Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1518: Happy Fairy (on)


Without the support of the formation, Dugu Yanjun turned away and fled without the previous arrogance.

As soon as the body manifested itself, the body fogged up and straight out.

Although he is a snake, he takes the dragon's ability to take off and operates at a half-step dominance level. Sùdù is extremely fast. He flew out of the area of ​​Tallinn in the blink of an eye and flew towards the city's main government.

The main city is his place. Once he returns home, with the formation and many guards, even if the opponent's strength is far better than him, he can compete with it. w "Pig Island Novel" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest


This is the only opportunity for Dugu Yanjun, the writhing body shuttles between the points of connection in the space, and the phantom generally flashes constantly, and in a blink of an eye, it has left the Tallinn area.

"Master, don't let him go ..."

The tower owner and others saw Nie Yun standing in the same place and watched Du Guyan Jun escape without any action. They couldn't help but shouted at the same time.

After seeing the master ’s means, they could not escape if they were willing to do so. Why did n’t they leave each other?

Isn't it that when Zīdào returns to the main city of the city, it is equivalent to letting the tiger return to the mountain, and then it will be difficult to kill?

"I didn't say to let him go!"

Seeing the tower owner's anxiety, Nie Yun chuckled, looking at Dugu Yanjun who fled in the distance, his mouth raised.

"But once he returns to the city's mansion, it will be difficult to kill again ..."

The tower master was busy.

"That's not necessarily the case. If you want to be bigger, just killing one of the city masters will definitely not lead to the dry blood emperor. If the entire city master's house is over, it may attract some big names!"

Nie Yun looked up into the distance. At this time, Dugu Yanjun had fled and lost his trace. But his heavenly eyes seemed to see through countless spaces, and his arms swung: "Okay, we can go!"

Electric awns were born under the feet. The tower master and others just felt wrapped in a special gentle force, and immediately felt the space in front of them shaking, opened their eyes again, and found that they had come over the city master's palace.


The tower master waited, and almost spit out his tongue.

This Sùdù is too fast. If you really want to chase Dugu Yanjun, I'm afraid it can be done in one step.

"Haha. It's too late to catch up now, I'm Zhīdào, your strength is better than mine. But I'm here, how can you help me?"

Tokuhiko Jun in the city's mansion was surprised when he saw how fast he was chasing. Then he looked at the solid formations and defenses around him and was relieved. Laugh out loud.

The main city is the hub of a city. Not to be forgotten, the entire mansion was built by a master of the dried blood dynasty. Even if he wants to break the defense, it is hardly Kěnéng. He doesn't believe the young man in the air has such strength!

Even if it can be broken, it will definitely take countless time and energy. At this time, the dry blood dynasty has sent masters.

All he has to do now is to delay time. As long as the army of dry blood comes, let alone be a person who dominates the realm of Xiao Triple in half a step. Even if you are in the triple state, it is not necessary to survive!

"What can I do for you?"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Bùcuò, the formation of the main palace in our city is a nine-day barrier formation. The formation is as its name is, and it is as strong as a barrier. Let alone you, even if the third person in the half step dominates, it will take a great price to break it, plus It ’s not Kěnéng to have a chance with me! Haha, just now you would kill me when you were there, but you made the most stupid decision ... "

Dugu Yanjun growled loudly, proud of being unable to speak.

Here he has the absolute Zìxìn.

"It takes a lot of cost for the triple player in the half step to dominate the defense. However, I am not the triple player in the half step and do not need to pay too much ..."

Nie Yun took a look at the defensive formation of the main city hall. It was not weak, but he didn't care. He smiled slightly and squeezed his palm down.

The palm of his hand was white and clean, and he could not see the slightest roughness. A stele in his palm slowly grew larger, and slowly rolled down with the power of the heavens.

Territory map!


The territory map represents the thickness of a territory. Although it is not the master soldier, it is absolutely ranked among the top chaos soldiers. At this time, it falls and falls, just like the impact of a big world.

