Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1551: Chaos

"Come here too!"

Shiyang was injured by the earthquake, Jiang Hao was dying, Nie Yun turned to look at Ying Tianzhao.

"Nie Yun, don't go too far. Although we are not your opponents, Zongmen has someone who can kill you and stay on the line, otherwise, it's not good to meet next time!"

Ying Ying called a long hiss.

He and the other two lords are similar in strength, and the two are so miserable. Once the other party starts, he must not be better, so he has to be softened in advance.

"It's not good to see you next time? I have no plans to meet with you. If I really want to meet, I will kill you directly!"

Nie Yun volleyed out.


Ying Yingzhang is different from the other two. He has long been prepared for a curtain-like shield.

盾 This shield is not a peak chaos, but a huge shell, left behind by a half-step master. Once it appears, the chaotic ocean in front of it is divided into two parts.

"Half step dominates the fallen silver leaf shell of the strong? Good thing, since you are so generous, I'm welcome!"

Seeing him take out this thing, Nie Yun couldn't help but admire the abundance, and gently scratched, the huge shell was shrouded in immense power and fell into his palm.

Silver leaf shell is a special kind of ancient life. It can swallow the strong and enhance its strength. Like shells such as the Celestial Heart and King Wanli, the shells are open, and the world will be swept up. It is very rare. Nie Yun has only seen it in books. This kind of life, did not expect this guy to take out such treasures at will, it is indeed the lord of the end of the earth, really rich.

"My silver leaf shell ..."

I felt Yinyebei's spiritual connection with her, and in a blink of an eye was cut off by a powerful soul force. Ying Tianzhao was so scared that he almost didn't fall directly.

银 This silver leaf shell is the strongest weapon that he has saved for many years of hard work. I thought I could show my might in the battlefield of the Three Realms, who would have been snatched before they even arrived!

With a loud cry, he rushed over.

"If you want money, you don't die. Since you are so greedy for money, I have all the good things in you!"

Flick your fingers gently, and call your chest in the middle. Then he grabbed it again, and a river formed by a treasure rushed into his palm along his body.

Strength reaches this level, exerting the talent of stealing the master. Even more handy, not to mention that Ying Tianzhao is only the strength of the suzerain, even if he masters the major three in half, it can be easily stolen.

"My baby. 噗 ..."

I see that the treasures I have accumulated for many years are instantly taken away. Ying Tianzhao's urgent fire attacked his heart, and his chest was attacked by Nie Yunbo. His face was white, and he fell straight on the deck, spitting blood.

This time, not only the physical injury, but the heart injury is even more serious!

"A few more decent things!"

Taking these babies into the world of things, Nie Yun smiled slightly and looked at the elders who broke out of the cabin from Duan Tianya: "What. Want to avenge your ruler? Come on, anyway, there are no more ticks. Some people take the initiative to send the baby And I'm happy to accept it! "

"I dare not wait!"

Many elders on the puppet deck heard such arrogant words, and although they were angry in their hearts, each dared to move.

Many elders from Wanyu Mountain just saw them. They saw a dozen people join hands and were dissipated by a single drink. The young man's strength now is beyond them!

Even if I go up, I will humiliate myself.

"Don't dare to be the best, let's go!"

I knew that the battlefield of the Three Realms was already open. If it was done too much, it would cause trouble. When Nie Yun waved his hand, a gust of wind swept over. The ancient ships of the three gates rolled and flew out under the gust of wind.


I finally managed to stabilize the ancient ship. The people at the three gates did not dare to stay in the slightest, and all fled quickly.

虽然 Although the boy in front of him has not exerted all his powers, they are not blind. Knowing that even if all the people add up, they are not opponents. Rather than find trouble, it is better to leave!

"Abominable, abominable, can this shame be ignored today?"

I flew for a while, seeing Nie Yun and them completely far away, Jiang Hao hissed a long hiss.

The prince of Tangtang was severely humped, and this blow was too great.

"Doesn't it have anything to do with you?" Shi Yang struggled to stand up. Although she was unwilling, she could not do anything.

