Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1535: Steal a beam

The laughter sounded, the blade was getting bigger and bigger, the spinning storm seemed to be torn cotton, and a harsh "squeak!" Sound was issued, with the tearing mouth getting bigger and bigger, the teenager slowly came out of it. . .


The storm can't bear the sky anymore and it will be completely destroyed.


Du Xun was back bitten, blood spewed out, and he took seven or eight steps backwards. He lay on the ground without Nie Yun's hands. Back light bites him, causing him to be seriously injured. It will never be completely recovered without tens of thousands of years.


When Nie Yun broke through the attack of the opponent and planned to make up a knife, several rays of light fell from the sky and immediately enveloped him.

Nie Yun knew that it must be the Emperor Ganxue, and he did not resist. When he moved, he disappeared from the space in front of him.

The four gentlemen of dried blood were also shrouded in light, and lost track with him at the same time.

"The results of the fighting have come out, and the competition is over!"

Immediately after that, there was a loud sound in the space, and all the participants were shrouded in special forces and left slowly.


When Nie Yun's body moved, she felt a flower in front of her, and appeared in a large hall. In the room, a person sat on a high platform with imperial majesty.

"Dried Blood Emperor?"

With his eyes fixed, he hurriedly stopped his mind.

The man in front of him was the dried blood emperor who had fought him before. It seemed that the fighting had ended and the emperor had personally met him.


A few rays of light flickered not far away, and the dried blood four gentlemen also appeared on one side at the same time.

Yan Chao and others were cut off by Nie Yun, and at this time they recovered with Xianli. However, each of them had a pale face and great losses. There is no such thing as Yingwu before.

"Don't meet your Majesty!"

Shouted a minister nearby.

"See Your Majesty!"

Nie Yun did not hesitate to walk two steps forward with everyone, bowing and saluting.

You ca n’t turn your face before you get the dried blood dragon's seal. What you should do is to do it. There must be no slight difference.

"Very good, you are all the pillars of the country! Originally there were only three places for the dried blood test, and all five of you performed very well. You are qualified to enter the treasure hall to select treasures!" His Majesty the Emperor said thunderfully: "Mou Xiao, you Take them into the treasure trove, no matter the exercises, martial arts or weapons, elixir, each person can only choose one! To be selected, I will enclose them!

"Yes. Your Majesty!"

A minister named Mou Xiao stepped out of the crowd, greeted Nie Yun and others, and went out.

Seeing that the Emperor Ganxue did not take out the Dragonxed Dragon Seal for sealing, Nie Yun didn't say much, and immediately followed Minister Mou Xiao and walked out.

"Go to the Treasure Pavilion to pick up the treasures? Then seal them down ... This order is a bit strange ..."

Nie Yun was puzzled.

According to the normal order, rewards for merit should be closed first, and then rewarded. Let's pick the items first, which obviously doesn't match the normal order.

"Leave it alone. The soldier came to cover the water and cover the earth, and saw the so-called treasure trove, and naturally knew what his purpose was!"

My heart was strange, but my face didn't show up. I followed Mu Xiaoxiao closely and moved forward step by step.

Although Yan Chao and others took a deep hatred of Nie Yun and the results of the big test had come out, they couldn't do anything but had to follow behind them. Without saying a word, a group of people seemed very quiet.

After walking behind Mu Xiao for a while, everyone came to a huge room.

"This is a treasure trove of weapons, medicinal materials, exercises, martial arts, various books, etc ... You can choose any one ... However, before entering the treasure trove, you must verify your identity through dry blood stones to ensure that The loyalty of the dynasty! "

Mu Xiao stopped.

"Dry bloodstone?"

Nie Yun chuckled in his heart.

No wonder the other party has to come to the treasure chest first, I'm afraid the purpose is for this test.

The dry blood test is to select fresh blood for the dry blood dynasty. In case an enemy spy gets mixed in, they can't find it, isn't it bad? No wonder it was not registered at the beginning, but the treasure was selected first. In fact, it is to check the identity first. Only if the identity matches, is it eligible to be seized.

