Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1527: Wen Kao

The test voucher details the time and place of the big test. The first test will be tomorrow morning.

Although I heard Wang Wanli say before that it is divided into text test and martial art test, I did not expect that it was a text test in the beginning, and it was actually conducted in the open air in the square in front of the dried blood palace.

The voucher did not write the content of the exam, but only wrote his assessment position in detail, as long as he got there, he would definitely find it.

"Forget it, go tomorrow!"

Gathering the voucher, Nie Yun stopped saying more, returned to the room, and carefully disguised his appearance and spirit.

This time I came directly to the imperial city of Ganxue. It is more dangerous than before. Everything must be prepared in advance. Otherwise, the dragon's seal will be recognized without seeing it. It is really dangerous.

The camouflage is very simple, that is, turning his face into black, which shows a sense of vicissitudes, his hair has become white, and his temperament has become unruly and indifferent.

In the identity of Yuntong, the whole family was killed, and they worked hard to cultivate, this temperament is most consistent.

His camouflage did not use the air of camouflage, but the best technique of disguise in previous lives, so that even if he was seen by the dried blood emperor, he would not recognize it.

The camouflage is a change in people's appearance. Once exposed to the sky, it is easy to show, but the appearance is different. Just changing the costume. Even if the sky looks at the past, it will not be much different from the present look. To the wanted criminal Nie Yun.

Besides, Nie Yun was still murdering outside the imperial city at this time ... attacking the garrison and the main cities of the cities everywhere, as long as they did not fight. No one would think he was Nie Yun.

After finishing her make-up, Nie Yun called on King Wanli again and asked her to focus all around the imperial city. By the way, we explored the escape route and then ordered King Xuan Chan and others to cooperate with Xiaoling to design a retreat and make necessary means.

Robbing the dried blood dragon seal, the crisis is heavy, do not design a retreat in advance, and fall into it. Absolutely difficult to escape.

The little spirit body masters the instrumental spirit of the strong, and he knows the various formations very well, and he plans to escape. Most suitable.

After the explanation was completed, Nie Yun was relieved and meditation practiced.

Soon, the next day came.

Nie Yun changed a clean gown. Prepared. No one took it, walked out of the yard alone, and walked straight to the square in front of the dry blood dynasty.

The dry blood dynasty is indeed the core of the entire dry blood continent. It is extremely prosperous, and there are a lot of experts. The gold armors of 2,500 avenues can be seen everywhere. Far from comparable to other cities you have seen before.

Many of the buildings around the street have a strong royal flavor. The various formations are densely packed, making the imperial city as sturdy as an iron barrel. Even if he does not have General Mo Ye's line, it will be very difficult to mix in silently.

"It is indeed the nest of the dried blood royal family ..."

Looking at these, Nie Yun was amazed.

The dried blood royal family has been galloping for the entire oblique month of the Supreme Domain for hundreds of millions of years. It is understandable to arrange a city like this. This is the same as Guixu Hai Lao Chao. Although the three major gates joined forces aggressively, they still dare not rush over, otherwise, It is bound to be devastating.

Snatching the dried blood dragon seal here is undoubtedly a tiger mouth extraction, the difficulty is not ordinary, I really do n’t know why Nie Tong asked him to do this, and now if I want to ask, I ca n’t ask anything. At this time, Nie Tong is working with Shura Wang kept fighting, and was unable to answer his questions, making people indescribable.

Walking along the street, there were two things that came to my ears the most. The first was a blood test, and the second was yesterday's battle.

The Dry Blood Dynasty lost a million elite soldiers, three and a half steps dominated the strong, and it was a big sensation. Even if it was deliberately concealed, the market had already known it.

"I heard that the strong man who fought against the emperor was called Nie Yun. His strength has already reached 2,999 avenues. After killing the two adults, the Dark Eagle and the Golden Eagle, he took it easy, even if his emperor took him. no way!"

"I've heard it, but it doesn't seem to be the case, because he can't beat the emperor and escaped ..."

"Nonsense, how could such a strong man escape?"

"By the way, I also heard that Lord Nie Yun is a kind of love. It is said that he fell in love with a maiden of the glazed tower, and the lord of the glazed city always wanted to possess this maiden. Lord Yun killed the lonely Yanyun Yun, the leader of the city of Lili, in anger.

"What a calamity, people calmly come and calmly go, they don't even look at the dried blood royal family ..."


Various rumors flowed through the crowd. In these rumors, Nie Yun became a hero against power, and many people talked about their words with deep admiration and worship.

"It seems that everyone has a desire to resist power everywhere ..."

Hearing these words, Nie Yun's mouth raised.

When I was in the Qihai continent and destroyed the royal family such as the Kamikaze Empire, I also heard a lot of praise. There was resistance in the place of oppression, sure enough!

The dry blood royal family has been galloping across the continent for many years. In the hearts of countless people, some people have challenged their majesty, which is equivalent to pulling a tiger on the tiger. The extraordinary courage and strength of the owner will naturally be praised and worshiped.

After listening for a while, I found that there was no correct version. Most of them were passed on by concubine. Without the meaning of continuing to listen, Nie Yun strode forward. Within an hour, the towering dried blood palace appeared. in front of.

The Palace of Dry Blood does not stand on the ground, but is suspended in the air, huge and towering, with the peculiar atmosphere of the chaotic ocean. Before coming to it, it gives people a sense of worship.

"This is King's Avenue ..."

Taking a closer look, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

The reason for this feeling is not the problem of building the imperial palace, but the imperial avenue in the building.

The Emperor's Avenue is one of the Three Thousand Avenues. With the majesty and courage of the emperor, people are involuntarily surrendered. The people who built this palace are very smart. They merge this avenue and radiate the imperial majesty all the time. Feeling awe.

Because of this, anyone who sees the palace will become scared and dare not to resist the rule of the dried blood royal family.

"Please come here for the dried blood test, if not, please step back!"

He was feeling a sigh, and his thoughts returned, and he looked up. There was a huge square in front of the palace. At this time, there were crowds of people, and there were thousands of people everywhere.

The dry blood test can change the fate of countless people, and the younger generations are rushing to win favor.

Seeing this kind of grand occasion, Nie Yun shook his head and took the credentials representing him. The guard soldier took a look, carefully checked, and let go of the passage: "Sit in strict accordance with your seat, don't move around at will, otherwise, Dispose! "

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ and didn't say much, looked around, found his place, and walked over.

These positions are fixed, and once they arrive, they will be surrounded by restrictions, so that other candidates cannot see your content.

When he came to the position, Nie Yun looked around, could not help shaking his head, and came to participate in the assessment to see that the age was not more than 100,000 years old. There are many similar to initiation, forcibly promoted, the breath is unstable, and it will collapse at any time.

I was still wondering why there are so many young talents in the Dry Blood Dynasty. Now it seems that most talents are artificial. Such people forcibly enhance their strength and exhaust their potential. Even if there is a chance in the future, it is difficult. There is growth.

It is simply pulling seedlings to encourage it!

This kind of situation is not done even in Guixuhai, and it is so common here that it shows the importance of this dried blood test and the attitude of everyone to the test.

Everyone wants to grasp the opportunity of Lei Yue Lei Long Men, instead of giving up!

"Grandma, it is estimated that we will make another wedding dress for this time. I didn't expect that Mr. Yan Chao was here. What a bad luck!"

"Who said no, when he comes, we will want to compete for the top spots again, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

"Not only Yan Chao, but also Duxun, you see they are all together. I think the top three must be taken over by them!"

"Oh, what a bad luck ..."

Looking around, a series of emotions rang out in my ears. (To be continued ...)

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