Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1552: Aura Avenue Rune

"Well, it was found!"

Min Jianghao, Shiyang and others drew their hearts suddenly, their faces were like the bottom of a pot.

I ’m waiting for someone to discuss **** each other. In fact, everything is in the eyes of the other person!

"It's really arrogant. Want to keep me? You also need this ability!"

的 The golden body of the Supreme Elder Liu Chong, with raised eyebrows, punched out into the sky.

His strength was crushed across the side. Although it was just an idea coming down, it showed infinite fighting power. A crack appeared in the imprisoned space around him.

"Don't struggle!"

With a loud voice, a palm came in the air, and the golden body of Elder Liu Chong, like a pinched mouse, had no room for resistance, and formed a chaotic air flow.


Immediately following a thought sweep, not only the Liu Chongfa body brought in by Shiyang, the supreme elder ideas brought in by Jiang Hao, Ying Tianzhao, etc., were also cleaned in a blink of an eye, the world was quiet, and the needle was heard.


After a while, Jiang Hao and others finally couldn't bear the silence, and at the same time screamed, driving the ancient ship and rushing forward, like a dog of a bereavement, like a fish missing the net.


刚 They just fled. In the mist of the ocean not far away, the broken Shenzhou slowly sailed out. Nie Yun and Gu Yong stood at the bow of the ship and laughed loudly.

How Nie Yun did not know what these people were thinking, let them go on purpose, and then gave a dismount.

What Supreme Elders and peerless masters, as long as they have not reached the level of dominance. For him, there is no difference, and the more they come, the better, the higher the level of Tian Xin Teng, King Wan Li, Xuan Chan Wang and others.

"Let's go now!"

Ridiculed. With a move in the palm of Nie Yun, the broken Shenzhou turned into a streamer and rushed forward again.

"It looks like we are going to return to the market!" Looking at this scene, many elders in the cabin of Shenzhou broke their fists, all excited.

As an old man of Zongmen, the three great Zongmen have suffered so much but have not even refuted. They have never seen it. It is foreseeable, as long as this young man is unharmed. The whole Guixu Sea will become stronger and stronger, and no one dares to mess with the four gates!

In this case, even when they sent the suzerain, they did not reach it!

For the last tens of millions of years. Guixuhai has been suppressed by the three major gates, and now it is finally time to exhale, and all this is because of the young boy who looks young in front of him!

"Going back and rewarding Jiuxian, you really dug a huge treasure for our gate!"

Everyone is feeling at the same time.

The real strength of a sectarian gate depends on top-level strength. This Nie Yun already has the capital of the three worlds of ridiculous laughs and has become a real peak.

The speed of breaking Shenzhou was very fast. Within a day, everyone saw a huge ball appearing in front of them.

圆 This sphere is suspended in a sea of ​​chaos, just like the previous Oblique Moon Extreme Zone. It is a small world of parcels, but it is far from the oblique moon.

Outside the small world, there are countless ancient ships. Each one represents a huge force on one side.

Among these forces, the supremacy of the suzerain is only the minimum revision. There are numerous half-steps to dominate the strong, even the same strength as the dry blood emperor.

"冇 This time the battlefield of the Three Realms is said to have the Chaos King Rune, not only the countless half-steps of the Three Realms came out to dominate the powerhouse. I heard that even the powerhouse dominance came, definitely the largest one in hundreds of years!"

"I thought I could find something good here. Now it seems that if you are not careful, you will lose your life!"

"Don't be discouraged. The scale is large, and there are many opportunities. As long as you don't get greedy and leave when you get almost treasure, it should not be dangerous!"

"I hope so, my goal is very simple, that is, I want to break through 桎梏, become a half-step dominate level strong, I hope to succeed ..."

Uh ...

In the thick ancient ships, all the ideas were transmitted madly, and there were many worries and tensions everywhere.

The battlefield of the Three Realms is not only a place of opportunity, but also a place of burial of countless powerhouses. Danger and opportunity coexist, and the opportunities are good. When the suzerain enters the peak, when it comes out, it is likely to become a half-step master of the three strong powerhouses. Opportunity is poor, even if half-step dominates the big three, it will fall down when entering, and the soul will be difficult to escape.

