Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1536: Steal the Blood Dragon Seal

A moment later, Mou Xiao came over.

Seeing that several people passed the test, his attitude improved a lot.

"You can only choose the same things in the treasure house. You have an hour to choose. When you choose, you cannot touch the items, remember the name, and register it before you can take it out!"


The crowd promised, and at the same time walked towards the treasure house.

This treasure house is like a world. Every item is sealed in the void in front of you. People who come in can only visit. If you really want to see it, return to the door to register. The treasure will be taken out immediately, and here, Because of matrix constraints, even Nie Yun couldn't take it away.

"I'm afraid there is a more mysterious treasure trove in the Dry Blood Dynasty. This is just something outside!"

Nie Yun is not in a hurry, but he is willing to tour at will, walking around and watching flowers. He has reached the level of master, and he has the master soldiers in his hands. The general weapons, treasures, and exercises are no longer important. The reason why he came here is also Just a cutscene.

This treasure trove is extremely wide, and its contents are also very rich. It may be of great help to dominate the following half-steps to become a strong one. It has little effect on him. It seems that this is not the core of the dry blood dynasty treasure trove!

The Ganxue dynasty has controlled the mainland for so many years. There are countless treasures. There can never be only these. There should be a more mysterious treasure house under the control of the emperor.

Moving forward, time flies fast, and after reading for a long time, I didn't find any special items worthy of my heart. Nie Yun was going to find any one to take away, and suddenly my heart moved. Eyes fall not far away.

In front of the seal of the array method, an old sky-breaking cone stood in it, and no level was visible. I just feel old and unbearable, I don't seem to know how many years have been sealed.

"If you look at the level, I am afraid that even the peak chaos is not ..."

From the perspective of this broken cone, there is nothing special about the more ordinary it looks. The reason why he noticed it was not what he found, but ... the sword of the lord's sword in the body seemed to have a lot of this thing. interest.

"Just this!"

I didn't see the problem after looking for a while. Nie Yun was too lazy to care, anyway, there was no such thing as his tempting thing, and the master soldier did so. There must be a reason for it. Let's talk about this broken cone first.

Out of the Treasure Pavilion, everyone chose the items and saw that the champion of the big examination only had a useless sky cone. All stunned.

but. Choosing something is a personal hobby, and he doesn't say much and no one asks.

Yan Chao chose an elixir, some of the other three chose weapons, some chose Gongfa, and one chose a chaotic special life. This life is similar to Tian Xin Teng, but no matter the level potential, it is far away. No match. But for Yan Chao and others, it is already a super treasure that you can't find!

Register your choice. Everyone's favorite items quickly came to him, and Nie Yun stole the Sky Cone into the world of objects and ignored them.

"Go, Your Majesty is waiting in the hall!"

After selecting the treasures and inspecting them, he was not hostile to the dried blood dynasty. Mu Xiao greeted and walked ahead.

With the experience of passing through the passage for the first time, the second time was a lot easier. I quickly left here and walked towards the main hall of the palace.

In the palace hall, the dried blood emperor was sitting on the throne. His left hand was the examination paper of Nie Yunwen, and his right hand got the news of Mou Xiao. He saw that the winners of these tests did not find anything, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty is so cautious. Is there anything wrong with these people?"

Adding his actions, a minister was a little confused.

The Emperor Ganxue is a powerful force of 2,999 avenues. Her strength is extremely high. No one can do anything except to dominate the powerful. .

"The battlefield of the Three Realms is about to open. The three worlds of Asoka, Lore King, and Chaos King are constantly fighting. Other dynasty forces cannot guarantee that they will not send them undercover, so be careful!"

The dry blood emperor looked calm and indifferent: "This cloud copper, never heard of it before, suddenly appeared at this time, and seeing the answer sheet written by him, I have a deep understanding of the Three Thousand Avenues, I am afraid that he has been the master of the inheritance and must be careful!"

"So ... how is Your Majesty exploring?" The Minister asked cautiously.

