emperor personally.

"He will come!"

Yan Nieyun looked down and looked far away, and seemed to penetrate countless rooms to find the palace.

The other party can make a detailed investigation in the relics of God, it must be that he knows about King Shura. He is not so attractive, and attracts the other person to come over in person, but King Shura is different.

The reincarnation of one of the four Great Kings of the King, I do not believe that he is not indifferent!

Of course, even if he doesn't come, he has enough ways to get it over.

听说 "I heard that the dried blood dynasty has a master soldier, who knows what it is?" After thinking for a while, looking back, Nie Yun shook his head and asked.

"I once heard the ancestors of the dried blood dynasty said that it was a golden cover of soul defense! As for other details, I don't know!" The tower master thought for a moment, said.

With a golden heart cover, the soul defense dominates the magic soldier, and it can defend the soul from being harmed. Even the wise sword that dominates the strong level cannot be killed!

原来 "It turns out that no wonder Prince Fu Jiang dares to betray, I finally know why this guy is not afraid that I will kill his soul!"

Hearing that there was such a treasure in the Dry Blood Dynasty, Nie Yun nodded.

He and Prince Fu Jiang are in a master-slave relationship. Under normal circumstances, he can be killed with a single thought. Knowing this, Fu Jiangming also chose to betray, and he must rely on something. He had been thinking about what cards to play. Now it seems that the so-called dependency It is this golden heart cover!

Soul defense dominates the magic soldier, not only can protect the user's soul, but also protect a certain range. Even if he and Fu Jiang are master servants, as long as the latter enters the defense range, they will be protected and the idea cannot be killed!

This Fujiang must have calculated this point long ago, so he did not hesitate to dedicate his soul, gain his trust, and then find a chance to escape.

In the cracks of God's ruins, he was too far away from the imperial city of dried blood, and he did not dare to run away, because he was afraid that he would be killed before he returned to the imperial city. At this time in Liuli City, there is no need to worry so much How long will it take to enter the imperial city or even the imperial palace and obtain asylum.

In his opinion, as long as Nie Yun can't kill him for a short time, he can save his life.

Because the Emperor Ganxue will necessarily pursue Nie Yun, as long as he kills him, it is equivalent to safety.

"The master ancestor behind the Dry Blood Dynasty, is he in the imperial city?" To understand this, Nie Yun was not angry, but smiled slightly, stopped thinking, and continued to ask.

In fact, what Fu Jiang did not know was that Nie Yun not only took part of his soul and controlled it, but more importantly, he secretly hid a piece of heavenly heart in his body.

I want to let him die, just need to send a thought, Tian Xin Teng will attack automatically, swallow up all the essence of his blood, leave no residue!

If it wasn't based on this consideration, how could he lend Tenshinten to the other side in the ruins of God!

"I don't know about this, the master level is strong, the atmosphere is perfect, if you want to hide, no one can find it ..." The tower master shook his head.


The reason why Nie Yun wanted Fu Jiang to attract the dried blood emperor was actually the most important reason was that he was worried that this dominated ancestor would be able to escape even in the imperial city.

"What does the host want us to do?"

Seeing that Nie Yun stopped talking after asking ~ www.readwn.com ~ sitting quietly, thinking about something, the tower master asked.

The person in front of me, since the strategy is so far-reaching, letting them surrender must have a purpose, and they will never do it at will.

"I really need you to do one thing!" Nie Yun stood up, staring deep into the water: "You go to the dry blood imperial city, buy a separate house near the city gate, and then get the gate of this city Guard, as long as I enter, I can enter without checking! "

"Go to the Dry Blood Emperor City? Isn't the host going to lead the Dry Blood Emperor out?"

The tower master and others were helpless.

Xi Gang just said that he would lead the dried-blood emperor out, and the imperial city would not go. What's the matter now?

"No need to ask, I'll give you two days to get this done! I'll contact you at that time! Let's do this!"

Xie Nieyun pointed his finger a little, and a wooden breath passed through. Xie Ji's injury just recovered immediately.

Although this group of people are practicing Mei Gong, it is obvious that 媃 JI has incorporated it into her bones. It is the best effect for her to do this.

"Yes, master!" Feeling the injury, blinking and kung fu were as good as ever, and Ji Ji rolled his eyes, admiring the master in front of him.

"Well, as for the others ..."

When Nie Yun was trying to speak, he heard a commotion outside the tower, and then a loud voice sounded.

"Congratulations to someone who broke into the 18th floor of the glazed tower, the lonely Yanjun in the lower glazed city, asked to see this genius, and hopes that the lord of the tower will be accommodating!"

"Lonely Yanjun? The Lord of Liulicheng? Why is he here?"

The master of the tower became pale and very ugly. (To be continued.

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