"This guy's strength must have reached half-step dominance of the triple, or even the tertiary realm. We can't kill it alone, we can only have a way to join other people!"

Qiu Jianghao's eyes were shining.

联合 "Union? Not enough strength, run to unite with others, be careful not to leave any residue left by others!"

Shiyang Road.

Union is based on equal strength. One side is too strong and the other side is too weak. Not only will it fail, but it will also be self-defeating and give food to others.

"This is true, but Jiang Hao said the union may be a solution, but only if we have enough strength!" Ying Tianzhao walked over.

"Enough enough? You mean ..." What Shiyang thought of.

"Yes, summon Supreme Master of Zongmen. This Nie Yun dares to humiliate us now. As long as the battlefield of the Three Realms is not dead this time, our three big gates will inevitably encounter the disaster of overthrow. Rather than sitting and waiting to die, it is better to unite the strongest strength , Kill it in the Three Realms battlefield! "

Ying Ying called hum.

"It makes sense, if you don't get rid of this, it will become a confidant!"

Shi Shiyang hesitated and nodded.

"What are you waiting for? Let's start directly, as long as the elders of the Supreme Masters come and kill this kid, it will be as easy as a palm!" Jiang Hao let out.

Each of them is a character who will cause an earthquake in the whole world of the oblique moon. Now they are beaten to the ground by their opponents, and they all breathe a sigh of relief and cannot swallow.

"Okay, at the beginning, let's call Supreme Master Zongmen, and the Three Realms battlefield is the kid's burial place!"

After Shi Shiyang finished speaking, he grabbed the palm of his hand, and a special jade card appeared on the palm of his hand. He squeezed it gently, using a special method of communication, and shot straight out.

A moment's effort, a stream of thoughts came, and descended on his ancient ship.


When these ideas fell on the deck, the huge ancient ship sank involuntarily, and it seemed that these ideas had infinite weight.

"The suzerain actually used the [Chaos Golden Word Stone] that was only used for the disaster of the ancestral door? It would be too wasteful to do so! We have only three ancestral doors in total!"

An elder elder brother frowned when he saw this, and seemed a little unhappy.

"Waste? No waste at all. You also saw the scene just now. That Nie Yun was so hostile to our three great ancestors. If we do n’t kill them as soon as possible, we will certainly be destroyed. Life and death can't be neglected, there is nothing wrong with suzerain using golden words of chaos! "

Another elder elder interrupted him and said righteously.

"Elder Yan Shen is right. There are priorities. This Nie Yun has become the confidant of the three sects. At this time, as long as he can kill them, nothing can be done! Don't talk anymore, Supreme Elder Arrived!"

One of the oldest elders in the elders' grandmother waved his hand to interrupt the dispute between the two sides, his eyes fixed on the front.

Everyone was afraid to speak, and they all looked forward together, and immediately saw that the heavy thoughts just gathered together and formed a golden figure.

"What happened?"

The sound of the human figure is huge and loud ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although there is no majesty, it can make the surrounding chaotic ocean boil endlessly, and the power is endless.

"Back to Supreme Master Liu Chong, Guixu Haixin gave birth to a genius called Nie Yun ..."

Xi Shiyang hastily opened up and explained Nie Yun's affairs in detail.

"There are such arrogant people? Very good, it seems that we old guys haven't done it for many years, and many people have forgotten us!"

The golden figure Elder Liu Chong has a low-faced and angry face.

打 Injuring the Sovereign is tantamount to hitting the face of a sectarian door. How can Supreme Elders tolerate this tone?

"The Supreme Elder looks after me!" Hearing this, Shi Yang's eyes lit up and he quickly said.

"Hum, rest assured, I'll take care of this. I will take a few other Supreme Elders and set off now. Before the Three Realms battlefield opens, I must be here ..."

长 Elder Liu Chong hummed, his voice changed, his face changed.

"Oh, don't go since you are here!"


With a faint laughter, the chaotic ocean where the ancient ship was located freezes.

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[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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