Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1519: Happy Fairy (below)

The man lying on the rock was the one he saw while fighting Dugu Yanjun.

It seems that this person has no strength, is ordinary, but somehow, giving him a very dangerous feeling.

Besides, if it ’s really an ordinary person, the battle just now is earth-shattering, on such a scale, let alone drunk, and even if the dead can live alive, he doesn't believe there are people here who can continue to drink leisurely without anything.

Because of this, when he was fighting Dugu Yanjun just now, he was not in a hurry to take out the master soldier, nor did he directly show the strongest trick, just because he was afraid that he would suddenly start. w "Pig Island Novel" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

Now Du Guyan Jun is killed, he is still motionless, still drinking, so that Nie Yun is a little strange, could not help coming over.

Regardless of whether the person is an enemy or a friend, the solution must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, once the army of dry blood dynasties comes, it will be troublesome.

The young man ignored Nie Yun's words, as if he hadn't heard it, still singing on the stone, and suddenly his wrists shook, and the wine gourd flew straight to Nie Yun.

Gently grab, the gourd fell on the palm, raised his head and raised his neck, cooing, wine and sword entered the throat like a sword, hot and hot.

"Good wine!"

Drinking spicy wine into the abdominal cavity, Nie Yun laughed.

This wine is extremely spicy and can be regarded as a first-class wine. However, it is still a lot worse than the monkey heart wine he has collected. Thinking of monkey heart wine, I can't help itching, and I flip my wrists and collect a gourd. Hǎode The spirits appeared on the palm of the palm, flickered slightly, and threw it at the other side.

The youth on the stone platform didn't say much. Still singing, seeing him drinking the wine without hesitation, his eyes showed a touch of praise. Reaching for a hand, the wine gourd fell into the palm of the hand, unplugged the bottle and took a sip, and the wine went into the throat. The unexpected expression suddenly became very wonderful. It suddenly made from the stone platform, and the nose was carefully attached to the gourd Office. It kept smelling, it was unbelievable and very intoxicated.

Monkey Heart Wine. Although it is only produced in this small world of Tiandi Liudao, it is sweet and fragrant, and has an endless aftertaste. Even the Xieyue Extreme Zone cannot be tasted.

"Good wine, good wine!"

Sniffed. The youth licked his lips. It was dazzling, but there was a kind of unwillingness to drink.

I'm afraid that I will finish drinking the gourd in my hand, and I will never drink such a good wine again.

"But drink anyway, I have a lot here!"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun couldn't help being a little funny, took out a pot, and threw it over.

At a glance, Zhīdào was a good drinker, similar to the old alcoholic. Such a person is so addicted to drinking that he suddenly sees such wine. Some are not willing to drink.

"Good wine, good wine!"

After receiving the second wine gourd, it was found to be exactly the same as in his hand. The young wine-sucking sighed with relief, and then he felt relieved and cheered.

In fact, Nie Yun did not lie. In the sixty-thousand years of heaven and earth, the number of speechless monkeys increased, and the monkey heart wine naturally increased. When he came to the Extreme Moon Region, he had stored a lot. There are thousands of wine gourds of different grades. One or two gourds are given away, and they don't care.

With good wine, the youth did not say much. He sipped with a big gourd. After a while, he drank all the gourds, and with an inexhaustible expression, put the other gourd in his arms, and some were reluctant to drink.

Then he looked up at Nie Yun: "I won't drink your fine wine in vain, do you have resentment against the dried blood royal family?"

"No! I just want to take what is necessary!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Get something? Young people are really reckless now ..."

Hearing his answer, the young man shook his head.

Although Nie Yun Zhīdào's opponent looks small, I am afraid that he is already tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years old. It is understandable to say that he is a young man at this age.

"In this way, I will not drink your wine in vain. I know some people in the dried blood dynasty. What do you want? I will help you to come. I believe they will give me this noodle!"

Youth Road.

"Thank you for your kindness, no need, I want something, I hope to fight with my own hands, if the senior wants to drink, you can continue to find me, to help me because of the wine, please don't say more!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Not that he pretended to be arrogant, but what he wanted, too treacherous, too terrible!

