Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1516: Heartless Snake

"What's wrong? What Wèntí is this Duguyanjun?"

Seeing her face, Nie Yun was surprised.

The tower master is very strong, and he did not lose his posture when playing against himself. Why did he lose his posture when he heard the city master coming over?

"The Emperor Ganxue is very strong because he is afraid of us. The duguyanjun is a half step leader who controls Xiao Sanjie. I am not an opponent! And this person is extremely lascivious and has been fighting. The idea of ​​Moon Dance ... "" Pig Island Novel "novel chapters are updated the fastest

The tower master's eyes were full of amusement.

"The idea of ​​a moon dance?"

Nie Yun turned her head to Xiangyue Wu, and she saw her face turned pale, and seemed to hear this Dugu Yanjun with natural fear.

"You practice mei gong, pick the yang and fill the yin, and you are so favored by such strong people.

Nie Yun was surprised.

These people in the glazed tower cultivate the **** of **** and devour the potential of the opposite **** to improve themselves. Since this lonely Yanjun fancy, lest he be charmed, wouldn't it be better?

Why are you afraid of it?

"It ’s okay for us to practise the same level of strength, or to consume a higher level than ourselves. If the gap is too large, the other side will reverse the strength. At that time, we will not only be able to increase our strength, but we will lose it as a result of our cultivation ... "

The tower owner explained: "It's as if Yuewu has performed flattering on your master. As a result, you are not harmed, but she is counterattacked ..."

"Huh!" Nie Yun understood.

Their charm is not everyone can devour. When encountering the strong, especially those who dominate the detachment of reincarnation half-step, once they devour. Definitely will be counterattacked, when it will not be swallowed, or it will become the other party's hearth.

"And ... the most important thing is. Dugu Yanjun is not a human, but an ancient **** beast without a heart snake. This ancient **** and beast has the same name, no heart, no heart, no mercy, no matter how powerful he is over us. Even if it does not exceed, it will have no effect on him! "

The master of the tower said, "Because of being ruthless, once Yue Wu was devoured by him as a furnace, he would be killed without any use value, and then he would continue to make ideas for the rest of us in the glass tower. ... So, the people in our glazed tower are scared to hear this person! "

"That's it!" Nie Yun didn't expect such a beast.

Any life. The most important thing is the heart. Blood can't flow through the whole body without heart, it can live without heart, and it has such strength, it's really the first time I heard.

"Actually ... there are dozens of people in our glazed tower, all of whom died in his hands ... When he first came, he was only the peak of the suzerain, and it took more than a dozen of us to have the current strength. I am afraid that the Emperor Ganxue Because of Zhīdào's body and attributes, Zhīdào won't be seduced by us. Instead, he can hold us back, which makes him the master of the city of Liuli! "

Ru Xiang interrupted on one side.


Nie Yun was surprised.

No wonder everyone in the glazed tower was scared to hear the city owner. It turns out that there are still such causes and effects, and it is no wonder that everyone is in danger of being swallowed up by more than a dozen people.

"Master, this person is a snake. He is cunning and deceitful. Prince Fu Jiang has run away. It is impossible to pass the news to him early. This time, I don't think Kěnéng will deal with us. Kěnéng will find you more!"

The tower master thought for a moment.

"If so, it just happens to save a lot of trouble!" Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Just wanting to make things bigger and bring the dried blood emperor over, this guy came over, didn't he sleepily and give a pillow?

"The host must not be taken lightly. If Prince Fu Jiang passes the news on to him, then it must have been the strength of the master Zhidi, plus the speed to break into the eighteenth floor ... with his prudence, he must be fully prepared. Otherwise, don't Kěnéng come and die! "

The tower master said cautiously.

"Rest assured, a small half-step dominate, I haven't paid attention to it yet!"

With a soft hum, Nie Yun didn't care.

In fact, there is no need for the tower owner to say these things. He has observed it once, and the eyes of the sky are moving, and everything under the tower is in his eyes.

This Dugu Yanjun and the tower owner said that it really was not a single person, but that there were countless soldiers hidden around the tower, and they were arranged in a matrix to prevent him from escaping.

