Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: Not so good!

The shock in the palace was not long, and the result came ... Nie Yun shot!

Alas, alas!

With a whimper, a ghost-headed knife struck out in the air.

Although Nie Yun is best at swordsmanship, he has martial arts talents, and other weapons come in handy, which is equally terrible. This ghost-headed sword was obtained from the remains of God, the peak chaos, and the Hanyang sword and Zhiqiu sword. Not many, although compared with weapons such as Territory Maps, a big gap, but enough to deal with these people!

The sword master is light-hearted and the sword master is heavy. This ghost-headed sword rolled in the hands of Nie Yun, as if he had practiced for hundreds of millions of years, regardless of hacking, stabbing, chopping, shaving, scoring, and cricket ... People feel a special beauty.

"Good knife!"

The Emperor Ganxian praised.

He originally wondered whether this boy would be Nie Yun's disguise. When he saw this sword technique, he was puzzled.

Swords are not only different, but also have a completely opposite taste. Nie Yun's swordsmanship has seen it with his own eyes, reaching the pinnacle of swordsmanship. Such people must invade life in swordsmanship and have no energy to practice other weapons. Human swordsmanship is no worse than Nie Yun's swordsmanship at first. Such swordsmanship does not know how many years to practice, so we can see that they are not one.

There are short and strong points in the ruler, and geniuses have limited energy, and it is impossible for fellow initiates to reach this level.

For a moment, there is such a powerful black horse, and the four gentlemen alone in the face of dry blood are not exposed, it is a blessing of dry blood!

"Everyone be careful, this guy has great skills!"

After repeated defeats, the Sixiang array was stirred again. Son Yan Chao finally realized that the person in front of him was terrible, and his eyes became more dignified.

I did n’t need him to say it, everyone felt it. The four major suzerains form a matrix to surround each other. In this half-day battle, instead of hurting the opponent, they waited for the chaos and chaos of the others ... What is the strength of the opponent?

掩 "Cover me, I have a trick, it takes time to brew!"

Wu Duxun gritted his teeth to the three others.

"it is good!"

The other three nodded at the same time.

They have been together for years, seeing Du Xun saying so, extremely trusting. Three masters attacked Nie Yun at the same time.

Xun Duxun saved his tricks and was unable to maintain the formation. Lost effect.

In the face of simultaneous attacks by three masters, Nie Yun's face remained unchanged, his sleeves flung, and a long knife appeared in his left hand.

Tianshi Master talent works. The two long-handled knives are like butterflies turning. Two straight blades were fired, bursting out of the air, converging in the air during the agitation, forming a thick knife air, attacking the three together in a straight line, and splitting.

Nie Yun now does not use half a step to dominate the strength, but only uses the peak power of the suzerain, even so. Nor is it possible for the three to join forces to fight each other. Yan Chao, Mu Xuan, and Sima Yi all smashed blood at the same time. Keep back.

Although they are geniuses who haven't met in a million years, they are still far worse than the one in front of them.

"Broken Dragon!"

He stepped back a few steps, and Yan Chao stopped, throwing the weapon in his hand forward, forming a half-arc sharp light.

As soon as the dragon slashed, even the dragon could slay the trick. As soon as it appeared, the space made a whimper sound, as if it was torn from the middle, and the cracks appeared.

This is his strongest attack, and it was shown in anxiety. The ordinary monarch peaked and could only avoid it and couldn't resist it.

But unfortunately, Nie Yun is not the lord of the suzerain, but he is dominated by half a step. When the ghost knife in his hand moves, he splits into thorns and stabs the side of the arc light. Although the front of the arc is sharp, the side is very weak. , Stabbed by a ghost-headed sword, immediately shivering, a few consecutive times, disappeared from the air.

Hitting the flaw, no matter how strong the attack, it will become vulnerable.

"Lie down!"

Broken the opponent's broken dragon, Nie Yun made two consecutive swords, and Yan Chao's two arms and legs were cut off. Although the power of cutting off life was not shown on the sword, his strength fell sharply, and his whole body breathed. At least reduced by half!

