Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1549: Rampage

These elders who are too senior are all martial arts, so it is hard to see such a strong person, they all asked carefully, Nie Yun did not contradict, and answered every question in detail.

At first, the elders still felt that the person in front of him was too young. Even if he was strong, it was just luck. After talking, he found that the other party was as knowledgeable as the sea, even if these old monsters were too far away!

Especially the understanding of cultivation and the Three Thousand Avenues is not comparable to them at all!

The more I chatted, the more everyone was convinced by the young man in front of him, and had no other thoughts.

Obviously, the emperor Gu Yong did not expect that he would have such profound knowledge. Before listening to the elders of Jiuxian mentioned a few words, I thought it was just a word of praise. Now it seems that it is not!

Understanding of the Three Thousand Avenues, this boy has reached a state of mystification. Even the Supreme Elders of Zongmen who have never been out of the gate will not be much better than him!

No wonder you have such strength at a young age!

For ten consecutive days, everyone was talking about it. Although no one broke through the half-step rule in terms of strength, they all benefited a lot. Even Nie Yun learned more about the Three Thousand Avenues, and there was a significant change ten days ago. .

"Okay, that's it for today, Sovereign, how far is the Three Realms battlefield? I'm afraid that it will not be enough time to fly like this!"

After concluding the day, Nie Yun looked at the tumbling ocean and asked.

At this time their Jingyue ancient ship has entered the depths of the Chaos Ocean. The battlefield of the Three Realms is not in the oblique moon supreme realm, but in the center of the three worlds.

"This is the scroll portrayed by the ancestors of our ancestors to return to the market!"

The ancient Yongzong Lord handed a scroll. Nie Yun opened it for a moment, remembering the position above.

There are many crises in the chaotic ocean. This drawing details the dangers. Where is safe is very precious, but if you really follow the above, the speed is too slow. Now there are about a dozen days left until the battlefield of the Three Realms is opened, so the time for flying must be too late.

"Hmm. Let's take my broken Shenzhou!"

Xie Nieyun raised his palm, and Broken Shenzhou appeared in front of him.

Although the ancient moon of the ancient moon, the ancient ship is advanced. However, there is a slight gap compared with the broken Shenzhou. Besides, this thing is his own and can be better controlled. It's perfect for moving fast in the chaotic ocean.


Everyone knew that Nie Yun was in a hurry to do so, and they all flew to the broken Shenzhou, and with the movement of Nie Yun's spirit, the huge hull rushed straight forward.

"So fast……"

Everyone's face changed at the same time.

I do n’t know how to compare without comparison. The ratio of Jingyue Ancient Ship and Shenzhou in front of me is just the difference between a snail and a flying bird.

Not the same!

Although there is a reason for the speed difference, the more important is the power of the driver!

Everyone shocked Nie Yun's theory before. I feel that his strength is at least a little stronger than them. Now that I see the speed of breaking Shenzhou, I can understand that there is a big gap between the strength of the two. Not the same!

I can foresee that I really want to kill them, at most one thought!

No wonder you can get in and out of the dried blood imperial city, stealing the dried blood dragon seal so that the emperor has no choice but to have such strength!

"Elder Nie Yun, there is a dangerous place in front ..."

Break the Shenzhou straight forward. The rampage didn't mean the slightest turn. Gu Yong held the scroll in the palm of his palm, sweaty.

There is a dangerous place right in front of you. If you don't rush to escape, you can rush in directly, even if you are a half step master, it will be difficult to escape!

"Keep still!"

He was trying to dissuade Nie Yun from changing direction. He heard a faint sound in his ears, and then everyone felt a huge spiritual idea and immediately shrouded the broken boat.

"This is the power of the soul?"

"How could it be so strong?"

"Is it the master soul?"

"It's impossible. If you don't reach the master level, you can't have a master level soul. It should be a means of soul avenue ..."

Uh ...

I felt the huge soul idea wrapped in the hull. Everyone was scared. It was too strong. Compared with everyone, it was the candlelight and the hot sun.

