Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1520: Fu Jiang died

"what's up?"

Dried blood Emperor Jianmei raised his eyebrows.

"The lord of the city of Lili City, Dugu Yanjun ... was killed! The entire city's mansion was destroyed!"

The shadow of the figure felt the power of the emperor, and he knelt to the ground in a hurry, and said with a little panic.

"What? Yan Jun is dead? The city-lord's house is destroyed?"

Emperor Gangan's original proud expression suddenly turned blue and turned to look at Prince Fu Jiang: "Don't you say that this person is only slightly better than you? How can you kill Dugu Yanjun who is dominated by half a step?"


After arriving, Fu Jiang was not sure how strong Nie Yun was. He only said that he was a little stronger than him. He did not say that he was a half step master, even he always thought that the latter was only the peak of the suzerain. He never expected it. Kill half step masters!

"Hum!" The Emperor Ganxue saw his expression, and knew that the other party might not know how powerful this man named Nie Yun was, and he snorted and looked at the figure: "What is going on, report it in detail!"

"Yes ... After receiving the news from the prince, the Dugu City Lord immediately went to the glass tower to find the tower-breaker Nie Yun. "

People's Shadow explained the details of Liulicheng in detail. This is not a secret. Many people have seen it with their own eyes, so they made it very clear without any mistakes.

"Destroy Dugu Yanjun casually and kill it under the guardianship of the city main government. I am afraid that Nie Yun's strength has reached the triple state of dominating half a step!"

The dark-blooded emperor's black eyebrows froze together, according to the information reported by the figure. Analysis of Nie Yun's strength.

"In fact, his strength, at most, dominated Xiao Sanjie by half a step. The reason why he was able to break the city and kill Dudu adults. It seems that he has a half-step to dominate the magic soldier!" The figure explained.

"Half step dominates the magic soldier? Huh, this guy is lucky!"

The dried blood emperor's eyes flickered.

On top of Chaos Chaos, there is a half step to dominate the soldiers, but this kind of weapon is very rare. Even the dried blood emperor can only reach this level with the dried blood dragon seal. It is because of scarcity that I heard that half steps dominated the soldiers. Even as powerful as the emperor, he still surging and showing a strong greed.

"Darkness. Golden Eagle, this is my Tiger Rune, mobilize a million guards to surround the entire city of Liuli! Leave a space in the direction of the imperial city. Be sure to force it to the imperial city!"

Finger beat on the throne. The dried blood emperor pondered for a moment, then threw a golden tiger charm.


Two figures flashed out from the side of the hall, reached out to take over the tiger charms, lightly flickered, and disappeared from the hall.

The speed of these two people is very fast, like a phantom, they are both half-step dominators!

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that the Dry Blood Dynasty had such a background. There are as many as half a step to dominate the strong.

"Father Emperor. Don't you go in person?"

Prince Fu Fujiang didn't take the shot when he saw the emperor, but sent people to besiege and asked in doubt.

"Forcing him to the imperial city, I will naturally shoot myself!" The dry blood emperor's eyes were low and he didn't know what to think, his expression was indifferent.

"The child wished the father emperor a great show of advancement and caught the rebels!" Prince Fu Jiang complimented and said, "Father emperor, my soul is controlled by the other party ..."

"Rest assured, you just have to stay with me until you kill this person! You can be sure that you won't have any problems!"

The emperor Qiangan Xue waved his hand knowing what the other party meant.

"Thank you, Father ..."

Prince Fu Fujiang was waiting for the phrase "Baidu's Flash God's Words". He hurriedly bowed down and was about to continue talking. Suddenly his pupils shrank and his hands kept grabbing his neck.

Then the whole person became dry with the naked eye, the tall body contracted.

"Fu Jiang?"

The Emperor Gangan Xue did not expect such a thing to happen, and he stood up suddenly, grabbed the palm of his hand, raised Prince Fu Jiang, his eyes were radiant, and he wanted to see what happened.


However, his movements were faster and Fu Jiang was faster. His palm strength had not yet ended, and the latter fell directly to the ground with his palms stretched forward. He seemed to want to seize his life. Unfortunately, it eventually became A corpse.