"He was able to enter the treasure trove through the passage smoothly, which shows that he grew up and grew up in the dry blood continent, not from other big worlds. It is not a cause for concern!"

The dried blood emperor waved.

"That being the case, congratulations to His Majesty for finding talent!" The Minister busy.

"It is indeed a personal talent. If there is no accident, I just need to carefully study the article he wrote and become the master, and it is just around the corner! Once he becomes the master, he will do a great job and he must be rewarded!"

The dried blood emperor nodded with satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Hearing Your Majesty was so acclaimed to this person, all the Ministers stunned and hurried out.

The Emperor Ganxue didn't say much anymore. After reading Nie Yun's answer for a while, he heard footsteps from the hall.

"Back to His Majesty, Nie Yun and his avatars, one holding the Celestial Vine, the other holding a territorial map, tortured everywhere, sneaked into the imperial army barracks, broke the army of one million, escaped calmly, and asked His Majesty to send a strong one to kill the thief!

A minister reported with anxiety on his face.

"Where are they?"

The dried blood emperor's eyebrows frowned.

"They're all in Nether State at this time, a day away from here!" The Minister explained.

"Ghost State?"

The emperor's face was ugly: "Call up the Golden Armor Guards and set off with him!"


The two ministers responded and turned to withdraw.

"Hum, let you escape by chance last time, this time I will catch you with my own hands!" After the command was completed, the emperor's **** revealed a strong murderous power.

This guy named Nie Yun, such unbridled, is challenging his authority. Such a person must be killed, no matter how much it costs!

"His Majesty!"

Immediately after the command, the emperor looked down and saw Mu Xiao and others entering the main hall.

Yun Tong and the so-called dried blood four gentlemen are standing quietly in the middle of the hall, waiting to be sealed.

"The five of you can stand out from the big exams, which means that they are the pillars of the country. Now I will give you the task, and I will go on my own journey!" The Emperor Ganxue waved his hands with great dominance.

"Thank Lord Ron!"

Yan Chao and others did not expect to be able to go directly to the emperor.

Those who have obtained the first few in the normal dry blood test will usually be sent to other cities as the city leader or the army as the vice general after the enrollment. Only by obtaining certain merits can they be gradually promoted and approach the imperial city. Entering the core of rights, how can Yan Chao and others not like it?

In the dry blood dynasty, the higher the status, the richer the cultivation resources obtained, and the greater the possibility of becoming a half-step master in the future. It is impossible for them to have such treatment directly.

"Well, very good, I'll seal it up now, Yan Chao and Mu Xuan, you four, are the deputy captains of the pioneer team this time, this is a token of identity!"

The palm of the Emperor Dry Blood shook, and the Dragon Blood Dragon Seal flew out, exuding majestic majesty in the air, alas!

Four rays of light flew from the dragon seal, covering Yan Chao and others. In the blink of an eye, four tiger symbols representing rights were formed on their heads. Once this tiger symbol was used, soldiers in their jurisdiction would respect the command unconditionally.

"Thank Lord Ron!"

Feeling the number of soldiers on the tiger amulet and truly controlling the real power, Yan Chao and others all fell to the ground in excitement.

But at the same time looking at Yuntong not far away, with envy.

Since they are deputy captains, this person must be the captain. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

Sure enough, after they were sealed off, the dried blood emperor nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Nie Yun: "Yun Tong, you are extremely talented and talented, so be the captain of this expedition, this is your identity token!"

With a grab on the palm, the dried dragon's seal came over Nie Yun, covering it with a light.

Nie Yun felt his shoulders sink, and a mountain-like force fell on his body. Like Yan Chao and others just now, a tiger charm floated over his head.

"This time!"

The tiger charm above the head will be formed at any time. The dried blood dragon seal is using the strength of the dried blood continent to make the connection between the emperor and the emperor the weakest. The blood dragon mark caught it.


As soon as the finger touched the dragon's seal, there was a wave in the air, and one billionth of a billion breaths of effort, the dragon's seal was collected into the world of things and disappeared from the crowd. (To be continued ...)

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