Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1531: Martial arts

The Four Gentlemen of the Dry Blood is the biggest hit this time. I thought that the text test could shine brightly, covering everyone, but being blocked by a kid who didn't know where to come out, who would feel uncomfortable changing it.

This Mu Xuan has such a feeling. When Nie Yun's appearance is clearly seen, his heart is proud.

Wen Kao's strength is not strong, does not mean that the force is also strong, the force can not reach, even if the Wen Kao first?

Therefore, in his opinion, Wen Kao's first name was nothing but nothing. During the process, Mu Xuan's eyes turned to Nie Yun with a strong provocation, and he stepped forward to the gun of the club and drank in a low voice. With both arms, the spear lifted sharply.


The body of the gun shook, the space was torn, and a shot of gunfire, directed at Nie Yun, with the momentum of howling.

He is using the power of the spear to deliberately give Nie Yun power!

The gun of the shrine itself has great power, grabbed it violently, although it was not refined, but the power was there, the gun gas had not come to the front, the rocks on the ground broke apart, and a long gully appeared .

"No harm!"

Seeing his movements, the examiner flung his sleeves and shot at Nie Yun, which was immediately resolved.

"Ha ha!"

Mu Xuan smiled slightly, lowered the spear, and walked off the round platform proudly.

He just did not intend to hurt Nie Yun just now. He just gave him a horse and let him know that what is a strong person, Wen Kao first, and nothing.


Seeing each other's actions, how did Nie Yun not know what he was thinking. Shook his head.

He won the first place, just casually, did not expect to let the so-called dry blood four gentlemen dare. It was unexpected.

However, it doesn't matter if you're afraid of jealousy. His targets are the Emperor Ganxian and the Dragon Dragon Mark. These little people don't care.

It is also because of this mentality that his attitude seems a little arrogant, and Yan Chao and others are even more angry.

but. With the beginning of Mu Xuan, several other people were not easy to get angry, and they raised the spear one by one. Not much to say.


Soon, everyone was evaluated, leaving Nie Yun alone.

Wen Kao passed three hundred people, and half of them were eliminated by holding a gun. One hundred and fifty people remain.

Ignore other people's eyes. Nie Yun came to the spear without using both hands, and grabbed his right arm forward.


The palm of his hand trembled, and the spear jumped up, rolling out a gun flower in his palm, and moving forward.


A more dazzling shot of gunfire shot straight ahead in the direction of Mu Xuan.

Just a moment ago, Mu Xuan tried to keep him off the stage with his gun. How can Yun Yunyan swallow this breath when he is disguised as Yun Tong in disguise. There is a natural chance of revenge.

"I said, don't hurt anyone!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Xuan wanted to deal with him before, this guy came here to take revenge again, the examiner's eyebrows raised, his sleeves fluttered, and a force blocked the gunman.

When he touched his strength, the gunman didn't stop, but instead seemed to pierce the silk pupa, and continued to move forward with a crisp sound.


Mu Xuan originally thought that the opponent's attack would be the same as hiss. He scared at most, without any precaution, and never dreamed. He would rush forward, startled, had no time to dodge, and was hit in the chest.


He was hit by a gun, blood squirted wildly, and Mu Xuan flew out, and a large hole appeared in his chest.


Nie Yun did not kill the man. Although the hole was large, it could not be killed, but the same move and the same action did not hurt people. Instead, he wounded like this, making Mu Xuan angry and screaming, almost dizzy past.

The examiner did not block Nie Yun's gunshot, and his face was not good-looking. He was about to have an attack, but saw that he had put down the gun of the club.

"Very good, this kid is crazy enough. After a while, I can see if he can be as arrogant as he is now!"

Son Yan Chao and others did not expect this Yuntong dare to do so, undoubtedly torn his skin, and his face was so angry.

They claim to be the four gentlemen of dried blood, and they are a whole. They are all glorious and all are damaged. Mu Xuan was shot like this, which is tantamount to pumping their faces, how can they swallow this breath!

