Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: Golden Eagle

The stone monument was so huge that it covered the sky, and the countless soldiers in front of the golden eagle were swept away by them, all turned into meat pie, and dropped like a sparrow.


Feeling the power emanating from the stele, Golden Eagle knew that if he continued to attack King Wanli at this time, he would be hit. Although it would not be fatal, he would certainly not be better off. It was inevitable that he would be seriously injured.

With a long hiss, a peculiar weapon appeared in the air. This weapon resembled a knife and a sword, a sword and a sword. It looked a bit like a gun. Although it was not like four, it was infinitely powerful. The right hand was clenched and the whole body was cramped. The gunman fired, shining like a star, greeted the territory map.

"Golden Eagle, let me help you!"

One side was about to sneak attack on Nie Yun's assassin. Seeing the latter to take the lead, he faced the golden eagle with a cold eye and a punch.

A mountain-like iron armor appeared on his fist, like a powerful claw, before he came to him, the wind was blowing, and the weather was full.

"Half step dominates the strong? It is indeed a dry blood dynasty, really powerful!"

As soon as the two men shot, Nie Yun immediately appeared, his eyes were dignified.

I used to think that Dugu Yanjun was a coincidence. By virtue of the glazed tower daughters, he was able to make a breakthrough. His personal strength can be counted throughout the dry blood dynasty. Now it seems that it is still too small to look at an empire that has been running for billions of years. It can naturally make sense to be able to lift the four gates.

Regarding the four ancestral gates, other Nie Yun didn't know it. Just talking about the return to the sea, the so-called top ten elders did not even reach the level of the suzerain, but the strength of more than 2,800 avenues, the suzerain Gu Yong, was just the supreme lord However, there is still a long way to go before half-step domination.

Of course, these may also be only the forces on the surface. The big gates such as Guixuhai should be the elders or the elders who are too powerful, and he has not seen such a strong one.

Thoughts flashed in my heart. The boulevard ring rotates madly in the body, his eyes are like ice, he controls the territory map, and slams into each other's fists and weird weapons.


The violent air wave spread to the surroundings with the collision as the center. The powerful energy wave ripped the space and spread a dark crack.



Countless soldiers near the battle center did not even have the opportunity to escape, and were instantly torn into the fragmented space. Into nothingness.

The battle of such strong men is not something that ordinary soldiers can intervene in at all.


Flying backwards, Nie Yun took back the territory map, his body was full of blood and his face was red. Although the territory map is infinitely powerful, the opponent's strength is too strong. Both of them are half-step masters to join forces to attack, making him unable to raise his blood for a short time, and his lips are sweet. Instability.

He felt powerlessness, dark magpies, and golden eagles, and the strong anti-seismic force caused the two to turn around at the same time, each with a shameless face.

"This guy is weird!"

Hold your breath firmly, and the dark eagle and the golden eagle look at Nie Yun's eyes, revealing a strong sense of fear.

They thought they would meet this kid. It is easy to be killed, and now I see that the other party has food ants, many monster pets and other means, and also has such a powerful strength. Finally understand why Dugu Yanjun was killed.

Even the two of them were embarrassed. How could a lonely Yanjun be an opponent!

"The soldiers obeyed orders and formed a large array to defend the foreign enemy!"

Understand that the person in front of him is very strong, and it is difficult to be an opponent.

It is difficult to kill the person in front of them by virtue of them, and it seems that they can only rely on the soldier formation to win.

"Composition formation. It's too late!"

The shout just sounded. The golden eagle heard a laugh above the soldiers, and a figure appeared in the sky.

This figure is exactly the same as Nie Yun not far away. Even the breath of the soul is exactly the same. You don't need to look at it to know that it must be a clone or the like.

At this moment, the body of the avatar shook, and numerous vines sprang out of the body, rushing towards the soldiers below.

Each vine has the strength of a sovereign level. Hundreds of vines add up like a torrent of powerful power. Wherever they go, soldiers are not a single enemy, and they have become corpses and fall from the sky.