"It's still a while before the Three Realms battlefield opens, let's go straight to [Three Realms]!"

Wu Guyong stood at the bow of the boat, looked for a while, and found that everyone around him was faintly hostile, and looked at Nie Yun with a smile.

"Three Realms? Where is that?" Nie Yun never heard.

"In fact, it is not a city. It is a small world that appears temporarily outside the Three Realms battlefield. The strong realms of the Three Realms who come to the battlefield can buy information here, exchange treasures, and conduct various transactions. Fighting is not allowed here. A safe place! It's just that the consumption here is extremely high, and it costs a lot to spend even one night! "

Ancient Yongdao.

"Consumption is extremely high? What does it cost here?"

Nie Yun is strange.

The rules of the Three Realms are different, and money will definitely not be unified. Since there is consumption, it must be an item that can be used by the Three Realms. It cannot always be the peak chaos soldier!

Although the Shen Bing is precious, many people have the best weapon, such as weapons, and there is no use for more. Taking too much will only add to the burden.

"There is no need for spirit stone gold coins for consumption here. Only two things are needed. Of course, the most expensive is the dominating rune. But the dominating rune is not owned by everyone. The communication is more a kind of thing called [Aviation Avenue Rune]. ! "Gu Yongdao.

"Aura of vitality?" Nie Yun wondered.

东西 This thing has never been heard before, how can it be used as exchange currency?

"The Astral Rune is a cultivator. The special rune formed by engraving the enlightened Road with the whole body's vitality is somewhat similar to the master's rune. It allows people to borrow the power of other roads in a short time. Increase your strength and get rid of danger! You can count on the impotence version of Rune! "

Guyong explained.

"Is this ... this thing?"

When I heard the introduction, Nie Yun thought about it, and a flick of her wrist appeared in the palm of her hand.

箓 This falcon was obtained from Shiyang by him. There were hundreds of them. I didn't know what it was before. I heard Gu Yong's explanation and recognized it.

"Yes, this is the Yuanqi Avenue Rune, but these runes are only 2,900 Avenues, which can only be regarded as intermediate, and the value is not particularly high!"

Ancient Yongdao.

"Are there grades?"

"Well, the two thousand and eighty-eight roads are regarded as elementary vitality roads. They are almost useless here, too weak! Like the so-called Xiapin Lingshi, the two hundred and ninety-eight roads are called intermediate energy roads, which is equivalent to Zhongpin Lingshi, which has more than 2,990 boulevards, is called high-level vitality boulevard! Equivalent to the top grade spiritual stones, the exchange rate of these daomu is one to one hundred. As for the exchange rate that dominates the runes of seals and high-end vitality boulevards. It is also one to one hundred! It is equivalent to the best spiritual stone! "

"Oh!" Nie Yun understood.

"Every one of the Yuanqi Avenue charms will consume the practitioner ’s whole body strength and understanding of the Avenue. Even I ca n’t make it casually. Without hundreds or thousands of years, it ’s difficult to make a success! You take I am afraid that these Taoist amulets were completed by the Lord Shiyang with countless efforts! "

Gu Yong followed.

"So troublesome?"

Nie Yun is strange ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes, you can try it. Although this kind of amulet doesn't help you to improve your strength, it can supplement your vitality. In battle, use one, and the power is not weak! "

Gu Yong laughed.

"Let me try!"

After hearing what he said, Nie Yun hesitated a moment. With a palm of his hand, he shattered this middle-level vitality charm into the palm of his hand. "Om!" A loud voice sounded, and suddenly felt a gentle stream of air flowing into the body, two thousand eight hundred. The avenues form a special arrangement into the body.

排列 This arrangement is different from the ring of the avenue that dominates the runes. It can be used, and it has a similar effect to the special talent.

And not only these avenue abilities poured into the body, but more importantly, a surging 冇 vitality entered the sea of ​​energy. If the power is consumed cleanly, this single jade card will certainly restore a lot of physical strength.

"Good stuff ..." Nie Yun couldn't help feeling, and suddenly a thought came out: "These avenue abilities are similar to the special spirit. I have three thousand Dantians, endless talents, and vitality Dantians. It ’s okay to make it easily? It does n’t cost much? ”

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◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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