Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 4: break out!

Celebrate the first day of the new book "Universal Masters", the fourth chapter of this book, a little celebration!

Here are testimonials from the new book:

Time flies, one year, three months, and eight days have passed since the last "Baigen" in "Endless Dantian". Today, the new book "Universal Mansion" has been uploaded for 64 days, 340,000 words, and it is planned to continue on the shelves within 24 hours. One hundred more outbreaks, just say a few words.

Lao Ya is not a gifted person. It has been nearly ten years since entering the first author name and typing the first word. Ten years is not long for history, and it is enough to affect a person's life. "Pig pig island novel" novel chapter updated the fastest

I have a strong personality and confess to death. As long as the things I believe must be worked hard and done well, so is writing.

I was a major in physical education. When I graduated, I was the chairman of the student union. The school planned to stay in school, but I chose to leave. I went to work in a company of the China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau. The construction went to Qinghai, I met my wife, and was scolded by the section director at the time. Cheng Wujiu had to transfer me away, and resigned in anger, because there was no way to make a living, and he began to write books, so he had "The King of Fighters".

The King of Fighters is a generation's memory. Lao Ya attracted a lot of popularity at the time, but the subscription was unsuccessful. It barely cost two or three thousand yuan a month, plus the cost of renting a house, eating, and passing the past.

When "The Eight Gods" was even more miserable, Laoya chose to work again and continued to write books. Afterwards, "Devil's Land" flutters the street, "Li Qian Qian Kun" flutters the street, "The King of Fighters' Alien Call" flutters the street, and the vest changes the "Eternal Immortal" flutters the street, "Supreme Evil", "Golden Sky" flutters the street ...

The infinite expectations are gradually poured into cold water by reality. Lao Ya shivered all over.

During this period, marriage, childbirth, and all sorts of things followed, and a big man didn't have the money to cry his father's distress. Like a shadow, it never fades.

Lao Ya is a standard rural person. Without the knowledge and knowledge of urban people, the parents who can help them have the persistence and hard work of rural people.

In 13 years, he wrote "Endless Dantian", and Laoya bought out. As a result, the other party offered ten and fifteen thousand words, and the highest was only twenty. Breathing in my heart, my teeth clenched, and I didn't cast anymore.

Anyway, fluttered so many times. Flutter again. Why not!

People can be without arrogance, but they must not be without arrogance!

As long as the head is lowered once, it is easier to lower the second time, so I will not lower my head, even if I continue to be poor!

1.2 million drafts, upload!

46 more outbreaks on the first day, and after that. Ten more ten outbreaks, shelves for 23 days. More than half a million words broke out! Within 48 hours, 100 more bursts!

Laoya succeeded, with his own hard work and sweat, unyielding will and determination, he succeeded!

"Endless Dantian" has achieved results that none of the previous books have achieved, and it has been set to over 3,000. It has successfully entered the boutique. The collection so far has exceeded 150,000!

However, a book cannot be written for a lifetime and must continue to move forward.

After the endless popularity of "Endless Dantian", Laiya decided to write a new book at around 3 million words.

The slower update of Dantian does not mean that Laoya has not worked hard. The two books and work at home make the whole person confused every day.

Because of the shift of energy, Dan Tian was slower and all the abuse came. Whatever reads your book is because you are updating fast, and now the update is slow.

Ask yourself, perhaps Baiya of Laoya attracted you, but is it really because of the update that you continue to read Laoya's books? Laoya devoted all his efforts in the story he described. Although he can't say how he is better than God, at least there is something that attracts you and makes you look forward to it!

However, some people do not understand, the scolding is getting more and more boiling.

"Endless Dantian", the master, openly posted a post in the bar, verbally abused me, sparked public opinion, and caused a terrible impact on my reputation. What do you say about pretending to be old, look down on the people in it class……

look down? Lao Ya went to y and y for the first time. I participated in it and you organized it. Look down on how many dragon sets you read in the book, provided by you?

Lao Ya writes books for a living, for life, for family, for children! Only by paying can you get meager contributions to support your family!

Lao Ya wrote a thousand words, only got more than one point, 150,000 collections, and only 800 readers paid for 24 hours. What is the concept of 800 people? Writing 10,000 words a day, more than 80 yuan!

What a terrible subscription ratio, so many people who read free books, what did Laiya say?

Lao Ya is also a poor man. I have also seen piracy, editions, and humanity, but you have clearly not given the author a penny. The author's hard work has not earned a penny, but he is righteous and stands on the moral high ground. , Scolding without fear of the author? For what?

It's like going to the market to buy vegetables, without giving money, taking other people's vegetables, but insulting the stall owner ~ www.readwn.com ~ just for entertainment, if the curse can relieve the trouble, feel free to, but open a curse post, specifically It was very puzzling to scold and guide public opinion, which made me immersed in suffering.

As the master of public opinion, the Lord, read the author's book for free and attack him. What are you going to do? Is it because I did n’t let you do it, Lord?

So for a while later ~ www.readwn.com ~ I did n’t dare to read book reviews, I did n’t dare to read the posts, I was afraid I would be angry, I could n’t continue to write, and I still have my wife and children behind me. write.

Therefore, I can only endure, endure, endure, with greater effort, tell and support me, and always care about my readers! My old ya, has not fallen, is not discouraged!

Therefore, "Unique Respect" will continue to a hundred more! Not for the public, not for the fame, just for the spirit in my heart! That pride hidden in the bones!

Endless Dantian set a record of Fenggenbaigen and opened the precedent of Baigengan. Laoya decided to set a record of the same person who issued both books.

I want to use the update to prove that although the update of "Endless Dantian" has been slow in the past few months, it has not been lazy and has not rested. I have been writing with the greatest efforts and have been sprinting with the greatest passion!

I want to tell you that although I am not full-time, I am more dedicated and harder than many full-time!

Friends, what are you waiting for?

If you still remember the blood of "The King of Fighters in Other Realms" and "The Eight Gods", please come and support Laoya, "Endless Dantian" and "Universal Supreme" need you!

If there is a touch of Lao Ya's persistence and hard work, please come to support, I need your help, go further and higher!

Give me the update, the monthly pass, subscription, and rewards to you. I need your palm to hide those puppets hidden in the dark, those mocking faces, and hit them back as hard as possible! (To be continued ...)

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