Yan Chao and others were about to explode, and everyone else was startled.

In particular, everyone who had previously taken the gun of She Yuan clenched their fists one by one, and looked at Nie Yun's eyes full of admiration.

It took them all their strength to lift the gun of this club, and the opponent held it with one hand and fired such a powerful gun. The strength is probably not worse than the so-called four gentlemen!

No wonder dare to challenge the four gentlemen directly, it turned out to be so dependent!

"It's awesome, there must be some fun in the martial arts after a while!"

"I thought that Mr. Yan Chao and others would inevitably win the championship. Now it seems that this cloud copper is also possible!"

"This is not necessarily. He blatantly injured Mu Xuan and was bound to be bounced by Yan Chao and others. When they fight, if they fight hard, it will be difficult for him to escape!"

"That's right, he is only one person after all ..."


Everyone talked and muttered in private.

At this time, Nie Yun seemed to them to be a group of black horses. Although they could not grab the top few, it would be nice if the black horse could provoke the so-called four gentlemen.

"Compete against the second item, measure the soul! It is still the gun of this club, lift it with the power of the soul. The higher the height, the higher the score!"

The examiner interrupted the discussion and looked around for a week.

"Lift your gun with your soul? This ..."

"I can't even take Xianli, how can my soul lift it?"

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult, it's over ..."


A large number of people collapsed when they heard the content of the second assessment.

It took a great deal of effort to lift the gun of the physical body, let alone the soul!

Ignoring their grievances, the game continued. With the experience of the first game, the speed of the second game was faster, because Mu Xuan was injured. Yan Chao and others knew that the text test was first. The strength is not simple. No one provoked.

They didn't take any action, and Nie Yun didn't bother to fight back. He stepped up the gun of the club with his soul, and passed smoothly.

There were more failures in this assessment. Only 150 were left for 150 people.

As for the assessment of thousands of people, the assessment had not been started at the last level, and only fifty were left. Even Nie Yun could not help but be shocked by the severity of the dry blood test.

Had it not been for his understanding of the Avenue Circle, it would have been impossible for him to reach this point with far more ordinary people than San Qian Avenue.

"Now the last item of the contest, martial arts! This martial art is different from the previous one. Earlier, you won the ranking through competitions. This time, fifty of you will be on the same competition bench, you can join together or stand alone Action, time is one day. On this day, you can hide or fight with others. Your Majesty will observe it personally and select the best person to rank the top three! Of course, if you keep hiding, the top three will definitely not be! "

The examiner was in the air and slowly said, "This assessment does not only assess the strength, but also the group, the fighting consciousness, and the attitude towards danger! Perform well, maybe your strength is not the strongest, as long as you perform well, Beloved by Your Majesty and Be No. 1! "

"Compete on the same stage?"

"Dried blood four sons united, who are we opponents?"

"How did this rule happen this year?"

"You do n’t know about it. I heard that the battlefield of the Three Realms is about to open. The people who got the top three in this dry blood test will enter the battlefield. In the battlefield, all battles are unruly, no May give you a one-to-one opportunity, so ... Your Majesty may do this for the sake of the Three Realms! "

"That's it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Actually it's fine, we have more opportunities ..."


Hearing the rules set by the examiner, the crowd first understood, and then all came to understand.

Can be promoted to the top 50 in the dry blood test, most of them have a strong background. The Three Realms battlefield is a secret for ordinary people. For these people, it is not too secretive.

"Battlefield of the Three Realms ... That's it!"

At first, Nie Yun didn't understand. He nodded when he heard the conversation.

"Well, martial arts begins, please enter the test bench!"

In deep contemplation, the examiner cried loudly, and then a round table appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the surrounding mist was full of mist. The formation method concealed everything inside and could see nothing.

ps: I'm going out today. I changed it in advance. . It is worth encouraging your monthly pass. . . (To be continued ...)

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