Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1522: Dried blood emperor

Although the golden eagle's feathers are not the peak chaos magic soldiers, they are better than the magic soldiers. From detachment from the body to appearing in front of Nie Yun, there is not even a thousandth breath, and it is near the throat.

The puppets of space seem to be absent from this feather.

It's the golden eagle's strongest killing trick.

This feather was the result of his contact with the air of chaos. It was formed in an extremely cold and hot place after 30 million years of tempering, and it stuck to the essence of blood and soul. Once you start, even people of the same level can easily be killed!

I thought that relying on this, the Golden Eagle dared to rush forward and shot directly!


Seeing Broken Fei Yu came to Nie Yun's "avatar", but the latter did not move, he couldn't dodge at all, and Golden Eagle's eyes lightened.


Not only him, but even the dark-duster on one side couldn't help but clenched his fists, and at any time would be a fatal blow to Nie Yun in front of him.

As long as this "avatar" is killed, the Nie Yun in front of him will be greatly damaged, and as long as he does it, he will certainly be able to wipe it out.

It's just ... why does Nie Yun's face look so indifferent in front of him, he doesn't care that the avatar is in danger?

"Is there any other means? What a mess!"

Seeing him look like this, the dark heart could not help but jumped, an ominous premonition came out, and hurriedly turned back to look at the golden eagle, at a glance, the pupil shrank sharply, and his body became rigid.

I saw that Nie Yun, whom they thought was a clone, saw Broken Feather coming to his eyes, and suddenly moved. A long sword appeared in the palm of the hand, and the feather that came from the stab was lightly chopped down.


No sound, no aura and power. As soon as Broken Feather made contact with the sword, she immediately broke through it and split it in half. The remaining sword qi continued to move forward, without the momentum of tearing the space, and without the terrible effect of imprisoning time and space, fluttering like a breeze, passing across the golden eagle.


The long sword was taken back by Nie Yun as if he hadn't moved it.

"This ... this is ... dominates the militia ... material offensive dominates the militia ..."

Golden Eagle recognized the opponent's long sword, and his pupils began to wander. Before the words were completely spoken, the whole body of the skull was spurting with blood, blinking. The whole man split apart from the middle, the soul did not escape, and the body fell down from the air.

"Don't waste it!"

With a whisper, a vine came over the air. Wrap the two halves in an instant. Consume constantly, creak! In less than one breathing effort, the corpse became a dry corpse, and the vines that had swallowed the golden eagle were once again thicker, and the strength was more powerful, already reaching the supreme strength of the sovereign.


From the sneak attack of the golden eagle to falling into a corpse, there were less than three breaths, and the dark cricket on one side felt only scalp tingling. Explode directly.

Although he and Golden Eagle are both half-step dominating the strength of Xiao Sanzhong, they are carefully discussed. Golden Eagle cooperated with Broken Feather, and even he should avoid his front, not his opponent!

The golden eagle was killed face to face ... he must be no better!

"Soldier, I need the help of the soldier ..."

Thinking of the terrible sword of the other side just now, the secret trembled in the dark, and he hurriedly turned to look at the millions of soldiers brought by him.

The million army brought by him and the Golden Eagle was almost dead at this time. Half of it was devoured by the army of food ants and half was devoured by the Celestial Heart. A minute ago, it was still aggressive with war and battlefield. No one was afraid. In the momentum, one minute later, the army was killed and his companion was killed. At this time, only his lone one was left.

Waves of fear and despair rushed up.

This negative emotion has never appeared since the success of cultivation and reached the level of half-step domination. At this time, for some reason, there was a deep panic from the heart.


Frightening, several vines rushed over, blinking and binding his legs tightly.

"Want to bind me, dream!"

Seeing the horror of Tian Xin Teng, he heard a long hiss, and An Ao was planning to tear away the Tian Xin Teng that bound him, and felt a pain in his eyebrows, and a cold chill came to his heart.