When the Fufu River died, the dried blood emperor grabbed it. From his body, he grabbed a vine, struggling, and seemed to escape at any time.


The puppet was caught, and the vine danced like a worm, making a scream of sorrow.

"Heart Heart Vine!"


The palm of his hand gave birth to a flame. In a blink of an eye, the heavenly heart rattan was burned into ashes, and the dried blood emperor raised his eyebrows, and the whole person seemed to be burned.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Xi Gang and Prince Fu Jiang said that he would protect him, and he died in the face, absolutely naked.

"No, he left this thing in Fujiang's body. He must have known that he would come back to report. Is this kid so confident that I will go to him?"

The Emperor Ganxue was not a testament, and immediately realized that something was wrong after being angry.

Fu Jiang is controlled by his soul. According to normal thinking, he is absolutely reliable and will not betray. Under normal circumstances, the other party cannot leave the Celestial Heart behind. I am afraid that there is only one reason for this. He already knew that he would betray. , Deliberately pass the message to yourself, and then deliberately demonstrate!

Otherwise, how could he make such a big noise and destroy the entire city main government?

"Well, secretly, the Golden Eagle is in danger. It seems that it must be deployed in person!"

He grabbed the palm of his hand, and the dried blood dragon mark appeared on the palm of his hand. The body of the dried blood emperor flew out of the palace and flew straight to Liuli City.


"Master, you will kill Dugu Yanjun in such an upright manner, the dried blood royal family will definitely send an army ..."

On the nineteenth floor of the Liuli Tower, the tower owner and others gathered around Nie Yun, showing anxiety.

I rushed directly to the city's mansion to kill the city's mansion and destroy the city's mansion. This incident is too much trouble, and he has been dead with the dried blood royal family.

"I'm planning to make him big!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun opened her eyes slightly, and looked away: "They are here, you can wait here!"

After talking about her body, she disappeared from the place, and appeared next to Liulicheng the next moment.

At this time, countless people came roaring outside of Liuli City. The rainstorm was so common that it covered the sky and the entire sky.

Darkly, the Golden Eagle has led a million troops.

"Come here, let's go together!"

Seeing so many people rushing, Nie Yun was too lazy to explain and nonsense, and whispered, all the beasts such as King Xuan Chan, Qing Ye, Wan Li, and Xiong Gu all flew out.

These beasts can survive in the remains of God and become kings of them. They are a bit addicted to killing. When they see so many strong human beings, they all send out exuberant roars and rush straight to the past.

"what is that?"

Dark 枭, Golden Eagle, etc. did not expect that Liuli City had not been surrounded, but the other party rushed over first ~ www.readwn.com ~ and at the same time showed surprise.

The two of them are half-step dominates, not to mention, but also with a million troops, united, half-step dominates the big three strong must temporarily avoid the edge, just a few gods and beasts of this person, rushed over directly, do you want to court death?

However, this idea was only in my mind for a moment, and I immediately realized that something was wrong. The several rushed beasts were all strong, not to mention, the body surface was even more scattered, and the ring of three thousand roads kept oscillating. Obviously All use the Rune of Dominance!

Not to mention, even more terrible is that one of the beasts spit out millions of ants in a blink of an eye, and rushed towards the army in front of them. These ants can swallow up everything, met with soldiers, and immediately launched a massacre. kill!

"Eating Ants?"

Dark 枭, Golden Eagle's face changed at the same time.

They finally knew why the other side did not change their face in the face of a million troops, and dared to rush up. They have such a large killer of food ants, let alone a million troops. Even if there are hundreds of millions of troops, they can also fight one another. !!

"As long as you kill that ant king of the food industry, these little ones will automatically disintegrate, secretly, you go to trap Nie Yun, I will kill!" The golden eagle screamed and rushed straight to Wanli King, but also returned Did not come before, suddenly the space in front of a burst of roar, a giant stone monument, crushed straight across. (To be continued ...)




[To be continued [This text is provided by @ 新城 邓宏] If you like this work, please come to the official website to support the author. Bring a daughter-in-law @ 基 兄 @ 独木桥 to update it]

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