Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1548: Go to Battlefield 3

Without obstruction, Ning Xiaotian, Luo Qingcheng, and others were a little uncomfortable at the beginning. After less than half a day, they were thoroughly familiar with the space-time laws of the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, and even their strength began to break through.

On the third day, everyone had fully adapted to the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone. Xiaolong and others first broke through and became the strongest in the heavenly realm, followed by Yan Zhi and Youhuang Huangwang.

Seeing the speed of promotion of everyone, Nie Yun once again had a different idea of ​​the Six Heavens and Earth and other small worlds.

Even if the people born and raised in the Oblique Moon are not so fast, and more importantly, the people in the Oblique Moon must understand the avenue to advance, and even if they do not understand the avenue, they have extraordinary strength. It's a bit worth thinking about.

Although he did not know why this happened, he always felt sure that he had a lot to do with King Shura.

"Go, let's go to Guixuhai, I guess they will start now!"

I adjusted to the fifth day and saw that the people had completely consolidated. Nie Yun knew that time was almost up and called everyone together.

I do n’t know the exact location of the battlefield of the Three Realms, but it must be far away from here. It takes a while to walk. Now there are only more than 20 days left. The ancient Yongzong lord and others should set off and not go back with them.

"it is good!"

I knew Nie Yun's affairs were more important, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Before going to the sea of ​​returning to the sea, I have to confess a few words!" Nie Yun looked at the crowd: "Before entering the Three Realms battlefield. I try not to bring you into the world of the six roads, mostly in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, so I know the rules! So. Guixuhai must take you, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, first, do not walk around after entering the gate! Second, Guixuhai's disciples are not weak, try not to cause conflict with them! Third . Once something happens, wait until I come back! "

Seeing everyone's eyes confused. Nie Yun laughed: "The sea gate of Guixu is very strict. If it is not necessary, don't touch it. At the beginning, Nie Tong and I. It took a long time to enter through the assessment!"

The elder Ziguixuhai was very good at speaking. Some disciples were really difficult. At first, when he entered Guixuhai, he was martyred by many people. In the end, Nie Tong, the one who killed alone, was trembling.

Although the strength of Menluo Qingcheng and others has made a breakthrough, the gap with these returning disciples is still too large, although he is not afraid of making conflicts. But in case of inadequate care and hurting everyone, you will lose more than you pay.

"Do not worry!"

Everyone is a character who has gone through the storm. The incident itself was understandable, and all nodded at the same time.

"Well, let's go!"

After Xun's explanation, Nie Yun made a big move and was about to take out the broken Shenzhou, and his eyebrows moved. I heard a series of footsteps outside.

"Master Nie Yun, someone is looking for you ..."

厮 The little 厮 before. Came to the courtyard door with a respectful look.


As soon as the words of the crickets fell, Nie Yun looked at the situation outside the door, and was astonished, only to see the emperor Gu Yong and Elder Jiuxian standing respectfully outside the courtyard, waiting for his call.

"Let them in!"

Nie Yun was busy, and hurried out. As soon as he arrived at the door, the lord Su and other people came in.

"Gu Yong, Jiuxian, and others have seen Elder Nie Yun ..."

Qiu Yong and others hurriedly saluted.

"Master, Elder Nine Immortals, why are you here ..."

Seeing the etiquette of the other party, Nie Yun stumbled.

The lords of Qitangtang Zongmen and the ten elders from Guixuhai almost all came, making him feel flattered.

"Nie Yun are ..." Xu Yan came over.

"This is the Lord of the Huixu Sea ..."

Nie Yun introduced.

"Sovereign? Ten elders?"

Xiao Xiaolong and others are all stunned.

Xi Gang said that the gates of the Guixu sea are very strict, so they must be careful when they arrive at the Guixu sea. In a blink of an eye, the suzerain and the ten elders personally came to meet and greet ... the impact was too great.

A few words of cold Han, Nie Yun came to understand.

After the former city lord left, he will see the news of his return to the sea.

The lord suzerain Gu Yong and others immediately convened a meeting of all elders, and finally came to a unanimous result.