I am afraid that this injury will not be completely recovered without practicing for thousands of years.

"Let both of you lie down!"

Yan Chao slashed Yan Chao, Nie Yun looked at Sima Yi and Mu Xuan, wielding his sword and turning them into human clubs.

If it wasn't for the purpose of drying the dragon's seal, these few would have been beheaded for a long time and would not waste so much time.

"Storm destroys the sky!"

Xun Gang just abolished the three, and the one who had accumulated strength on one side opened his eyes swiftly. With him as the center, a strong storm suddenly emerged, thundering suddenly, and seemed to tear the whole world apart.


Underneath the Xifeng storm well, countless rocks around were swallowed into the vortex, and they were broken into dust before they came.

After the injury, Yan Chao and others were able to maintain their own strength under the storm, for fear of being swallowed up, and there would be no place for burial monks.


Finally, the strength was accumulated to the extreme, and Du Xun was like the **** of destruction, and the storm rushed towards Nie Yun, covering it in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Du Xun also seemed to be old for many years, from the former youth to a middle-aged look.

The trick actually cost him more than half of his life!

"I do this trick, half step master dodge, I do not believe you are not dead!"

Although the loss was great, Du Xun's eyes were shining, and his eyes were burning with flames.


The great earthquake shook, the world collapsed, and in the distance seeing the participating talents in the distance, one by one panic, flashing panic in his eyes.

This trick has exceeded their imagination, let alone seven or eight together, even if twenty or thirty are added together, there will only be one dead end!

In front of absolute strength, the so-called alliance is just a joke!

"This cloud copper is going to be unlucky ..."

"Detained by such violent forces, it is difficult for the immortals to escape.

"Hey, I thought he could get the first place and stop the four gentlemen of dried blood. Now it seems that there is no hope!"

"The four gentlemen with dried blood are really terrible. Fortunately, it is not us who deal with it, otherwise, we have left here long ago ..."

Uh ...

The idea was tumbling. Only then did the participating talents know the horrors of the dried blood four gentlemen. They are two people in the world. I really don't know if this copper can hold it.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, these are all our talents in the dry blood empire, so killing each other and losing too much ..."

I saw this scene in my eyes, a minister hurried.

Bian Nieyun and the strength of the four gentlemen all see in their eyes. If they are damaged as a result, the purpose of selecting talents in the dry blood test will be lost.

"Yeah, please help your Majesty to rescue this cloud copper and end their fight!"

道 Another minister said.

I heard the advice of the two ministers. The Emperor Ganxue did not speak, but looked through the infinite obstacles, as if to see through the two sides of the battle.

A moment later, he smiled slightly: "Don't worry, do you confirm now that this copper cloud will lose?"

"Dunxun's storm is too strong to destroy the sky. Even if I enter it, it is difficult to survive. This young Yuntong young combatant has little experience, I am afraid it is more ferocious!"

A white-bearded minister watched Nie Yun, who had been lost in the storm ~ www.readwn.com, said slowly.

"I also think so, although this copper cloud is extremely genius, after all, it has never faced this kind of scene. If I don't try to save it, I'm afraid I won't be able to persist for a long time ..."

Bian Nieyun's performance has secretly agreed with many ministers, and at this time everyone did not want him to be in trouble.

"Relax, wait and see. If Yuntong is so easy to kill, the storm has stopped for a long time. Now the storm is getting stronger and stronger, and there is no intention of stopping. It has already explained the problem! In Duxun, he already has An uncontrollable feeling, indicating that Yuntong is not only safe in it, but also seems to be making a very powerful counterattack! "


After hearing the emperor's end, the crowd continued to look at the scene in front of them. This was indeed the case. At this time, Du Xun's face became increasingly ugly, his forehead was blue, his whole body was shaking, and the storm in front of him was terrible. But it gave him a sense of control.


Suddenly, the space in front of everyone's eyes was broken for a while, and then a dagger was stabbed from the center of the rotating storm, and shot in the volley, as if to pierce the sky.

Then a laugh sounded, lingering in everyone's ears.

"This is your trick, it doesn't look good!"




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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