Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: Text Tamron

At the end of the examination room, Yan Chao looked at the paper in front of him and nodded involuntarily.

"Heaven, earth, and man, the unity of heaven and man, although the sky and the earth are flourishing, the most important thing is ultimately human ..."

At a glance he recognized the handwriting above, murmured in his mouth, and his eyes lightened: "Haha, this Wenkao champion must be me, I don't believe there is anyone who can go even higher than me!"

Running the pen tip, slowly writing it up, the pen tip intersects with the paper, making a sound like a pearl jade landing, jingle crisp, as if playing a moving piece of music.

Seeing the three characters written in the ancient chaotic text, some people are happy and some are sad. More people do n’t recognize them. The entire examination room, all candidates, have strange faces, sadness, sadness, and ecstasy.

However, everyone is in the formation method, each of them is restricted, and no one can see each other, and he will not be embarrassed by this expression.

The dried blood palace, the dried blood emperor is standing in the hall with many ministers, and looks to the examination room in front.

"Your Majesty's question this time ... Are the heaven and earth people too big to keep them from writing?"

A minister said.

This time the text test was submitted by the Emperor Ganxue himself. Even if they knew it, they would not dare to refute it. At this time, the test started, and they dared to ask.

"The world is infinite, people are full of hearts, this topic is not big, and the battlefield of the Three Realms is about to open. If you choose again according to the previous method, it is difficult to select real talents. This time I deliberately raised this question to test the overall outlook of these people , Awe and attitude towards heaven and earth! "

The dry blood emperor was expressionless and said lightly.

"Your Majesty, the battlefield of the Three Realms is about to start, and talents are coming out this time. This time, we will definitely win the oblique month. The greater benefit! Talents selected in this way will have enough vision and a big picture and will definitely be a party. Beams! "

A minister congratulates.

"Your Majesty has taken these things into account, I can't wait ..."


Other ministers also began to congratulate.

"Well, look at it. Someone over there already understands the problem and starts to break it!"

In the sound of the discussion, a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and then everyone hurriedly looked at the square, and saw the examination room in front of them, full of aura. A jingle came straight out.

"Zisheng Qinyin, accept everything, who is this?"

His emperor's eyes brightened.

Although I haven't seen what the other person wrote, it is already doomed to be able to make such a sound with the pen, which illustrates his theory. In line with heaven, this produces such a syllable.

"His Majesty Yan Chao, the four gentleman with dried blood! Master of the Yan Family in Guimo City!"

An informed minister quickly explained.

"The Yan family of Guimo City? The descendants of the old ghost of Yan Feng? Yes, it really is a genius who can write such things. The top three should not run this time!" The dry blood emperor nodded secretly, full of praise. .


The voice just fell, a strong aroma. Break through the clouds, sniff your nose, and keep your lips and teeth fragrant.

"Is this ... fragrant?"

Smelling this scent, everyone was stunned, and immediately excited.

"The words are fragrant, indicating that this person's remarks have been recognized by the world, and even praised. They are more brilliant than the words of Qin Sheng. Who is this?"

The emperor was also a joy.

"Return to the Emperor, this is also one of the four gentlemen with dry blood. It is called Sima Yi, and it is said that Master is a half-step master who dominates the strong. It is not clear who this is!"

A known minister hurriedly.

"Sima Biao? Yes, this person is very good! The words are fragrant. Without enough courage, it is impossible to complete!" The emperor praised loudly.

"Congratulations, Emperor Hexi, the appearance of two such powerful figures in this big test shows that our blood-blood dynasty is about to flourish. This time, the Three Realms Battlefield Oblique Moon Extreme Zone will inevitably win, and achieve hundreds of millions of years ...

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is a sign of great prosperity, indicating that our blood-dying dynasty will become more and more powerful and achieve higher achievements ..."


Many ministers were glad to see the emperor. These days, the depression caused by Nie Yun's affairs has been swept away, all of them complimented.

