Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1523: War dried emperor

Chapter 1500

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The dried blood emperor was too powerful! And he is not at the same level and grade at all!

Although they are both half-step dominating levels of strength, Nie Yun has only a small triple, but the other party is a real big triple peak. He realizes that there are 299 avenues, and the distance from the dominating level is only a first-line difference.

Just a fight, he knew that head-on confrontation was not an opponent at all!


The body flickered, and Sanqing's avatar appeared.

This avatar holds the territorial map, surrounded by vines, full of power.

A person is not an opponent of the Dry Blood Emperor, and now he can only use his hole cards!


The arm of the avatar was raised, and the huge territory immediately rushed to the dried blood dragon seal. At the same time, the deity shook the sword of the **** soldier, and the sword was as strong as the emperor.

The two men run the boulevard ring at the same time, and then match with the Tianxin rattan, which is equivalent to three and a half steps to control the small triple. At the same time, the powerful offensive is not weaker than the dry blood emperor, and even a little stronger.


The territory map and the dried blood dragon seal are together. The two treasures are almost the same, both representing the strength of a world, but the dried blood dragon seal occupies the home field advantage, plus the strength of the dried blood emperor is matched with it. Immediately regressed, the split face flushed and flew out, seriously injured.


The avatar loses, but holding the deity of the master of the soldiers takes a huge advantage.

The dried blood dragon seal was blocked by the territory map, and could not exert its strength. With a long hiss, the sword spirit of the master soldier had pierced the space and came to the dried blood emperor.

He used his sword with all his strength. The powerful force is like a hurricane, with the spirit of lore, and pierces the opponent's eyebrows.


I thought it was a frontal hit, and the dry blood emperor would be seriously injured if he did not die. But the other person suddenly flashed a light, and a huge mask appeared beside him, blocking the sword's air from the outside!

"Not just soul defense or material defense?"

Seeing the rune outside the mask of the other side, a sacred clothing of defense, the other side set off like a god, Nie Yun's heart cooled down.

I knew before that the Emperor Ganxue had a master soldier. He thought it was just a defense of the soul. It had no effect in the face of physical attacks. Now it seems that he is underestimated.

It is actually a garment of defense. Not only can it block soul attacks, material attacks can also completely block it!


Blocking Nie Yun's sword air, the dry blood emperor sneered, his fists raised and smashed.

The defending master soldier is perfectly integrated with his fist, like a glove. Tear the space before you!


The fist and Nie Yun's master sword, the sword of the soldiers, met, and Nie Yun's face also changed and flew out.

This defensive garment not only defends against soul and material attacks, it can also transform into a glove and produce a material attack!

It's terrible!

Nie Yun's heart was cold.

The thing in front of him is simply not something he can defeat!

Not to mention the current strength, far less than the opponent. Even if the strength is similar, the opponent has this invincible position, how to overcome?


Knowing that he wasn't the opponent, Nie Yun didn't fall in love, and turned to look at the dried dragon's seal in the air. The Skyscraper talent works, grabbing the past.

Anyway, he didn't come here to kill the dried blood emperor, the main purpose was to dry the dragon's seal. At this time, the dragon's seal was in front of him.


Stealth talent comes into contact with Dried Blood Dragon Seal. Immediately rushed to one of the powerful ideas to pass over, like the oppression of the mountains rolled down.

Zizi Zizi!

Nie Yun's arm numbed and hurriedly retreated.

He has the talent to steal, and the other party also realized that stealing the sky, it is obviously impossible to **** directly from the air, just a confrontation, he suffered a big loss.

"Since you can't steal it, grab it!"

As soon as Nie Yun gritted his teeth, the sword was dancing again, and a set of swordsmanship was magically exhibited by him.

His swordsmanship has been cultivated to the point where the fire is pure, and any sword with unspeakable colors in heaven is united together like a beautiful picture.

These swordsmanship has exceeded the scope of human imagination, and even the dry blood emperor was shocked.

Although he is a strong man of the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Avenues, his understanding of swordsmanship is far less than the other.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

However, he was wearing a sacred clothing of defense, and he did not care about Nie Yun's swordsmanship. He let the sword strike him, rushed forward, and punched him until he reached the palace.


