Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1528: Write down

Looking in the direction of everyone's discourse, I saw several young people standing in separate positions, standing tall and flocked, showing a strong sense of superiority.

"Are these guys ... awesome?"

Seeing these people, Nie Yun turned his head in doubt and asked to one side.

Next to him was a young man with a dumb look. He didn't seem to talk, but when he asked, his eyebrows were raised, as if looking at aliens: "You won't even hear a few of them! Have you never heard of it? "

"Dried blood four gentlemen?" Nie Yun shook his head.

What four gentlemen, five gentlemen, the dry blood dynasty, and even the Xieyue Supreme Realm have only heard of some time ago, who have heard of these people.

"You ... are too ignorant, even they don't know, what are you going to participate in?" Seeing his face blank and not seeming to be fake, the young man shook his head, seeming helpless.

"I take the exam, what does it have to do with them?"

Hearing each other's words, Nie Yun laughed.

"It doesn't matter? Everyone knows that the four of them must be the top four. This time, even if you are lucky, you can only be fifth!"

Mune youth road.

"The first four? The big test can also be decided?" Nie Yun laughed.

"Of course not. However, the four of them, although we are under 100,000 years old, are real strong masters. They are also wealthy and knowledgeable. They are smart and have no essay exams. Who can be rivals? Of course. Top four! "

Seeing Nie Yun in front of the young man, he couldn't help explaining: "Look at that boy Chao Chao in white, who is the most talented disciple of the Yan family in Guimo City. It is said that he will never meet for ten years. The supremacy of the suzerain is under the age of 300, and he will pass the trial of the soldiers of the oblique month to become an iron armor! Although he is only over 90,000 years old, his strength is definitely counted even by the older generation. He is definitely a genius!

Guimo City is almost the same as Liuli City. In the dry blood continent, it is second only to the imperial city.

"The Duxun son is the first faction of the Four Schools and the descendant of the Chiyan ancient school. He was born with a avenue and was promoted to the late Tiantian at the age of 17. At the age of ninety-three thousand years old, he is already the first master of the ancient school of Chiyan. Even their suzerain and elders are terrified! "

"That man, Mu Xuan, had no remarkable background, but he had an adventure and swept Kyushu with a sword. He laughed for nine days and was said to have been besieged by nine great masters three years ago. He had one sword and one. Kill all nine people, and smile proudly! "

"The last son of Sima Yi is very mysterious. When he was young, he was a famous teacher who seemed to be a half-step master who taught and taught him to reshape his body. It contained countless blood of ancient gods and beasts. , It is said that he used his hands to tear a sovereign-level **** beast alive ... "

"These four people, even if they failed the text test, once the martial arts test enters the test session. I don't think anyone can beat it!"

Mune youth introduced the four people, and his eyes flashed fiery light. It seems that although the four are competitors, they do not hinder the worship and awe of them.

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Under the age of 100,000, you have the power of the sovereign. And with such a brilliant record, it is no wonder that it is so sought after.

At a glance, all four of them really have a sharp breath. Although they are hidden well, it gives a feeling of tearing. It is no wonder that they can become champions of the championship. These four people do have such capital.


Nie Yun was watching the four of them, and Yan Chao, the son in front of him, turned his head sharply, looking at him like electricity.

"What's wrong, Yan Chao?"

Seeing his actions, Du Xun asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, just feel a little uneasy. Is it possible that there will be masters in this group of people?" Yan Chao son wondered.

"Master? Rest assured, the four of us are here, even if someone has a great ability, they can't get upset!" Du Xun looked confident.

"That's right!" Hearing the other side, Yan Chao didn't find anything in the crowd and nodded.

"This guy has a keen sense!"

Seeing Yan Chao turning his gaze, Nie Yunzhang was surprised, the previous contempt turned dignified.

Before listening to the young man from Mune, he only felt that the four were just small people who got opportunities. Now it seems that it is not so easy.

Just now I just focused my attention and wanted to see through the other person ’s practice, and I was found that my perception is not worse than myself!

It is indeed a dry blood dynasty, with vast land, abundant talents, and many heroes. If you do n’t take it seriously, you may get a boat overturn in the gutter.


The more challenging Nie Yun was, the more he felt blood boiling and the corners of his mouth could not help rising.

"Now the text test begins!"

At that moment, a loud drink rang in front of the square, and Nie Yun and others looked up. Between them, an official-like person took the official seal and shook it gently. A huge seal enveloped everyone.

"Now let me talk about what you should pay attention to in the test!"

Shrouded by a seal, Nie Yun felt that his mental strength was completely confined, as if in a white world, no one else could see it anymore, but only looked at the floating table in front of his eyes.

"First, you must not leave your place until the answer is completed, otherwise, you will abstain!"

"Second, I can't withstand the pressure of the text test. I can directly abstain from the test papers and will be sent directly by the formation method!"

"Third, the exam is only half an hour. During this period, you can't cheat by using treasures or communication tools, otherwise you will be treated as abstaining!"

The sound was clear in my ears, as clear as in my head.

"This minister also has suzerain-level strength!"

When he heard the sound so easy in his ears, Nie Yun nodded.

The dry blood continent is really a crouching dragon and a tiger. The strength of this minister is at least suitable for the sovereign level, and even the peak of the sovereign.

"This is a text test, please answer the questions carefully!"

The voice was over, and the sky boomed, and a piece of paper flew down and landed on the table in front of him.

This piece of paper was extremely heavy, like a mountain, falling on the table and making a "squeak!" Roar, with great strength.

Nie Yun stepped forward to the paper, looked down, and looked very strange.

There are only three words on the piece of paper, boxy, as if printed on it, giving off a golden light.

It's all ancient chaotic text!

"This test is really difficult!"

These three words are ancient and chaotic words. If you ca n’t recognize them, you ca n’t answer, and you wo n’t have a grade. Without saying how well you answer, literacy alone will keep many people out.

"Heaven, earth, people!"

Ancient chaotic writing may be difficult for others. For Nie Yun, it was not difficult. On the ancient battlefield, he had a book written entirely in ancient chaotic language. After studying this period, most of the writing has been able Identify.

Gently point your finger on the three large characters, and read the meaning of the representative. The text immediately shines brightly, and the light irradiates the Quartet.

As soon as the palm moves, a pen appears on the palm.

"Taking the three characters of heaven and earth as the assessment topic is to let people explain the processing relationship between heaven, earth and people, and the connection between man and nature ..."

Recognizing the three words, Nie Yun did not rush to write, but thought.

It is naturally impossible to rely on knowledge and knowledge alone for the examination of the dried blood dynasty. There must be other uses. This heaven and earth man is actually a kind of harmony between man and nature, and the connection with the chaotic ocean.

"The Emperor Ganxue is the strongest of the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine highways ~ www.readwn.com ~ What I want to do is to break through the last obstacle, to achieve domination, and to solve this problem of heaven and earth, it must carry his hope and mood!"

"Three thousand avenues. The first is the beginning of the Yuan. It evolves everything. It must be that this avenue has no way of comprehending it. I want to understand the relationship between humans and heavens and thus achieve a breakthrough. A torture in his heart made him go further in the realm ... "

"That being the case, I will write to you an ambiguous theory that leads to the wrong. No one can see as long as he is not the dominant ..."

A moment of contemplation, Nie Yun's mouth raised, and thoughts flowed in his head, and he gradually wanted to understand what happened. When he moved his finger, the pen tip fell down.


As soon as the pen tip fell, the table was shaking, and countless vigors came immediately.

(Students play volleyball these days, sweat and serve to score points. Is this swollen? Is the technique so bad ... Is their volleyball taught by a math teacher?) (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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