Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 152: Mercenary Division

Nie Yun didn't care about these people's discussions.

The two days of carrying the sword of Xuan Yu did not require hard work, and it really made a great improvement in muscle strength. Although he was still far away from the third-level mastery of the Rhinoceros Refining Technique, he pointed him to a refining technique. method.

"Master, this is where Miss Tielan is in their Jibei city, let's go in!"

One person, three beasts walked for a while, then came to a huge mansion, saw the mansion, and the wind wolf king passed the sound.

Monster pets can communicate with their masters through Tamada, the Tamer.

"Jiebei City Branch of the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment? I didn't expect them to have such a large place in Jibei City!" Looking up at the name of the mansion, Nie Yun laughed.

The Tieyan Mercenary Corps is known as one of the three mercenary regiments of the Shenfeng Empire, and its forces cannot be underestimated, but Nie Yun did not expect that even Jibei City has such a magnificent branch.

"Let me come first, let me come first!"

"Don't worry, don't you say that you have to wait in line? The recruitment of the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment depends on strength and cultivation. It doesn't mean that anyone who is in the front will be accepted!"

"Of course I know this, but the chances of getting ahead will definitely be greater ..."

Before coming to this branch, they heard the hustle and bustle of sounds around, and the crowd formed a long line and extended into the mansion.

"How come there are so many people?"

Nie Yun obviously did not expect that there would be so many people around a small branch of Tieyan's mercenary, and he couldn't help but be confused.

"You are also here to participate in the selection of mercenary regiments, line up behind! Do not cut in here again!"

Just took a few steps forward. A young man frowned and stopped himself.

"Participating in mercenary selection? Do mercenaries need to be selected as well?" Nie Yun stunned.

Mercenaries are basically non-powerful casual repairs to support their families, as long as they have the strength. Almost everyone who can receive the task can do it, so why need selection?

"Lonely! You do n’t need to be a mercenary, but you want to be a mercenary of the Iron Rock Mercenary Corps. Do you think everyone can do it? The Iron Rock Mercenary Corps is one of the three major mercenary regiments in the Empire. I do n’t know how many people want to Go in, don't choose, isn't that bad? "

When this young man saw that he was an "idiot", he couldn't help humming.

"Yes, even the Black Cloud Leopard at the peak of the air sect can be conquered by the Iron Rock Mercenary Corps. It shows the strength! With the powerful mercenary regiments doing tasks, the chances of survival will definitely be much greater, who doesn't want to join?"

"Little brother, you are here to apply for a hard job, you three monsters look very powerful, but your own strength is not good, you must cultivate well!"

Hear the words of youth. Two more people turned their heads and saw the young man in front of them, saying "well".

After hearing what they said, Nie Yun understood what was going on.

It seems that the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment successfully completed the Black Cloud Leopard mission, which greatly increased their fame, and more and more people came here.

Think about it and feel normal, the black clouded leopard is the peak monster of the air sect. The monsters of this strength can be subdued by the Iron Rock mercenary regiment, which shows the strength of the regiment! As a mercenary, which one does not add blood to the blade, you can join a more powerful mercenary regiment, and your survival is guaranteed. Who doesn't want to?

"I was able to subdue the black clouded leopard. I slap it and slap it before surrendering. The credit is also the master's credit ..."

See everyone credited to the Iron Rock Mercenary Corps. The Wind Wolf King was unhappy, and whispered in his heart.

Hearing his mumble, Nie Yun smiled lightly, nodded to the "good-hearted" people, and walked directly to the mansion.

"Stop, line up behind, if I cut in again, I will cancel your qualification!"

As soon as he took a few steps, the management of a mercenary regiment stopped Nie Yun and looked unhappy.

This mercenary, a dark armor, the javelin of the whole person stood straight, seeing the juvenile came over, with a sense of pride, as if he could become a person in the iron rock mercenary group, Guangzong Yaozu!

The fact is the same. People around him did not feel disgusted when they saw this expression, but they felt very envious!

"I'm not checking, I'm here to find someone ..." Knowing that the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment had great prestige here, Nie Yun smiled.

"Looking for someone? Who can you look for? Don't make any excuses and return quickly. This is the branch of the Tieyan Mercenary Corps. It's not your house. Come and find someone.

The man grunted.

"Haha!" The people in the queue all laughed when they heard this. They thought the same way as this young man, thinking that Nie Yun said that looking for someone was just an excuse.

"What's the matter? Just line up. What noisy?"

Just then, suddenly a scold came from inside the mansion. When he heard the scold, the young man was startled and turned to hold his fist. "Deputy leader Hui Hui, there was just one person in line, I was driving him away ..."

"Cut the line? Tell him, if you cut the line again, you will be disqualified!"

The voice inside the mansion said sternly.

"Yes!" The youth nodded quickly.

"Tielong? I was talking about Tielong!" Hearing the tone of the voice, Nie Yun recognized it and grinned.

"Presumptuous, did you call the name of the Deputy Commander of Iron Dragon?" Seeing the young man calling the name of the Deputy Commander, the young man in black armor was startled and scolded.

"Huh?" Tie Long inside the mansion heard his name outside, frowned, and strode out. When he saw the figure outside the door, he was shocked and rushed.

"The deputy head, it was my fault, and I immediately drove him away ..." The young man saw the deputy head's face change, thinking he was angry, and quickly apologized, but before he finished speaking, he saw one that made him The chin dropped to the ground.

"Master Nie Yun, you are finally here, but we have been waiting for a long time! Come in quickly! What are you still doing, please don't tell the lady soon!"

Tielong rushed to the boy he scolded, respectful, as if the weak saw the strong and worshipped from the heart.


Not only is this young man stunned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone around is stunned.

Deputy head, is this the legendary master Iron Dragon in the early days of air sect? Why should such a master be respectful to a sixteen or seven-year-old boy, or look voluntary?

"Who the **** is this boy? Let the deputy commander of the mercenary regiment, the magnificent strong person greet him in person?"

"Who knows, it must be good! Or it's a big man!"

"Followed by three monsters behind you, you can still call the lord of the qi zong strong, do you still have the strength to think about it? It must be a super strong! The super strong will not look old!"

"If my life can be like this adult, let the strong emperor be respectful, and there are three monsters, even if they die, it's worth it!"

Seeing the deputy head respectfully invited the young man who looked young into the mansion, he did not dare to make nonsense, and the crowd immediately sounded like a bomb. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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