Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 153: I am supreme

In Tielong's eyes, although Nie Yun has not yet reached the realm of qi sect, his strength can even defeat the zen monsters in the zen sect. The strength of the world is strong, and he must be called "adult" and respectfully. Nothing sloppy!

Besides, this boy is not only strong in his own strength, but also a monster of supreme level. Not to mention the Tieyan mercenary group as a whole, even if the three mercenary groups are added together, they are not opponents!

Can such a strong person be disrespectful?

Knowing this, he had no arbitrariness in the mountains before, and his attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Nie Yun, did you accept my invitation to come to the Danish Conference?"

As soon as he entered the hall of the mansion, Nie Yun saw Tielan came out with a black leopard with a golden pattern.

Behind the leopard, there is also a huge ape, which is the copper-armed giant ape!

It seems that this guy was so impressed with Nie Yun's words that he has become the pet of Tielan.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun answered.

"I know you will definitely come. The Jibei City Danhui is very famous. It can be juxtaposed with the grand event of Shenfeng City. It is very lively! Be sure to stay here for a few days!"

Tielan laughed.

Since knowing Nie Yun's strength, Tielan also knows that the other party is definitely not coveting her own beauty, and she is a bit embarrassed, but she has no mentality, and her mentality is very good.

Seeing her natural attitude and unpretentiousness, Nie Yun seemed to feel that the resolute and resolute girl from the previous life had returned, and nodded with a smile.

"This is the black clouded leopard, and now it has become my darling. Thanks to the help of Wind Wolf King ..."

After chatting for a while, Tielan introduced the black clouded leopard in front of him.


The black clouded leopard is a monster of the peak level of air sect. I was very proud, but when I heard that this person was the owner of the Wind Wolf King, his face pulled down, and he came forward obediently and was introduced as a pet.

"These two monsters are ..."

After introducing the black clouded leopard, Tielan finally focused on Heiyan and Zitong.

"It's the demon pet I just conquered!" Nie Yun said casually.

"Oh ..." Tielan responded, trying to speak, and heard an angry roar behind her.

"Roar!" It turned out to be the former Copper-armed Great Ape. Looking at the two monsters, Heiyan and Zitong, their eyes were full of anger.

Seeing this look, Nie Yun realized it after thinking about it for a while, but did not expect the monster to have jealousy.

To be honest, the copper-armed giant ape wanted to be its own demon pet, and he didn't agree with it. Now he sees that he has subdued two monsters that are not so good as pets. Very angry.

Heiyan and Zitong suppressed Xiuwei in advance in accordance with Nie Yun's instructions. Not to mention the copper-armed giant apes, Heiyun Leopard could not see their exact cultivation. Naturally, these two guys who looked kind and kind were supremely strong. By.

"No rudeness! How could these two monsters become Mr. Nie Yun's pet?"

Seeing the look of the Copper Armed Giant Ape, Tielan couldn't help laughing. Hesitated.

"Roar? Roar!"

Hearing the master's domestication, although the Copper-armed Great Ape was unwilling, he did not dare to pretend.

"Yes, Nie Yun, what's so special about these two monsters? Speak out and listen?"

After scolding the Copper Arm Great Ape. The girl looked at it with a smile.

"Nothing extraordinary? Nothing extraordinary! Heiyan and Zitong, say hello to Miss Tielan!" Nie Yun commanded casually.

Let Heiyan and Zitong reduce the pressure to just do not want to cause trouble. For Tielan Nie Yun, I'm more at ease!

The previous life was tortured so that he did not reveal half of his information, showing his temperament, and it was nothing to introduce her to the two demon pets.

"Yes, master!" The two beasts answered at the same time, each one step forward. "Heiyan (Zitong) has seen Miss Tielan!"

The two beasts speak human language, they are neat and uniform, and their voices are loud. When they hear this voice, the people in the entire room are still.

"Able to utter words ... Extreme monsters? This ..."

Tielan and Tielong looked at each other, all took a sip of air-conditioning. It was not easy to recover a supreme-level monster. There were three heads. How did he ...


After speaking, Heiyan glanced coldly at the Copper-armed Giant Ape, snorted coldly, and an invincible, supreme breath rushed forward.


The Bronze-armed Great Ape fell to the ground before he could react, and his face was yellow.

In front of other monsters, it ’s okay to show off your strength and pretend to be in front of the Supreme Monster. Isn't this to death ...

Until this moment, he didn't know why Nie Yun despised himself and convinced the young boy completely!

"Master Nie Yun, forgive me, if you want to conquer the monster, you must surpass the opponent, otherwise, the monster cannot surrender. You subdue the wind wolf king, and the wind wolf king just broke through. This ... These two monsters ... also happened to break through? "

Iron Dragon looked puzzled.

He had seen the strength of Nie Yun one month ago. In the middle of Bingjia Realm, he defeated the wind wolf queen and then broke through. If this fighting strength defeated the monster of the supreme level, he would not believe it!

After all, there is still a long way to go to overcome the peak of air sect. The two do not belong to the same concept at all.

So in his opinion, these two monsters may be the same as the wind wolf king, and they broke through after conquering, but ... there is such a coincidence that you conquer one end and break through the other. If this is the case, luck is too bad Right!

"Breakthrough? That's not true. When I conquered them, they were already supreme monsters!"

Nie Yun did not hide.

"When they conquered them, they were at the highest level? This ... how is this possible? How can they be conquered without defeating them?"

At that moment Tielan was shocked.

As an animal trainer, Tielan knows that you must completely subdue the monster before conquering it, otherwise it is impossible to succeed. You can conquer the copper-armed giant ape and black clouded leopard, all because the young man in front of you ~ www.readwn.com If it does, it cannot be done!

Conquer the monster of the supreme level ... How to do it?

"It is really difficult to overcome without defeating it!" Thinking of the wolverines chased by the two monsters before, Nie Yun smiled. "Fortunately, I defeated them!"

"Destroy them? Is your strength already able to resist the Supreme ..."

Tielong's eyes rolled round.

"Yes, by chance, I have broken through the air and reached the extreme level!"

Nie Yun did not deny it.

"Extreme ... Supreme?"

"My God! The peak of Qihai ... Extreme?"

Tielan and Tielong stared at the young man in front of them, as if they saw a monster, they were speechless for a long time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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