Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1533: not simple

The character who was going to win the title of the four gentlemen of Qiangan, was robbed by the kid who came out from nowhere, and all of them hated, especially Mu Xuan. Although the chest injury was intact, the lost face could not be found. He came back and already hated him. As soon as he came here, the four of them joined together to find Nie Yun. Just now they felt the power fluctuations here. They rushed over and saw what they were looking for, all ecstatic. !!

Seeing the four people united to block the surrounding space, Nie Yun didn't speak, and didn't do anything. . .

The four should be united frequently, or they will not be so acquainted. Although the position they stand in seems simple, it is actually a four-element array, which can link strengths together and increase attack power.

"Isn't that arrogant before? I see if you can still be arrogant now!"

His face was dark and his eyes were scarlet, with hatred like a knife.

Relative to his hate, Nie Yun's face was stubborn, his expression did not change at all, and he nodded casually: "Oh!"

Seeing his movements, Yan Chao and others were almost alive.

People saw the four of them joining hands, all of them were scared, and his face has not changed since the beginning, even like looking at a group of flies. Is it a big nerve or a brain problem?

If the other party panic, they will feel that it is worth it this time. Now, this expression has the feeling of punching in the air. What should have been exciting was not half happy.

"Damn, this kid must be pretentious!"

"Yes, all four of us are strong masters. The four of them joined together to form a four-element array, and the half-dominated little three can fight. I don't believe he has reached the half-step dominated level at this age!"

"The previous assessment was speculative. I don't believe his strength can block us four ..."


The faces of the four were ugly and their thoughts flickered.

"Boy, this is the place where you are buried. Be born in your next life. Remember not to offend people who can't afford to offend!"

Mu Xuan screamed coldly.

"Can't afford to offend you?"

Nie Yun looked strange.

"Yes, it's us!"

I thought the other person would be afraid to say the words of the burial place. The result is still this expression, Mu Xuan almost vomited blood, this guy's brain is sick? Don't you see that we are aggressive to kill?

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Just do it! I guess this kid wants to delay time!" Sima shouted.

"Well, since I don't know if I live or die, I will complete him!" Mu Xuandang shot first.

His weapon was a slender stick, made of unknown materials. Like a tree branch. The palm trembled and came out of the air, piercing three large holes in Nie Yun's chest.

Mu Xuan started, Yan Chao also hummed, grabbed forward, his fingers were like hooks.

His palm is a whip-like peak of chaos, and a crisp sound broke into the air, tearing the imprisoned space apart. Straight face the door.

The two of them worked, and the other two didn't stop. Each of them sacrificed the strongest weapon, and the space was chaotic in an instant, and the rising power tear the whole sky.

In the distance, everyone in the battle who had planned to come to find an opportunity to take advantage of them saw such a mighty situation, and they all fled in shock.

Although I didn't see who was shooting, I also knew that this level of combat was not something they could intervene in. Even if one of the two sides in the battle was injured, it would be enough to kill it alive.

Of course, when they are afraid, they are also secretly happy. Such strong players will lose both places and they will definitely be able to improve significantly.

"It's a pity to meet so soon!

In the dried blood palace, the ministers stood in the temple and looked up at an energy screen ahead.

This is the transfiguration of the dried blood emperor, which can reveal all the scenes in the test field in fifteen and ten.

The young boy named Yuntong had passed several levels before and was shocked. He was very impressed. I thought I could laugh at the end, but I didn't expect to meet the dried blood four gentlemen so quickly. .

"Yeah, the four of Yan Chao are united, even if they dominate the small three strong players in the first half step, they can retreat calmly. Although this cloud copper is not weak, it is still a long way from the half step. To be eliminated! "

"It's also his fault that he doesn't have enough strength, so he will move forward with impunity, and he will certainly be blocked, so there is no sense of worry, even if he persists to the end, His Majesty will not be able to position him as the champion!"

"It makes sense, this guy really doesn't have a sense of anxiety. He should run away just after being surrounded by Yan Chao and others. Now the formation method is started, and the four will join forces. It's hard to escape!"


When several ministers saw the scene, they all shook their heads and sighed.

They still had a good opinion of Nie Yun. At this time, seeing that he had no sense of crisis, he was trapped in the opponent's camp, but he was not nervous at all, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

No matter how many geniuses you have, before you reach the peak of your strength, you must know the scale. You do n’t even know the scale. Even if you die, no wonder others.

"This cloud copper is not as simple as you think!"

Hearing the arguments of everyone, the Emperor Ganxian smiled gently.

"Oh? Please give your pointer!"

A minister looked puzzledly at the picture shown in the video, and asked puzzled.

The other ministers also saw it all. They saw everything just now, and they always felt that this cloud copper disregarded the enemy's pride. How did it get to his mouth?

"Although the four of Yan Chao arranged the four-element array and surrounded it in the center, you only saw him trapped. Have you seen his movements and positions?"

The dried blood emperor pointed forward.

"Motion and position?"

Everyone was stunned, then looked at Nie Yun's feet.

Sure enough, they saw a difference.

The ground in this matrix space was completely flat. I do n’t know when a small pit appeared at the foot of Nie Yun. This pit is not large, it just covers him, and it ’s not deep in the ground. There are only three fingers. Right and left, if you don't look closely, you can't see it at all, even if all these ministers have the strength of the suzerain class, and no problem is found without the emperor's reminder.

"This pit ... is there a problem?"

Although this pit appears strange, many people still don't understand it.

"Of course there is a problem! This pit looks small, but the position is the core of Yan Chao's four-element array. This is like a spinning top. As long as it does not leave the center, the surrounding rotation will be fast, and the center point will not be great influences!"

The Emperor Ganxue said: "So, he did not escape. It is not that he cannot escape, but that he has found a way to break the array. Although the power of the Four Elephants is very strong, the most dangerous place is the safest place. This central point, It seems that the center of the hurricane, although it looks dangerous, is actually the weakest place. As long as you stand here, the strength of the four people cannot be superimposed, and they can even destroy the rhythm of their four-element array. Retire four! "


Everyone was all at a loss ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, looking at the direction that the Emperor Ganxue said, all looked different at a glance.

The emperor said it right, Nie Yun's location is indeed the most difficult place to maintain the core of the Four Elephant Array.

The strength of the four people in other places can be easily superimposed, and the power has greatly increased, ten times or even dozens of times of power broke out. Here, as the center point, the violent strength of the four people is easy to conflict, and the small pits destroy it. The basis of the formation method, as long as he does not move in this place, the teamwork of the four is not so terrible, but it also has a taste that will be broken at any time.

Moreover, the surrounding ground was just destroyed when fighting seven people, and secretly formed a special formation with the round pits under his feet to restrain the four-element array, making it harder for Yan Chao and others to concentrate their forces.

"Did he know that the other party had a four-element array and thought of a way to crack it?"

Seeing that the young man was well-formed and standing still, he shouted in surprise.

Even for him, if he encountered this situation, escape was the only way. The other party remained motionless, sitting on a fishing platform, and perfectly matching the terrain. The other party is actually standing still?

Even ... when fighting seven people, the traces left on the ground were made intentionally?

That's true ... How terrible should this person be?


The Minister thought of this, and others thought of it, taking a sip of air. (To be continued ... If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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