Although not who is this young man in front of Zhīdào and how strong he is, even if he is the master, he will ask the Emperor for the Blood Dragon Seal, I am afraid he will not give it.

This involved Wèntí, the throne of the dried blood dynasty, and it is no longer an ordinary person who can intervene!

"You ... hey, you're sorry to ask me, and I'm not good enough to continue drinking your wine, this ..."

The young man looked at the wine gourd in his hand, and hesitated, he seemed a little reluctant to let go, but he didn't want to take advantage of others. I don't know what to do.

"I'll give you the wine. Although I don't need the help of my predecessor, I may use it in the future. Just take my prepayment!"

Seeing him, Nie Yun laughed.

Through conversation, we can also see that the person in front of him has nothing to do with the dried blood royal family. In this case, a gourd wine has little effect.


The youth was hesitant.

"The predecessor just said that he is Xiaoyao Xian, Xiaoyao is free and unrestrained. Are you afraid of being bound by a gourd?" Nie Yun laughed.

"Bùcuò, free and unrestrained, boy, you are very Bùcuò, I take this gourd wine!"

After speaking a little smile, the body flickered slightly in the air and disappeared from him.

At this moment, even Nie Yuntian's eyes could not catch the trace, as if it had never appeared.

"Great, I'm afraid this senior is at least a half step to dominate the big three!"

Nie Yun couldn't help sighing at seeing this person go so fast.

This person's strength is obviously stronger than him, I am afraid that he has reached the semi-dominant state of dominating the triple.

It is a pity that in the end, none of Zhīdào's identity was related to the dry blood dynasty.

However, it doesn't matter if he kills Dugu Yanjun himself or asks him what he wants. He just walks away and should have little to do with the dry blood dynasty.

"Forget it, no matter who this person is, as long as it doesn't affect me, besides, soldiers come to block, water to cover, even if you want to deal with me, it is not so easy!"

Seeing that the other party disappeared completely and could not find the trace anymore, Nie Yun chuckled, turned and walked towards the glazed tower, and ignored him.

No matter who the other party is or what the purpose is, it should always come. Even if it shouldn't, it shouldn't matter. It doesn't affect him too much. Thinking too much will only make you too tired.

Nie Yun returned to the glazed tower, but the dried blood palace seemed to explode.

"What did you say? This person refined your Fuxu Danshan and asked you to be his attendant?"

In the large and spacious palace, the eyebrows of the dried blood emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at Prince Fujiang in front of him.

Prince Fu Jiang escaped from Liuli City, and then returned to the Imperial City to see His Majesty the Dry Blood Emperor.

Kěnéng never dreamed of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ All his escape was in Nie Yun computing, even more unexpected, the latter could pass through the glass tower so quickly, I really wanted to kill him, I'm afraid he has not returned to the imperial city, It has become a corpse.

"Yes, Father, not only that, this person also seems to want to steal your dried blood dragon seal. In the opinion of the baby, you must send someone to kill it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be a lot of trouble!"

Prince Fu Jiang was busy.

"Still wanting to steal my dried blood dragon seal? Bùcuò, if he can come over, it would be the best, let me catch it!" The dried blood emperor's eyes brightened, as if he saw the most delicious food, full of excitement.

Hearing that someone wants to steal his dried blood dragon seal, he will be furious, and hearing this person wants to do so, he nodded again and again.

If the news confessed by Prince Fu Jiang Bùcuò, this person should be the guy who was asked to be found in the Chaos King Rune. If he rushes over to steal the dragon seal, he will be caught. At that time, as long as he sacrifices to Asoka, it is good Big and unimaginable.

"Father, do you mean ..."

The first time I saw the dry blood emperor was so morbid, the ambush prince was a bit stunned.

"My meaning is very simple, secretly, golden eagle, you two should go to Liulicheng at once! Don't let that kid run away!" The Emperor Ganxue commanded: "It would be best if he could force him to come to the Imperial City ..."

His words did not fall, and a figure came out of the hall: "Your Majesty, something bad is bad!"

Before they came, the figure hurried. (To be continued ...)

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