There was a fierce roar, and the tearing sound of the formation method kept ringing.


The tower owner and others who followed followed him, seeing the scene in front of them, one by one.

Especially the tower owner, she used to think that her little tower could fall into this territory map. Now it seems that this idea is ridiculous.

Not to mention the other side's full strength, just show the current strength, let alone his little tower, even if the entire glazed tower will be destroyed instantly, none of them will be spared!

No wonder the owner is so Zìxìn, this territory map is really terrible! Not even worse than the Dry Blood Dragon Seal of the Dry Blood Emperor!

"You ... hey!"

Seeing that the formation was like a straw crushed by megaliths, Dugu Yanjun finally felt scared, his face was pale, his hands were raised, and he wanted to continue to maintain the formation to stop the falling stone, but he suddenly found it, just like shaking a tree , No use at all.

Squeak! Squeak!

The stone tablet continued to push down, finally destroying all buildings and formations. He came to the top of his head. A soothing voice, his spirit and spirit were immediately dissipated. Under the impact of the stone tablet's power, it became A piece of meatloaf.


A vine came from nowhere, slammed into his body, and blinked away to devour all his strength.

"Let's go!"

Nie Yun made a big move, and the territory map returned to the palm again.

The tower master and others looked down, all eyes were full of shock.

At this time, the location of the city's main government has turned into a square pit. The countless beautiful buildings and powerful formations before it have been lost under the pressure of the territory map, and no trace has been left.


Tianxin vine flew back, and the vines kept dancing, excited.

Needless to say, after devouring Dugu Yanjun, its strength once again made a breakthrough, and it has already reached the level of 2,900 avenues.

"Go back to the glass tower first!"

Putting the heart of the heart into the body, Nie Yun took everyone back and shook it again, and returned to the range of the glass tower.

At this time the monks in the glazed tower had not had time to escape to see this scene, and their horrified eyes showed strong worship.

Destroy the large array of thousands of soldiers at will, hunt down the city lord, and turn the entire city lord's house into a historical relic ... This is no longer a word for a master, it is completely invincible!

"This is the grace of a true strongman!"

"It doesn't matter whether you run or not, whether you rely on it or not, once you start, no matter how strong your defense is ..."

"Really invincible, I also want to be such a strong man, dominate the world ..."


Everyone worships the strong, especially a lot of young men and women gathered in the glass tower. These people are the ages of blood and passion, seeing such a magnificent scene, how can you stop living, excited one by one Jumping up and blinking, Nie Yun became their idol, the goal of a lifetime of struggle.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

Seeing the frantic eyes of these people, even many girls can't wait to pounce directly on their consecration, and the tower owner is helpless.

In fact, not only these people, she just saw ~ www.readwn.com ~ even her apprentice Moon Dance, in the case of Nie Yun's magnificent show, she was also excited and worshipped.

Before this apprentice was affected by her, she dismissed all men, but at this time, she was absolutely caught in a quagmire and could not extricate herself.

"You go back to the tower and wait, without my orders, don't act lightly! I'll go out and come back soon!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.


After hearing this command, the tower owner nodded and flew back to the tower with everyone from the glazed tower.


Seeing them all leaving, Nie Yun's body gradually faded in the air, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

The next moment had changed appearance, no different from an ordinary young man, appeared under the glass tower.

Nie Yun walked slowly along the street inside the glazed tower, and a moment of effort came to a hill outside the tower.

On a cyan boulder on the hill, a young man was lying reclining at this moment, holding a wine gourd in his hand, drunk and dim, as if he had just seen the horrific battle just now, and had not affected him at all.

"In the world of the game, the jug is full on the moon. Qingtai Stone lies on the ground and claims to be Happy.

While drinking, the youth tapped the stones, issued a special rhythm, and sang songs.

"Good song, it's boring to be alone, why don't we together?"

Nie Yun smiled slightly and came over. (To be continued ...)

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