"How is dried bloodstone tested?"

My heart turned over, but nothing appeared on my face, Nie Yun asked.

I don't know what the principle of this test is. If it is found out, I can only do it now!

But now, I do n’t even know where the dragon blood dragon seal is. There is little chance of success. Everything before is tantamount to doing no work and no effect.

"It is the passage ahead. As long as you are a person born in the Ganxue Dynasty, you have no other thoughts about the dynasty. You can pass directly. If you have other thoughts, you will be immediately strangled by the formation method!

Mou Xiao said.


Nie Yun looked forward and saw a narrow passage that only allowed one person to pass.

A stone in the middle of the passage flashed light and dark, emitting a bright light.

The stone gives people a feeling similar to the dried blood dragon seal, giving people a vast and vast land. As long as they are not born and raised in the dry blood continent, they will be rejected!

"You go ahead!"

While talking, several people came to the aisle, and Mou Xiao kept following Yan Chaodao behind him.

"Yes!" Son Yan Chao nodded and walked into the channel. As soon as he entered, the channel was enveloped by a warm light, and it seemed that the whole body and the blood soul were shining once again.


Yan Chao went through the passage without any fault.

Yan surpassed, and the remaining three of the four gentlemen of the dried blood also passed by, all of which passed without any disturbance.

"Go on!"

Only Nie Yun was left, Mu Xiao said expressionlessly.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded, thinking quickly as he walked towards the passage.

There is no problem with the people born and raised in the dried blood continent, but he is not from here. Once he walks in, he will definitely be found out!

I thought I had bypassed the Imperial City inspection, but I didn't expect that there would be a card here.

What should I do?

All kinds of thoughts kept rousing in my mind, and my thoughts kept turning, but there was no good way.

If you fail to pass the inspection, you will be found immediately. It is almost impossible to escape at this time within the range of the palace!

What should I do? What should I do? Is it going to be dead again?

The passage was just ahead, Nie Yun's thoughts flickered like lightning, and his whole body muscles were involuntarily tightened.

"Well, by the way, since people from the dried blood continent can pass, is it also possible to steal the beam and change the pillar?"

Just when he didn't know what to do, a sudden flash of light flashed and an idea came up.

This passage only tests whether it is a native of the dried blood continent, and it cannot test things like repair. If you steal the beam and replace the column and replace it with the body of the dried blood dynasty, wouldn't it pass smoothly?

As soon as this idea turned in his head, Nie Yun had already come to the channel, and it was not a matter of delay. Immediately, the whole body's strength scattered outward, and a cloud of mist enveloped it.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing his movements, Mu Xiao's palms were raised, his body came forward, and his eyes were full of murder.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm a little nervous, and the power comes out involuntarily, don't mind!"

The fog disappeared and Nie Yun reappeared with a faint smile.

"go in!"

Seeing that there is no radical behavior in this copper, Mu Xiao will not say more.


Nie Yun strode towards the passage, and as soon as he entered it, a ray of light immediately shrouded it, as if to investigate the bloodline and soul.


However, Nie Yun, shrouded in light, did not show any abnormality, walked through the aisle and walked in.


Seeing this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mou Xiao nodded secretly and walked in behind him.

"so close!"

Through the passage, Nie Yun was relieved.

Just now he had a clever idea, thinking that as long as the life of the dried blood continent could pass through, he used the disguised gas to disguise Shi Hao as his own, and dropped the bag in the air, but he went directly into the Tianxuan Temple and hid.

Shi Hao was the first servant he came to recover in the Xieyue Supreme Territory. He was born and raised in mainland China. Before going to the ruins of God, he has been practicing it in the world of things. At this time, he just used it and disguised him. Pass it by yourself, there should be no problem.

Sure enough, successfully passed the inspection!

Leaving the aisle, Nie Yun was taking him into the world of objects as quickly as possible, and he reappeared.

The moment he transformed his body was when the channel light disappeared, and even Yan Chao and others who passed through first did not find any abnormalities. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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