The long sword crossed, blocking the fist in front of him, and Nie Yun's chest was burning with pain.

"No, if you fight like this, you are definitely not your opponent ..."

Although uncomfortable in his heart, his mind was as clear as a bright mirror.

The opponent's strength is stronger than him, and there is such a perverted dominating **** soldier. If he continues to fight, it will only get worse and worse, and he will fall here.

"come back!"

Thinking of this, when Nie Yun's spirit moved, he immediately retracted the beasts of the sky, such as the king of cicadas and kings of forces, into the world of objects, and the avatars reintegrated into the body.

The sneak attack can occupy a great advantage, but the combat effectiveness is still worse without mastering the soldiers. Although the territorial map is not weak, the Oblique Moon Supreme is not the home field. It is still incapable of colliding with the dried blood dragon seal, instead of being suspended. It's better to just pack it up and use the benefits of confrontation.


The Emperor Gan Xue continued to move forward, ignoring the sword he stabbed at all, and directly bombarded with his fist.


Nie Yun flew up again, people collided with buildings like phantoms, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.

Grandma, this fight was too aggrieved.

The opponent is hiding behind the defensive master soldier, and he will not show his life or death. No matter how severe his attack is, he can't hurt the slightest, but the other can attack him ... how to fight?

"Dare to challenge the majesty of the dry blood royal family. From the moment you kill Fu Jiang, you are destined to die!"

Seeing Nie Yun step back, the dried blood emperor sneered, grabbed the palm of his hand, and the dried blood dragon seal in the air whistled and fell in the air.

The dried blood dragon seal is the same as the teaching seal of the floating heaven continent. It controls the thickness and strength of a continent. Now there is something to do with the dried blood continent. Just a moment, the space is torn. Nie Yun seems to be trapped in a sleeve and cannot escape. .

"Granny, **** it!"

Nie Yun was depressed for a while. He didn't have the protective clothing. He was really trapped and would surely be killed alive. He gritted his teeth immediately and picked up the sword of the **** soldier, tearing the air again and jumping outward.

Fortunately, he has the vitality Dantian and can continuously absorb his strength. Otherwise, the consumption of this kind of battle will not be able to bear it, and he will be exhausted.


As soon as he jumped out of the puppet, he saw a fist rolling in, and the Emperor Ganxue was attacking.

The timing of the sneak attack was very accurate. It was the moment when Nie Yun just broke free and jumped out. At this time, you can escape to avoid a calamity, but you must be blocked again. If you continue to escape, you will definitely be hit. In a hurry, Nie Yun's long sword was laid horizontally, and it was affixed to her chest.


The fist and the long sword faced each other, only feeling that the internal organs were tumbling, blood spit out involuntarily, and Nie Yun was pale and almost fell from the air.

Although the long sword blocked the opponent's fist, the shock force was too strong, and it had reached a level that he could not bear.

This is like a child holding a shield. Even if the shield is even stronger and kicked by an adult, the recoil is still unbearable!

Although the sword of Nie Yun's dominating magic soldier is extremely strong ~ www.readwn.com ~ The power is also very strong, but the other party is after all two hundred and ninety-nine road strongmen, and cooperate with the dominating magic soldier, the strength is fierce, far It is not something he can resist, but if there are many means, he is wary of human beings.

Even so, the whole body was still full of blood and blood, and the body was soft and seemed to shatter.


Until this time, Nie Yun knew that there was no hope of snatching the dry blood dragon seal, and he turned and left.

If the opponent has only one soul defense to dominate the magic soldier, he is really not afraid, but the opponent's magic soldier is too bad, it can be used as material, soul, and offensive three magic soldiers, even if he has a lot of opportunities recently, still Powerless

"Want to leave? Dream!"

The Emperor of Dry Blood sneered, his fingers spread out, and the master soldier clung to his five fingers, grabbing them in the air!


The sky seemed to flash a thunderbolt, cut across it, and the huge five fingers blinked over Nie Yun's head, unable to breathe under pressure.

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