Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 151: Jibei city

Zihua Dongfu, beyond the mansion left by the supreme seizure of the heavenly fortunes, has countless treasures. In the previous life, in order to compete for this purple jade seal, it has worked hard, and even almost died. Get everything!


Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun calmed down the shock and excitement in his heart and looked down at the invitation.

"Fortunately, it's not too late ..."

I retired for a second month of Nirvana, but fortunately I haven't missed it!

"Danhui's day is just three days later. It's nothing to chase after Ning Wang, and go to Jibei City first!"

Nie Yun made a decision.

The soul of King Ning was born, he was half dead, and he could wake up. I am afraid that it would take several months. He was not in a hurry to chase him down. This is why Nie Yun rushed over without leaving the family.

It has been only a little over a month and a half since I left the family. I have time to go to Jibei City, see the so-called Danhui, and look for the purple jade seal by the way!

"Zihua Yuyin is too involved, even the Supreme cannot give up. You three, Wolf, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Zi, will go to Jibei City with me. Do not show the supreme strength without my orders!"

The Zihua Jade Seal involves the Zihua Cave Mansion, and even the Supreme Power can be crazy about it. It is best to keep a low profile for the three Supreme Demon pets. Otherwise, if you are surrounded by other Supremes or have the Zihua Jade Seal Those who are afraid of it, don't take out the jade seal, it's troublesome!

"Yes, master!"

The Wind Wolf King, Zi Tong, and Hei Yan have already acknowledged the Lord and cannot refute Nie Yun's thoughts. The huge skull was all nodded.

The monsters are not practicing qihai, if their strength is not revealed. Outsiders cannot see it.

"I'll also prepare!" Nie Yun's heart moved, Xuan Yu's sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

In order to reach the state of supremacy, Qi Haixiu operates the seven Dantian fields, and does not need to deliberately cultivate. The urgent task is to cultivate the spiritual rhinoceros body first!

The second layer of the rhinoceros refining method can block the full attack of the strongest soldiers in the top of the armor, once the third layer of the big success, the supreme strong wants to hurt himself. I'm afraid it's hard!

The third layer of Dacheng, Xiaohei's Black Rock Iron Armor may not be comparable!

The more you practice backwards, the harder it is to practice. It's as if you can easily make a basketball-size cotton ball into a tennis ball, but it's very difficult to make a table tennis ball!

The same is true for refining. For the first layer, you can use the medicinal solution to quench it, and for the second layer, you can use Huangyan Lingshi to help. The third layer has no effect even if there are these things, only on its own!

"From now on, I will not use my vitality, carry my Xuanyu sword with my weight to practice, and refine the spirit rhinoceros!"

Ordinary practitioners use sandbags if they want to become stronger. The net weight of Xuan Yu's sword is 13,244 kilograms. If you do n’t carry your life on your back, it ’s as if you are carrying a big rock all the time, carrying out weight-bearing exercises can make practice faster!

"Just use the mink fur on this backpack to make a scabbard!"

On the backhand, he took out the mink beast backpack obtained in the pool, and Nie Yun's supreme level of authenticity flowed. It was made into a scabbard.

Ordinary things make Xuanyu's sword scabbard, even the hardest tree vine. It will break immediately, and only this kind of sturdy skin can barely hold it.

"It's not far from Jibei City, let's go!"

With the sword in his back, Nie Yun sank and snorted, striding forward.


Without the use of true strength, the stones under Nie Yun's feet were immediately broken into powder under strong gravity, leaving a series of deep footprints in the quiet mountain.


The city of Jibei is much larger than the Luoshui City, and it has already been regarded as a first-class city. The peak strength of the city's Liu Ji Fei Qi Sect is a direct subordinate of the military machine minister Huo Gang, even if it is in the Kamikaze Empire.

Because Liu Jifei was born in the military, with strong means and strong strength, during his takeover of the city, the decree was unified, the effectiveness was ineffective, the city became more and more prosperous, and it even became the commercial capital of the empire.

The city of Jibei is becoming more and more prosperous. In order to prevent the demons from rampant, Liu Jifei built strong fortifications outside the city. It is required to enter the city every day at 8 am and close the gate at 6 pm.

Because of the promulgation of this order, the security of the entire town is getting better and better, resulting in more and more people. Under a virtuous circle, cities are becoming more developed.

Therefore, Liu Jifei, the master of the city of Jibei, has a very high status, and everyone worships the master of the city.


That day, the city gate just opened, and a young man in black stepped in.

This young man is only sixteen or seven years old, and looks nothing special. According to the truth, such a person in Jibei City receives at least tens of thousands of people every day. It's no surprise, but when he arrived, he attracted everyone's attention.

"There are actually three monsters behind him. If you look at the white wolf, the body is streamlined, the hair is soft, and if you just look at the muscles in the legs, you know that the power is very strong, I'm afraid it is at least a monster in the armor.

"You look at that black bear, that head, that look ... my mother, don't say fight against it, you feel panicked at first glance!"

"On your strength, still want to fight? It's funny! I think the black bear is not the most powerful, and the purple pupil iron armor dragon is very powerful. You see it trembles as soon as it walks, let alone fight, one tail swept over No one can stop it! "

"Haha, it ’s so funny. What are your eyes? Did n’t you see them? Are these three monsters right behind the boy in black? In my opinion, this boy can surrender these monsters. of!"

"Submit the monster? I think this boy should have a good life. These three monsters are all for the family!"

"Isn't it true that only beast trainers can tame monsters? Can big families match their children?"

"You do n’t know. There are many means in the big family. Many of them have the protection of the clan monsters. These beasts cultivated affinity with the clan people from an early age. Even if the disciples are not animal trainers, they can follow some simple command!"

"That's how I understand it. You see that boy walked in a humble position, and he didn't have any energy. It is estimated that his strength is not good! It is just to look like a sword ..."


The boy in black with three heads of monsters entered the city gate ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately caused a noise, the three heads of monsters are too eye-catching, it is difficult for people to pay attention!

"Isn't it good? Walking on the sky? With a sword?" Hearing everyone's discussion, the monsters such as the Wind Wolf King and the Black Bear shook their heads helplessly.

If the master doesn't have the strength to do this, I'm afraid there is no strength in the world!

Walking up and down, you should know that ups and downs are also a realm. They did not see the situation of the master two days ago, and every time you take a step, the hard stone will directly break and the soles of the feet will penetrate the ground!

In just two days, the owner controlled this situation. Not only did his body no longer sink, but the whole person was much lighter, as if the weight of 13,244 pounds was like air!

In just two days, I fully adapted to this weight. The talent of the owner can only be described as horror!

Such a powerful person, in the eyes of these people, has nothing to do? It's ridiculous! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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