"Liuli Tower Master, please let this genius meet me, otherwise, although I speak well, I will not be very happy ..."

As everyone discussed, the outside voice continued to sound.

"Oh, you want to see me?"

As soon as the words fell, Nie Yun came out slowly from the eighteenth floor, and later came under the tower.

The lord of the city, Du Gu Yanjun, looks like he is in his thirties, with a sense of cold arrogance in his eyes, a snake-like core, which makes people sick.


Nie Yun just dropped, and the tower owner and others followed closely and flew down.

Now that they have acknowledged the Lord, they naturally have to protect the master ’s safety. They do not have the soul to defend the master soldiers. Once the master dies, it is undoubtedly dead.

"Oh? Why have all the people in the glazed tower become bodyguards? Could it be that this genius is fancy?"

Seeing the actions of the tower master and others, Dugu Yanjun's voice was not dark.

"What do you say directly, don't pretend to be a ghost here!"

Hearing the other party's words was not very pleasant, the tower owner hummed.

"Hey, hurry up, I like it!"

Du Guyanjun's face was a little embarrassed. In the laughter, his pupils became a straight line, like a poisonous snake, turning his head to look at Nie Yun: "No, what is this little brother called?

"You're welcome, under Nie Yun!" Nie Yun said.

"I have something. I want to invite my little brother to the city's mansion. Don't want to leave!"

Tower main road.

His voice sounded like an invitation, but with a sense of coercion, it seemed that as long as the boy in front of him refused, he would do it.

"I won't go to the city's main house. You can go. If you want to do it hard, I can be with you!"

Nie Yun chuckled.

If it's not boring, you're too lazy to talk so much nonsense with the other party.

"Toasting without eating and drinking, in this case, don't blame me!"

When Du Guyanjun saw him say this, his eyes flashed coldly, the dream rushed forward, and the breath rolled behind him, like cracking a straight avenue, sweeping all the thick soil of Huang Tian.

It is his unique skill in cultivation, the avenue is boundless!

The avenue has no territory and no end. This method will evolve the avenue of cultivation into a path to success, pierce the soul, destroy the mind and ideas of the practitioner, and cause people to collapse.


With a slight hum, Nie Yun ushered forward, his palms like a dome, hugging the ball, and grabbing forward, the space in front of him immediately formed a huge black hole, devouring everything.

The avenue is boundless, and Nie Yun's black hole is not bottomed out. Nothing can be seen. It looks like a huge mouth. In a blink of an eye, the channel in front of it is swallowed up.

One thing is one thing, Du Guyanjun's tricks, Wujiang, are powerful, but when he meets him, he looks like a gravel crashing into the ocean, and can't afford a little spray.

"Half-step dominates the strong? No wonder you can even break through the 18th floor of the glass tower ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sure enough there is some way!"

The trick was swallowed without hurting the opponent. Dugu Yanjun was not nervous, but with a sneer, stepped forward, his arms pulled down like a soft whip.

His body is a snake, soft and boneless. His hands are shot from a strange angle, with the power of Thunder, and set the entire range of the glass tower into a sea of ​​power.

Nie Yun was immediately wrapped in this ocean, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, unable to move.

"I fled directly before exerting my strength, and there was a line of vitality. I haven't moved yet, it's too late! Twine!"

The best way to deal with this move was to escape before the strength was fully unfolded, but now the force is blocking the space like a storm, completely controlling the air flow within hundreds of kilometers, and it is almost no longer Kěnéng to escape.

Zizi Zizi!

Du Gu Yanjun ’s arms are like the vines of the heart of the sky, spreading everywhere, curved like a water snake flying in the air, rushing forward, opening sharp fangs and poisonous letter, tearing the air and destroying vitality.


The space cracked, and the slender cracks were like slashes cut across the distance between the two, blinking at Nie Yun's eyebrows in a blink of an eye.


In the face of his crazy offensive and powerful destructive power, Nie Yun was imprisoned all over his body, motionless, like a sailing boat standing in a storm and rain, will be swallowed up by powerful waves at any time, directly capsized, without the slightest resistance. (To be continued ...)

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