The reason why Guixuhai encountered the other three main gates was because the ancestors left, and the entire gate did not hold down the super strong. Now this Nie Yun, the dried blood palace can go in and out. Qiang has already shaken the heavens and established a good relationship. He can absolutely deter Xiao Xiao and make others dare not act lightly!

Based on such considerations, how could everyone dare to hesitate to come out directly from the sea of ​​Guixu and be greeted by the monarch himself.

I didn't understand this, Nie Yun could not help shaking his head.

To be honest, no matter where, strength is most important, without strength, everything is fake!

"Sovereign, when will the Three Realms battlefield be opened? I plan to be with you!"

"Well, we just plan to go to the Three Realms battlefield, so let's go together!" Gu Yong nodded quickly, his eyes lit up.

I was worried before, and at this moment I heard him say he was going in, and he felt relieved.

"Let's go!"

Ji Guyong and others had already prepared for the battlefield of the Three Realms, and decided to leave, and they moved quickly.

"Elder Nine Immortals, these are my relatives and friends. The battlefield in the Three Realms is dangerous, so I won't take them past, you can bring them back to the market!"

Immediately after his departure, Nie Yun thought about it and decided to leave Luo Qingcheng and others in Guixuhai.

Ziguixu Sea is one of the four major gates, with dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and absolutely safe! Unlike the dangerous battlefields of the Three Realms, leaving them here will not only be safe, but also learn more about the oblique moon supreme domain and grow faster.

好 "Okay! Rest assured, elder elder!"

Elder Jiuxian nodded quickly and agreed.

While it is very strange why his relatives and friends are so weak, he can't speak at the thought of the speed at which his strength is improving.

"Stay in Guixuhai, and learn more about the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, it will greatly help your strength promotion!"

After Xun explained to the elders of the Nine Immortals, he quietly transmitted a message to Xu Xun and others.

"Huh!" Everyone nodded, Luo Qingcheng hesitated, and finally agreed: "Be careful!"

Nie Yun smiled gently, but didn't say much. When the spirit moved, several figures suddenly appeared. It was the master of the glass tower and others.

"A few of you will go back to the sea with them and protect them!" Nie Yun explained.

The glazed pagoda tower and other people are all powerful men of the suzerain class, protected by them, and even if they leave, there should be no one against them.

"Yes, master!" The tower master and others nodded at the same time.

"Okay, let's go!"

After everything was explained, Nie Yun no longer worried, and left with the Yongzong Lord and others, and flew straight out.

This time, there were only a dozen or so people who went to the Three Realms battlefield with them. Gu Yong was only one of them, and the rest were all superpowers of the suzerain class. They usually closed their lives in seclusion. Gu Xiao and others are not eligible to go.

I am also right, the Three Realms battlefield is the highest-level battlefield, and the strength does not reach the suzerain level to rush in, and it is difficult to survive.

"This elder Liu Feng, the elder, is the strongest peak of the suzerain, and has been hitting the half-step dominate level. If the battlefield of the Three Realms is not open, it may not be out!"

"This is Mrs. Xiao Lin, the elder, the crown of the big yin and yang hands is absolutely ..."

"This is Elder Zhou Jiang Tai ~ www.readwn.com ~ has the blood of the beast ..."

Uh ...

He stood on the deck of the Jingyue ancient ship, and the ancient Yongzong lord introduced Nie Yun one by one.

This time, all the elders who are hidden in the world are the same. They all hope to get a breakthrough opportunity in the Three Realms battlefield and dominate the realm with half a step.

"Elders, this is the new Supreme Elder Nie Yun!"

"Well, if the hero is young, I heard rumors before, and I ca n’t believe it. Now I saw it with my own eyes, and I realized that what I heard before was not exaggerated, but conservative!"

"Yeah, look at you, you should not even be five thousand years old. You are so young and have this strength. Seeing that we are really old ..."

Uh ...

太 These elders are not old-fashioned, but they are more talkative.

They are people with eyesight. Although the teenagers in front of them are not deliberately showing their strength, the strength in their body is like a tide, endless and heart-wrenching, they can still see it.

Ps: It's snowing again. It's the nth snow this year. It's so cold. I envy the south. There should still be people wearing short sleeves now. Keke. Thinking of this, I immediately understood. . The motherland is so **** great. .




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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