Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1530: Social Gun

With the text Tenglong, the championship has been set, and everyone has no further answers, and a vigorous essay test ends here.

"time up!"

With the examiner screaming, the formation around the crowd suddenly disappeared, and the sky was clear again. The papers in front of them also flew into the air and straight toward the palace.

"Hey, I said that I had to compete with the dried blood four gentlemen, and I must not get the top few. It really is so ... The text Tenglong actually appeared, and it was too abnormal!"

After clearing the table in front of him, Nie Yun was relieved, and just wanting to hear what the examiner had to tell him, he heard the young man on the side muttering.

Hearing this, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"What's laughing? The emergence of the text Tenglong means that the Wenkao champion has already appeared, and we are all out of play ..." Mu Na's young man raised his eyebrows.

"Who would you write the text Tamron?"

His voice was loud and caught the attention of others, a young man asked on one side.

Obviously, he also admires those who can write the text Tamron.

"Still need to say, it must be one of the four gentlemen of dried blood, I think it is the most likely Yan Chao son!" Mune youth affirmed.

"I also think it must be one of the four of them, but I think it is Sima Yi. His origin is the most mysterious and the most likely ..." the other said.

"The two sons, Du Xun and Mu Xuan, are also very likely. They learned to get rich in five cars, and Bo Gutong today ..."


Thinking of the text Tenglong just now, everyone immediately caused a frenzy of debate.

The text Tenglong never meets for billions of years. The ability to write such a powerful answer is bound to be extremely talented, and everyone admires it.

Hear these guesses. Nie Yun smiled bitterly, ignored it, and looked forward.

"Don't be discouraged, look at you. It's a casual practice. The biggest disadvantage of casual practice is that it is too little knowledge. After being selected by the emperor and becoming an official, this disadvantage can gradually be reversed. Become The strong are also very likely! "

Seeing his appearance, the young man thought that he was too frustrated, so sorry to say more. Can't help but come to comfort him.

"Thank you!" Nie Yun couldn't laugh or cry. It ’s not easy to say, and nodded immediately.

"Yes, brother, what's your name? Wen Kao will be released soon. I will see if you can pass the assessment. If you are not on the list, you will not be eligible to take the martial arts test!"

Mune youth laughed.

At this point he was out of humor, but was rather talkative.

"My name is Yuntong!" Nie Yundao.

"Yun Tong. My name is Zhao Xuan!" Zhao Xun, a young manner, said his name, and he did not forget to comfort Nie Yun after saying: "Don't be disappointed. The essay test scores are not acceptable. Glorious, is also eligible to enter the top three, of course, the championship is not expected, after all, the dry blood dynasty is still based on force! "

"What does the test take?"

For his kindness, Nie Yun didn't want to argue and asked the question.

"The martial arts test is more complicated than the text test. There are usually three games. The first two games seem to be courage, strength, and wisdom. The last game is a contest. Of course, the content of each test is different, let alone. It ’s me. Even many big people ca n’t find the rules. Only when the test starts will they know what they really want to take! ”

Zhao Xuandao: "But rest assured, the martial arts test is the most fair. As long as you have the true skill, you will definitely be able to stand out and it will be a blockbuster!"

"Oh!" Nie Yun no longer asked to see each other, stood still and waited for Wen Kao to release the list.

Not long, the sky was roaring, a red light shot straight from the palace, covering the whole sky.

"It's on the list, look who's the text Tamron just now!"

Seeing the red light, everyone hurriedly looked up. The power caused by the text Tenglong just was too great. Everyone wanted to see who it was and had such ability.

"I guess it must be Son Chao, don't think about it ..."

Zhao Xuan looked into the sky with a smile, at this moment the red light in the sky rolled, and a series of names were arranged in order.

"How about, I guess ... the first Yuntong? Who is Yuntong? Not among the four gentlemen ..."

With a smile on his face, he talked to Nie Yun, suddenly dumb, his eyes were about to fall out, Zhao Xuan looked at the boy in front of him, and was almost crazy.

