Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1517: Destroyed Souls

"Master, he ..."

"Well, hurry up, the master is in trouble, and we are going to die!"

"I did not expect Dugu Yanjun to be so powerful, this is over ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun was like a stone statue, unable to move, Yue Wu and others looked pale and exclaimed.

They recognized Nie Yun as the master. Once the master had an accident, they would certainly not be able to survive. They thought that the master was capable of leading the world and could lead them into battle. However, they did not expect that they would sink into the attack of the other party and resist Can't do it! w "Pig Island Novel" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

"What's panic? The master is just playing with this Dugu Yanjun, and trying to kill him will not be any different from pinching the mouse!"

Seeing the attitude of the crowd, the tower owner interrupted their temptation.

Before Nie Yun's stone stele map was displayed, it crushed the world and pierced through the ages. The ordinary small world can be completely destroyed in a single click. Now even the stone stele map is not displayed, indicating that there is still great power.

It is estimated that it was deliberately playing with the other party, and did not use all their energy!

Besides, he still has a master to control the magic soldier. If he really wants to kill the opponent, once the soldier is out, he can be killed by one thousandth of his breath. There is no chance for the soul to escape. How can Kěnéng not fight back?

The tower master's voice had just fallen, as if the stone like a stiff Nie Yun really did, as she suspected, suddenly moved!

In the laughter, the five fingers spread out, like a fan, and scratched sharply in front of them.

A blast of sword gas shot from his palm, each aimed at the slender snakes. The snake and the sword gas touched, as if tofu bumped into an iron block, and broke from the seven inches in the tragic cry.

"Come down!"

At the same time. Nie Yun's eyebrows were raised, and two strange flames were shot in his eyes, touching the thin line piercing the center of the eyebrow. Burned immediately.

"Ah ... stop!"

Dugu Yanjun's pupils shrank, all the fantasy in front of him disappeared, his arms were burning, like lit gasoline.

In the shout, his Xianli ran madly from the sea of ​​gas, slamming into the flames, and seemed to want to stop the upward spread. However, it was found that the more Xianli instilled, the more the latter burned down, and one thousandth could not breathe. He had already come to him, and he would burn him all the time.

Once burned, let alone he dominates the half step, even if he really dominates the strong. Definitely not saved. This flame burns from within the body and cannot be stopped at all.

Although he is an ancient beast, he still has the nature of a snake, his blood is cold, and he is most afraid of flames, and the flame of the other party is far more than ordinary flames, and it is no different from lighting candles. Do not deal with it as soon as possible, there is only a dead end!

"The strong man frowns!"

His eyes were full of anger and hatred. With a long hiss, Dugu Yanjun flashed two coldly.

Flutter! Flutter!

His arms were cut in the air, blood spewed out, and his face was pale.

Although he has such strength now, his cut off arms can grow out at any time, but his blood loss is inevitable.

"Not yet!"

A new arm was born, Du Gu Yanjun hissed angrily, and the roar came out.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Along with his roar, countless soldiers hidden around suddenly flew up, and the big formation immediately started to run. A heavy pressure rushed towards the face, confining the entire glazed tower in the middle.

He received a rumor from Prince Fu Jiang. The man in front of Zhīdào was terrible. Although he was very strong at Zìxìn, he still did not dare to take it lightly and was fully prepared. As soon as the formation of these soldiers formed, a huge sky appeared. The grinding disc, all enclosed in the surrounding.

"The heavens and souls?"

Seeing the change in the air, the tower master's face changed.

"Souls of the Heavens? What is that?"

"This is one of the most powerful clash formations of the Dry Blood Dynasty. It can block time and space and destroy the soul. If it is only these soldiers, it must not hurt the master, but Du Gu Yanjun presides over the formation banner, it is hard to say!"

The tower owner showed anxiety.

Dugu Yanjun himself is a half-step leader who dominates the strong. He presides over the banner, controls the large array, and the combat effectiveness increases again. Even if the master has many means and is trapped in the array, it will be very dangerous.

In particular, this formation is attacking the soul. The master's master soldier cannot protect the soul, and the role should not be too great.