"Well, yes, the words are fragrant, and the words are phonics. Let these two be named one or two ..."

Hearing the compliment, the Emperor Dried Blood laughed and was about to decide on the first two of this test. Suddenly the ground swayed, and countless vitality gathered from the heavens and the earth. The chaotic ocean over the world kept boiling, and a series of powerful energy.

"what is this……"

The Emperor Ganxian's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly stood up, his scalp exploded.

Many ministers saw this scene and became quiet, so they dare not say a few nonsense.

Numerous auras gathered in the sky in front of them. These auras gathered together like a cloudy cloud. Suddenly, huge golden dragons flew from the clouds and roared like thunder.

"Your Majesty ... This is, this is ... the text Tamron!"

A minister saw that the Golden Dragon in the air was not attacking. When he was soaring and dancing, he was just explaining a certain principle and immediately exclaimed, because he was too excited and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Written Dragon? Legend has it that only the real Avenue of Heaven and Earth meets the requirements of chaos, can it be transformed into a dragon shape. Each word has a unique spirit, how is this possible ..."

"It's not true, even if I can't do this, who is this ..."

All the ministers saw the scene before them, and they all felt crazy.

"Look, it's ancient chaotic text!"

Another man in the crowd shouted, and with his shout, everyone saw the golden dragon in the air forming one mysterious text after another, exactly the ancient chaotic text.

"This man is actually written in ancient chaos ... look at who this man is!"

The dried blood emperor's fist clenched, and his eyes shot straight.

With his vision, it can be easily seen that the golden dragon text in the air is explaining a theory of the three thousand avenues of success, even for him, it is very helpful!

If you study for a long time, I am afraid that it will not be difficult to break through the last trance and achieve the three thousand avenues!

Understand these, how not to get excited?

"Writing in ancient chaos?"

"How can he speak ancient chaos? Does he already understand Three Thousand Avenues, and is a master of power?"

"Compared with the text Tenglong, the previous words are incense and the words are not so much ..."


Her Majesty's shock was so addictive that all the other ministers were going crazy.

Someone actually wrote the answer sheet with ancient chaotic text, and the words were beaded, and the words were dragons. This ability has exceeded imagination, and it will never happen for billions of years!

This can no longer be described by genius. It is definitely not easy to write such words!

"Under his Majesty, the person who wrote these words was a man named Yuntong, a descendant of the Yun family who was destroyed in Dayi City three thousand years ago. After the family broke down, he bears humiliation. Inheritance ... "

Soon a minister came over and made clear the news of Nie Yun.

These messages are all recorded on Nie Yun's Yuntong identity. As long as he obtains the examination certificate, he will register in detail and it will be easy to find out.

"Dayi City? Can such a genius appear in such a small place? I am afraid that this person has gained the inheritance of the powerful, otherwise, it would not be possible to write such a powerful text!"

The Emperor's eyes lighted up.

Can answer with ancient chaotic text, and the dragon is written, indicating that the person's insight is extraordinary, and ordinary inheritance can never cultivate such a strong person, I am afraid that he has dominated the inheritance, even if it is the worst, he is also half-step dominated the big three strong Inheritance! Otherwise it is impossible to make such a huge momentum!

"Yes, Your Majesty, this man is talented, what shall we do?"

A minister asked quickly.

"It's very simple ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is directly set as the first for the text test! After the text test, the martial art test is started. I want to see what kind of strength this person has!"

His Majesty paused and instructed.

"Yes, Your Majesty, let your subordinates do it!"

The minister nodded and retreated.

Everyone on the side of Ganxue Palace was shocked and excited, and the candidates at the examination room seemed to be shocked.

The words Tenglong have been approved by Chaos. This is terrible. The ground tremor immediately awakened everyone from the realm of answering questions.

"Tenglong, answer in ancient chaotic text? Who is this?"

Sima Yi and Yan Chao stopped at the same time and could no longer write.

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