Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1532: 7 people join forces

Nie Yun followed the crowd and walked towards the round platform. As soon as he entered it, there was an empty space in front of him. The outside of the round platform didn't look big, but inside it was the formation space. At a glance, there was no end. Fifty people were among them. Feeling crowded.


As soon as the crowd entered, the weaker person immediately found a place to hide, for fear of being found, he was the first to go out.

"Master Yuntong, you hurt Mu Xuan before. The four gentlemen will certainly not let you go ..."

Nie Yun just walked two steps. Zhao Xuan, who had spoken to him before, walked from behind, reminding him carefully.

Although this Zhao Xuan seems to be dumb, in fact, his real strength is not weak, otherwise it would not be possible to go through several levels to the martial arts link.

"Thank you for reminding, should you team with me?" Nie Yundao.

In this case, if you want to get the top three and get the favor of the emperor, you must persist long enough, and if you want to be driven out without being killed by others, there is only one way to go, and find a trusted person to form a team!

In fact, Nie Yun didn't need to form a team at all. The reason why he said it was that Zhao Xuan was still good and wanted to mention him.

"Thank you, Lord, no more ..."

Hesitating, Zhao Xuan finally shook his head.

Although he really wanted to form a team with the young boy in front of him, the latter offended the four sons of Ganxue, and he would definitely be attacked by the other party. With his team, he would undoubtedly be retaliated. The battle between such strong men is best Don't blend in.

"Okay, you go now!"

Seeing the other side to protect himself, Nie Yun didn't say much. Waved at will.


Seeing his appearance, Zhao Xuan knew that the only opportunity to make a good relationship with the person in front of him was missed, and he gritted his teeth. Turn around and run away.

If you want to make a good relationship with Yuntong, you must bet on it, but in his opinion, once the dried blood four gentlemen meet together, this person is by no means an opponent in front of him, and he is bound to be eliminated. So hesitated again and again and chose to refuse.

but. Before long, he knew how bad this decision was, and regretted almost vomiting blood.

Seeing that Zhao Xuan didn't grasp the opportunity, Nie Yun didn't bother to bother and didn't hide. Walking forward.

This array is very spacious. Even if the four gentlemen joined forces, they must not meet in a short time. Nie Yun didn't think too much, just like walking around the back garden.

Others are here, for fear of being eliminated directly, hiding, hiding. The alliance of the alliance, he is still so smart and walks around. Knowing to others will definitely be incredible.


Moving forward, Nie Yun suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, pointed his finger at the sword, and moved forward slightly.

A cold mang shot at a rock pile not far away.


Before the light came to the pile of stones, a figure came out from below, and he was so embarrassed that he saw him, his face changed, and he hurried away into the distance.

Nie Yunwen took the first test, and the first two were also the first in the martial arts test. Although he had not fought, others already knew that it was irresistible. When he saw this, he dared to stay.


Seeing this man's fast speed, he would flee at any time, with a slight smile, Nie Yun took a step forward and clicked again.


The fleeing youth fell from the air to the ground, his whole body as if wrapped in a rope, and lost his ability to act.

If you want to become a champion, you must fight and clear other obstacles. Since you chose to take a shot, Nie Yun has no mercy, of course, no killer, but only restricts the opponent's ability to move and make it eliminated.

Sure enough, as soon as the man was wrapped up, the formation space immediately fell down and shrouded him, disappeared from the spot in an blink of an eye, and was teleported to the outside.

Handling one to one, Nie Yun continued to move forward, and before taking a few steps, he saw seven people standing not far away.

These seven people should join forces, seeing his sudden appearance, one by one showing vigilance.

"Yuntong, the biggest dark horse this time!"

Everyone recognized it.

"Hey, no matter how big a dark horse, let's join hands with seven people, I don't believe he can win! Let's do it together and kill him, we may be able to advance to the top three!"

"Yes, if you want to be rich, if you can kill this guy, our ranking must be greatly improved. Even if we can't get into the top three, we will become the best of the fifty!"

"Everyone should do it together. Don't let him escape, otherwise, once he retaliates, none of us will be our opponents!"


When they saw Nie Yun, the crowd was startled first, and then their thoughts flickered and they all showed excited smiles.

This person is the person who is most likely to become a champion. If he meets alone, he can hide as far as possible. Now the other side is alone, and there are seven of them. It is still undecided who will win.


These seven are also decisive people. The transmission of ideas is only a moment, and then they are shot at the same time. The seven masters unite, and the powerful force spreads like a storm.

These seven are two thousand and eighty Avenue powerhouses. I am afraid that there are major forces behind them. At the same time, the Seven Swords Peak Chaos soldiers, with their own strength and light, enveloped the space around Nie Yun. In the meantime, even if the suzerain level strong man suddenly encounters, it will be embarrassed and difficult to resist.


Nie Yun did not dodge, nor did he take out any weapons. When his body moved, the air of defense emerged from the body and shrouded it, emitting a radiant light.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The attack of seven people fell on the defensive air at the same time, like a stone fell on the iron armor, making a jingling sound, but did not hurt him at all.

Although the strength of these people is strong, it is not enough for him to use the master defense soldiers or even the peak chaos soldiers. With simple defense, they cannot break open!

The opponent's attack could not break the defense. Ning Yun's fist was raised, and the former one should directly bombard the past.


This person didn't even have time to respond, and was knocked out and flew out.

Nie Yun knows that the Emperor Ganxue must be watching their every move, so he did not kill them, but he was seriously injured and could not lift up his power in a short time.


The seven people who joined forces didn't expect that the attack was full and did not affect the opponent. Instead, he was blown and punched one by one, all of them changed their faces.

The one in front of him was even more terrible than they thought, especially in the face of the seven people, there was no scared expression on the face, but there was a feeling that the tiger encountered the flock, which made people chill.

"He's too strong, hurry up!"

I don't know who shouted in the crowd. The seven of them could not break the defense of the other side, but were injured by the other side. They already knew the strength of the other side, and it would only be worse if they continued.


The remaining six flew into the distance and flew at a speed like an off-going arrow.

"Come down!"

If he is besieging him, if he is letting him escape, Nie Yun will not have to confuse himself, raising his eyebrows and clapping his palms forward.


The palm of the hand turned into a cloud of the sky, covering all the six people who escaped, and a series of hail sounds fell. The six fell together from the air, just falling with the first person to be hit. Lying flat on the ground, embarrassed.

"You are all eliminated!"

One move defeated six people, and the light flashed again in the formation space. The injured seven disappeared at the same time. Before leaving, several people understood how powerful this monster is in front of them. It is not something they can provoke. Do n’t Say there are only seven people, even if you come back ten times, seventy, seven hundred, I am afraid the other party can calmly deal with ~ www.readwn.com ~ Leave calmly!

"I don't know how he compares with the four gentlemen of dried blood, who wins and loses ..."

At the same time, an idea emerged in the hearts of the seven people, leaving the space of formation.


Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand, collected the top chaos, and the seven soldiers they dropped into Nawu Dantian, and shook his head.

If these seven people escape when they turn around, they will definitely not be embarrassed. In this way, with the power of the seven people joining hands, they may get a good ranking, but they are doomed to fail when they first do it themselves. Room for slewing.

Although it is inconvenient to kill here, being eliminated so early will definitely not get a good ranking.

"Hey, I finally found you!"

After dealing with seven people, Nie Yun was planning to move on. He suddenly heard a sneer and looked up. He saw the so-called dried blood four gentlemen. I do n’t know when they have come to the place. The four people covered the four directions and surrounded the surrounding space. Block all. (To be continued ...)

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