However, although very strong, everyone just thought it was the ability to understand the soul avenue, and did not expect to dominate the soul. Therefore, apart from dominating the strong, never heard of it, non-dominators can also have this level of soul.


With this powerful soul package, the broken Shenzhou rushed into the danger directly, and everyone saw the colorful lights flickering in front of them, and then a roar immediately flew out from the other end.


"Does this work?"

"Crossing so dangerously, this is absolute confidence in strength!"

"I heard he broke into the palace by himself, and I felt that it was an exaggeration. It must have been speculation. Now I know that even if this strength is broken into, the Emperor Dried Blood is helpless!"

A few elders are feeling sorry.

In such a dangerous place, if they replaced them, they would definitely avoid it directly, but the other side made a fortune without any harm, and even took a boatman unaffected, which is enough to show the strength.

"It doesn't look like it's not too late;

Gu Yong laughed.

According to the previous route, to avoid dangerous places, you need to get out of the nearly double distance, and now it is rampant, coupled with Nie Yun's control of breaking Shenzhou far faster than him, it should not be too late to rush to the Three Realms battlefield, and definitely will Arrive a lot early.

"If you record the right location, you can arrive in up to a day!"

He listened to his words, and Nie Yun laughed.

飞行 Flying at this speed, you can reach the so-called Three Realms battlefield in less than a day.

"Yes!" The suzerain took a closer look at the scroll in his hand, and reckoned again, but nodded, admiring the boy in front of him.

I also have only such talents who dare to run so arrogantly and change to others, not to mention hurrying up, maybe they will all die here.

"Three Realms ... Which three realms are the so-called Three Realms?"

Bian Nieyun's voice came again.

"You don't know?" Gu Yong said for a moment, then suddenly said: "Yes, many people know the Three Realms battlefield, but the name of the Three Realms can't be called. This is also normal, because the news, the high-level intentionally concealed it, and did not tell Revealed! "

"The three realms are the three kings, the three great worlds created by Asoka, King of Chaos, and King of Chaos, the Oblique Moon Supreme, Lore Extreme and Chaos Supreme!"

"Oblique moon, lore, chaos?"

For the first time, Nie Yun heard the names of two other great worlds.

"Yes, these three great worlds are in the three directions of the Chaos Ocean. They are far away, but they are related to each other! In order to balance the number of strong men in the three supreme realms, the three kings have opened up three realms of battle. Leave exciting treasures or Chaos King Rune on the battlefield! Attract countless masters from the Three Realms to enter each other, compete for each other, and finally get the treasure or King Rune to which realm belongs, which realm is equal to the final Victory, the next time the Three Realms battlefield opens, there will be 10% more places than the other two sessions! "

"Don't underestimate the ten percent, just because of this extra quota. Many times, as long as one field wins, many times in the future, you can win ~ www.readwn.com ~ We have been on the Supreme Moon for a long time No treasure left by Ashoka! "

As an emperor of Guixuhai, Gu Guyong knew a lot about this kind of secrets and came here casually.

When I heard this, Nie Yun glanced at the elders around him and found that their faces had not changed in any way. It seemed that they had known this for a long time, and it seemed that they did not know it.

It's no wonder that he spent less than a year at the full moon to play the oblique month. It is hard to find out about such a thing in such a short time.

"Isn't there a King Shura before? Does he have a world? What's his name?"

Nie Yun passed on the sound.

I asked this, not his recklessness, but at the depth of the chaos at this time, everyone was wrapped in his soul, and the thought fluctuations should not be transmitted.

The soul reaches the level of mastery, and he has absolute confidence.

I further said that it was not a taboo for King Shura to talk about it in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, and what he asked was not particularly important or hidden.

"King Shura also seems to have a world. It is called Shura Supreme, just like the Oblique Moon Supreme, but it seems to have disappeared. I do n’t know where it went!"

Ancient Yongdao.

Ps: On the last day, if you don't vote for a monthly ticket, it will be wasted. . . .




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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