Looking up in a hurry, I saw that Nie Yun, the one who devoured the Celestial Heart Devouring Soldier, had merged with Nie Yun not far away. The palm sword stopped quietly in front of him. It seemed that if he moved, his head would be cut open. Hit.


The dark body was stiff and the blood became cold.


When I felt inevitable that I was going to die, suddenly there was a loud roar in the air, the world changed color, and a tall figure flew over.

"His Majesty……"

When he saw the figure, his eyes were red and he knew he was saved.

His Majesty the Emperor actually came!

"Release the secret, I can keep you alive ..."

Seeing the death of Prince Fu Jiang in front of him, the Emperor Ganxue left directly from the palace and finally came to this moment.

"You are the Emperor of Dry Blood?"

With the sword in his hand, Nie Yun looked at His Majesty in front of him.

He is a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance. The power around his body is shooting. He stands as if he is standing in the depths of the void, like the master of the world.

"Let go!"

Ignoring Nie Yun's questioning, the Emperor Xingxue roared on the occasion, and a dark crack spread over him, and he blinked at him.

The power of a drink made the space shatter, this dried blood emperor is really terrible!

The other palm stretched forward, the territory map was in front of him, blocking the torn black hole, and Nie Yun looked at the emperor with a smile.

"This guy is a great supplement. If it is devoured by Tian Xin Teng or King Wanli, they should be able to be promoted to half-step master. Do you think I will let it go?"

After half a day of engulfing, not only the Celestial Heart has reached the peak of the Sovereign, even the King of Powers is full of breath at this time and will break through at any time.

If this guy devours either of them, it will inevitably make it a leap forward and directly become a half-step dominating power.

"you dare……"

His Majesty's face sank.

As the emperor of the dried blood dynasty, he always said nothing, no one dared to refute his words, and now this man dared to say these words, making his eyes boil.

"Dare you dare to let it go, you want me not to kill him, and bring the dried blood dragon seal, I can spare him a life!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"You dream!"

The Emperor Ganxue was furious. He had been threatened there, and the other party actually wanted his Dragonmother Dragon Mark. The powerful anger kept burning in his heart, and he would burst out, tearing the man in front of him.

"Since you don't agree, let's forget ..."

Nie Yun shook his head, his palms trembled, and the sword was like a rainbow, straight out.


Ansao didn't even respond, his eyebrow was hurt, his soul was annihilated, and then he felt a thick vine creeping into his throat, and he swallowed the power inside him.

Squeak! Squeak!

The heart of the heart that swallowed the dark maggot changed again. With a breath, it directly broke through the supreme peak of the suzerain and became a half-step dominated life.

According to legend, the highest level of the Celestial Heart is the peak of the suzerain, and it cannot be achieved half-step. In fact, this statement is relatively speaking!

Although Tianxin Teng is powerful, if no one helps, it will not be possible to kill and devour half-step masters, unable to devour the stronger, and the power will naturally be confined and unable to continue to improve.

At this time, Nie Yun let the Tianxin Teng swallow two and a half steps to dominate, and it really gave him a substantial promotion, breaking through the puppets that had never been before.

"Dominate the soldiers? Fine, since you want to dry the dragon's seal, then die!"

Seeing Nie Yun directly killing the dark prince ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Emperor Gan Xue also recognized the level of the long sword in his hand, and the color of greed was stronger in his eyes, a roar, and a huge seal came out. When the air splits.

This seal, like a dragon, flies in the air and screams of tearing air, and the world trembles. Under the influence of a powerful gas field, Liulicheng, which is close to this place, has collapsed countless buildings, and the ground has cracked one after another crack.

It is too powerful to dominate the big three strong players in half steps. Every move, with the power of chaotic oceans, makes people feel like facing the raging waves without any resistance.


Feeling the breath from the storefront, Nie Yun was stiff, knowing that if he was suppressed again, he would inevitably escape. With a long hiss, the sword in his hand was raised upwards, and swiped!


There was a crack in the space, and Nie Yun jumped out, and then felt a cold sweat. (To be continued ...)

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