"Tian Xin Teng ... wow, every time this thing swallows a person, the power will increase by one point. Consecutively swallowing so many soldiers will spread more vines and must be stopped ..."

The dark pupil narrowed.

The soldiers must have sufficient manpower and time to form a formation. Suddenly, the extra vines kill people everywhere. These soldiers have been killed before they can form the formation, and they will continue to die. The formation method is almost impossible to complete!

"Tian Xin Teng needs a strong mind to maintain. That must be the deity. Now this one should be a clone. You should deal with the golden eagle. I will stop his deity!"

Understand the danger, Ani ordered the turn to rush forward, before leaving, the huge stele picture flew over again.

Shi Tu was crushed endlessly by the force of destruction, without leaving a trace of his hand, and the dark urn was forced to come back before he could go far.

"Kill this avatar before you say it!"

Persecuted by the Territory Map, the dark-skinned man was breathless, his face sank, and his eyes shot deadly.

"OK!" Golden Eagle nodded.

No matter how strong your strength is, the clone is the clone, and it ca n’t be too powerful. Besides, the soul is divided and it is difficult to reach the perfect state. Together, kill the clone first, grab the stone figure in front of you, and see if you can jump. stand up!

The two had a decision, the weapons were re-sacrifice, half-step dominated the powerful power of the strong, and swayed out to form a torrent of power, straight forward and raging.


The fist was raised, the dark fist stretched forward, intertwined with the weird weapon in the palm of the golden eagle, forming a bright band of light, tearing the surrounding space into a vacuum, roaring.

The two are obviously stronger than before, not a simple one-plus-one problem. Even if they encounter the three strong players who dominate in half a step, I am afraid they can kill them instantly.


Knowing the horror of this light, Nie Yun showed dignity and did not resist hard. The body flickered, and the wings of the Phoenix unfolded from behind. The whole person blinked and jumped for a few kilometers, crossing an unknown number of spaces. Above the light band.

The stele image was shot again from his palm, and with the power of heaven and earth, he hacked downwards.

"What? How can it be so fast? Is this the deity? The one who casts the Celestial Heart is a clone?"

Seeing Nie Yun blink of an eye to escape their joint effort, Jin Ying and An Yan looked at each other with surprise.

I thought this was an avatar, and Tenshinto was the deity. Now it seems that it is completely wrong. If it is an avatar, it is impossible to escape their powerful killing blow.

It is impossible for anyone to have a clone with the same strength as the deity!

"Sound hits the west!"

Astonishment flickered, and Ai nodded to the golden eagle, a thought passed.

"Let's do it together!"

After the idea was passed, the two drank at the same time, their strengths merged again, and the thick light instantly came to Nie Yun.

Looking at their appearance, it was obvious that they would kill him together first.

The palm was slammed again, the territory map was crushed, and the light was blocked out. Nie Yun's body moved forward and grabbed at the dark.


The dark iron fist stood upright and swept away, and many avenues formed a long river.

When Changhe and Nie Yun touched the palms of their hands, the two forces dissipated, and they retreated again.

"Haha, I'll kill your clone first!"

Hit him hard ~ www.readwn.com ~ Darkness already knows that this must be the deity in front of him, and stares at the golden eagle on the side, the latter laughs, the strange weapon suddenly sticks to the body, the whole person goes to the sky Leaped into a huge condor.

The weird weapon just now was the hardest feather on his wings!


The wings of the golden eagle changed back to the original shape, and they flew forward immediately. The speed was staggering. In the blink of an eye, they came to Nie Yun, who was full of heavenly hearts, and his eyes flashed, showing a vicious meaning.


A sharp feather shot straight, as if piercing the space and blinking in front of Nie Yun.

If this Nie Yun is a avatar, such a sharp attack will inevitably be unable to catch it and be killed on the spot.

This is also the strategy of the golden eagle and secretly deliberately exerting, one to hold his deity, one to attack and kill the clone.

When the avatar is killed, the deity is bound to be affected. At that time, if you take a two-pronged approach, you will not worry about the death of Nie Yun.

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