"Although your strength is beyond my expectations, you are still going to die!"

A golden light from the grinding disc in the air shrouded Du Guyan Jun, blinking his eyes, and the loss of blood just now was replenished. The whole man was full of energy, full of momentum, and filled with Zìxìn again.

In his opinion, the flame was just burned because of the general idea. Now, even if the opponent cooperates with the formation method, it is difficult to escape even if the means are clear.

"Are you sure you can kill me?"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, hands behind his back, looked quietly, his eyes were calm, without the slightest confusion and nervousness, as if the front of the world would destroy the world at any time, and he had nothing to do with him.

"Less pretend here! The mind is gone, the heavens are gone!"

In the howling sound, Dugu Yanjun raised his palms upwards, and the spinning disc of the sky danced wildly, as if strangling all the sins in the world.

The strongest lore tricks of the heavenly soul-slaying array, the mind is destroyed!

The power of both palms was constantly instilled in the millstone. Just when Du Gu Yanjun felt that the formation would perform a fatal blow, the millstone millstone was like a punctured balloon, and it disappeared immediately and disappeared from the top of his head.


The formation power was suddenly lost. He seemed to be severely punched, his face flushed, and he took a few steps backwards. Blood spewed out and looked anxiously around.

Thousands of soldiers are playing at the same time. According to the normal rhythm, the power of extinguishing sentient beings should be exhibited. The half-step master can't resist it. How can it disappear and disappear completely?

what's the problem?

His heart was anxious, his eyes fell on the soldiers hidden around him. At a glance, Dugu Yanjun shook his body involuntarily, and almost did not pass out.

I saw a large number of soldiers arranged in a large array, at this time all stood quietly in place, one by one stupid, without the slightest expression.

"you guys……"

Seeing that these people fell off the chain at the critical moment, he was seriously injured by back phasing. Du Guyan Jun almost died alive, his face sank, his shaking body came to a soldier, and he was about to scold him. The wind brought by the body was blown, this soldier , Immediately fell down.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

As the man fell to the ground, the rest of the crowd also followed the dominoes side by side. Every fallen soldier had his body swallowed up by something, like a dead body.


The dead body fell to the ground, and at the same time turned into a piece of dust, floating in the sky under the aftermath of the formation.

Thousands of soldiers in a large array actually died at the same time. Rao is Du Guyanjun's strong strength. He also couldn't help scalp tingling and trembling. A thick horror emerged from the heart, with strong fear.

No wonder the other party is so Zìxìn, even if he kills all these soldiers without Zhīdào, how did he do it?

"come out!"

The horror flashed in his heart, and Dugu Yanjun growled suddenly and grabbed the ground in front of him suddenly.


The palm extended to tear the ground out of a huge crack ~ www.readwn.com ~ A thick vine under his tear, rushed out and pierced his chest.


A stroke of the palm formed a barrier in front of the chest, and the vine slammed against it, finding it helpless, and shrank sharply, and then retracted back to the ground, flying straight to Nie Yun, not far away.


The vine entered Nie Yun's body.

"Heavenly heart? Do you have such a thing?"

Only then did Dugu Yanjun understand what was going on. It turned out that Nie Yun and him had deliberately kept their hands just now, not playing with him, but using enough time to spread the Celestial Vine to give the most deadly soldiers all around them. one strike!

These soldiers have limited strength. How could they be Tian Xin Teng's opponents, coupled with the creeping spread of vines from their feet, and everyone was attracted by the fighting of the two of them, there was no expectation that there was such a deadly thing underground!

After making the layout, I did not rush to shoot, but waited for the opportunity. I saw that all the attention and strength of the crowd were focused on the formation, and then made a thunderous blow. In one click, all the people were drained and attacked. kill!

What a hot and spicy means, what a meticulous scheming!

In the face of his half-step dominance of the strong, he can still calculate these. Is this guy human?

Dugu Yanjun looked again at the boy in front of him, and even though he was as strong as a half step, he still gave birth to a deep chill from the bottom of his heart. (To be continued ...)

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