"You ... is this cloud copper?"

I heard Nie Yun introduce myself before, and combined the first name at this time, and was surprised to be crazy.

Did he get first?

He wrote the text Tamron?

Not only he was surprised, but the few people who had been discussing just now also listened to the conversation between the two, knowing that the person in front of him was the strong man who wrote the text Tenglong, one by one showing awe.

At this time, there is no need to introduce identity anymore. A red light came and shrouded Nie Yun. As the first person in the text test, he was led by the light and flew forward involuntarily, falling to the front of the crowd.


Everyone who did not enter the text examination list was hit by the formation and all flew out and left the square.

After the text test, there were originally thousands of test rooms, but only three hundred were left.

"The text test is over, take the martial arts test!"

The examiner flew over again, his voice roaring loudly, and it rang through the sky.

"The martial arts examination is divided into three games, the first one is measuring force! The second one is measuring soul! The third one is fighting! The first two games also have eliminations, and those who fail the assessment are not eligible to participate in martial arts!"

"Measuring force, side soul? How to measure?"

Hearing the arrangement, Nie Yun was surprised.

In order to reach their level, a planet is no different from a toy in its hands. How to measure force? How to detect the soul?

The doubts didn't last long, so they disappeared, because the examiner had already stated the content of the first test.

"This spear, known as the social puppet, has the will of the real people of the dry blood continent and the will. It is extremely heavy. Without refining, it weighs more than dozens of stars. It can be picked up and passed. Can't hold it, then eliminated! "

The examiner pointed forward, and saw a round platform in front of him. A spear was placed horizontally in the middle, with the vicissitudes of an old feeling, like the shouting of peoples, symbolizing the strength of the community.

She is the earth, and she is the valley. She represents survival and food, and also carries the power of an empire.

Nie Yun glanced at it. Although he couldn't see the level of this spear, he knew that it was extremely heavy. The spiritual touch that had spread in the past felt involuntarily sinking.

Let the mental strength feel the weight, this thing is really terrible, I am afraid that it is not weaker than his territory map!

The map of the territory, the gun of the community ... I am afraid that both of them dominate the level of the magic soldier in half a step.

"Okay, the assessment starts, starting with the last one in the text test, and so on!"

The examiner's voice sounded.

"Okay, let me try!"

The last one in Wen Kao was a man in the shape of an iron tower. He heard it and immediately snarled. He strode over the round platform and came to the front of the gun.

"Get up!"

The arms were outstretched with blue muscles, and a violent drink, a thick immortal force spread out from the arms, extended towards the spear, and grabbed them with both palms.


The powerful force shot around, and the ground was cracked like a spider. The young man yelled hard and wanted to grab the spear, only to lift it less than a foot, and he couldn't hold it anymore. A blood spewed out and quit.

The gun was too heavy. He forcibly seized it and was seriously injured.


"This person is called Tie Yan, who has the blood of ancient beasts in his body, and his strength reaches 2,650 avenues. Such a strong man can't even grasp his claws. It seems that I can't help it ..."

"Why is this year's assessment so terrible ~ www.readwn.com ~ She's gun. This thing doesn't have the strength of 2,800 avenues. Who can catch it?"

"Don't complain, just try it ..."

Seeing that the strong man ranked last in Wen Kao did not grab the gun, everyone showed awe.

The gun of the community represents the strength of the community. If you do not have enough strength, if you want to grab it, you will only be defeated and cannot succeed!

"Iron Falcon failed, next!"

Tieya failed, and when the light flashed on the stage, he was sent out of the square. The examiner shouted expressionlessly.

The assessment started very fast. After a while, everyone who passed the text examination was almost the same. Only four gentlemen and Nie Yun were left.

"Wen Kao is useless first, you need to have enough strength!"

Mu Xuan was fifth, sneered at Nie Yun, and strode toward the stage. (To be continued ...)

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