Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1553: Unlimited manufacturing

After observation, this so-called Aura Rune is actually a weakened version of the Dominator Rune, which allows people to borrow other Avenue abilities in a short time, but it is a bit different from Dan Tian's talent.

After the talented spirit is borrowed, you can use your own vitality to use it, and become your own instinct in a short time. If you want to use it, you can only use the vitality in the vitality road rune.

This is the same as the difference between martial arts and weapons. With martial arts, no one can take it away. Although the deterrent power of weapons is large, once they are lost, they still have nothing.

Talented qi can make people possess this kind of talent in a short period of time, like learning martial arts, others can't **** it, and the vitality road rune is similar to the instant rune in a short time, it can make people have super strength in a short time, but use Not its own power, but the power driven by Fu Yu.

However, in any case, this thing represents a sudden force, used at the moment of danger, and has the ability to save lives.

Refining others needs to consume the understanding of the avenue, the soul strength and the vitality of the body, but to Nie Yun, it seems very simple. The talented spirit is as long as the strength is endless. Da Dao Fu is precious and unusual to others, and for him, it can be refined at any time!

"try it!"

Thinking of these, Nie Yun's mind became active, but instead of refining it as Gu Yong's face, he moved his spirits and developed San Qing's unique tricks, and an avatar had already appeared in the Temple of Heaven.

Standing on the empty stone platform in the middle of Tianxuan Hall, Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand. Excluding the top ten Dantians, the remaining 2,990 Dantians immediately took off and merged into a jade card in the sky.

Zizi Zizi!

Jade is too small. Before the two thousand and ninety-nine talents had been fully integrated, they gave out a noisy sound, a crisp sound, and completely cracked.

"Huh? It doesn't seem easy ..."

It is simple to think of, but it is not easy to do. It is not easy to fuse the two hundred and ninety-nine avenues on a small jade card. The first attempt ended in failure.

"carry on!"

Others can do it. Nie Yun doesn't believe he can't do it. He is highly focused. The soul power that reaches the level of dominance perfectly wraps the entire jade card, the divine power is the sword, and many talents are portrayed on it.


When portraying the 100th avenue, Yupai could not bear it again. Shattered.

"It doesn't look like you want to make it quickly ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

I thought I had the talent and the infinite power to back it up. It is possible to refine the Aura Rune without conditions. It seems that it is too simple now.

If it were that easy, the Aura Rune would not be so precious.

"Keep experimenting!"

Although he failed two times in a row, Nie Yun was not discouraged, and portrayed again. With the previous two failures, this time went well, but unfortunately. When it depicts five hundred roads, the jade brand is broken.

Experimented dozens of times. The results ended in failure.

The more the road is painted, the more troublesome it is. Others refine the vitality road sign. Each road takes a long time and strives to be free of errors. Nie Yun directly uses the talent of gas. Although some speculations are made, the integration is too bad More, unless he has now perfectly integrated the two hundred and ninety nine Dantians, forming a special talent.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to complete in a short time!

"Forget it, it doesn't look so easy, don't think about it ..."

I thought that by virtue of his Dantian talent and endless power, he could refinish the vitality avenue symbol unconditionally. At that time, he would have countless wealth to spend. Now it seems that it is too simple to think.

How can there be such a good thing?

Even if he wants to refining a vital sign, it will take hundreds of years or even longer. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to stop there.

Shaking his head, Nie Yun was about to give up refining, and suddenly an aura of light flashed in his mind.

"I can't control the jade burst in Tianxuan Temple, but what if ... in the world of things?"

In the world of things, he is the only master. Here, he has the final say on any rules. One word can change the law, one word can change spring and autumn!

It is impossible to control the jade card burst in Tianxuan Hall, but here, it is not his word that the jade card cracks or does not crack?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes are full of fiery again, and the next moment has appeared in the world of things.


With one finger, the air of two thousand and ninety talents rose into the air and slowly melted into the jade brand. This time, the jade brand did not break under his mind. All the talents are portrayed, and they are full of energy.


Reached out and took the jade card, and looked closely, it really looks exactly the same as the vitality road sign used before!

Prior to Shiyang, there were only 2,900 avenues, and his jade seal sealed 2,990 avenues, which was a high level.

"It can really be refined, so the more, the better!"

After successful refining, Nie Yun raised an eyebrow, and pointed his fingers forward.


Tens of thousands of Astral Signs of the same level immediately fell from the air.

He is the creator of the world of things. This amulet has been thoroughly refined just now. After trying to imitate it, it becomes very simple. One idea can be formed without any effort.

"With these things, you can't buy anything you want!"

Looking at the Yuanqi Dafu, which was hand-made, Nie Yun smiled, and was about to leave, a strange idea formed.

"By the way, I am the master of this world. I can get everything I want to change. At the most, I lose a little energy. Can I change the master soldier?"

The power of the dominating **** soldiers, he deeply understands that if there is a defense of the master soldiers, even if he meets the master soldiers, he will not be afraid!

He is the creator of the world of things. In this world, everything can be formed between his thoughts. In this case ... can it also form a master soldier? Or even ... Chaos King Rune?

If this thing can be formed, it will not be difficult to become a strong king!

"Feng Wang Fuzhao has never seen it and can't copy it, but I have one of the masters and can try it!"

Although he was the creator, he did not make it out of thin air. At least he must understand the principle, know how this thing is composed, and how the structure can be copied unconditionally. Wang Wangfu called him never to see it, let alone know the structure. , But he has one thing to dominate the magic soldier, you can try.

Thinking about the structure of the master soldier in his mind, the spirit moved, and just like the Aura Rune was just formed, he planned to form another master soldier.


The light flashed. After a while, Nie Yun exhaled and shook his head involuntarily.

"My world of receiving things is too small, the laws of space are unstable, and forcing the **** of the **** soldiers, it is likely that the entire law will collapse ..."

Breathing out, Nie Yun was a little lost.

The dominating **** soldier is too strong, far beyond the tolerance of the world of receiving things, and cannot be manufactured at all. Forcible manufacturing will only cause the world of receiving things to collapse in advance.

"I really want to make it. My world of things is at least as stable as the Oblique Moon Extreme!"

After thinking about it, Nie Yun figured it out.

I really want to make the master soldier. His world of receiving things must be at least as strong as the Oblique Moon Extreme Realm, otherwise, the weapons haven't been manufactured yet, Dan Tian will collapse first ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's really over.

"Try the pinnacle of Chaos!"

Can not make the master soldiers, peak chaos soldiers should be able to, I thought, in a blink of an eye, the ground immediately appeared a bunch of peak chaos soldiers.

"It works ..."

Seeing the top chaos in the ground, Nie Yun nodded.

The current situation in the world of clinging things can at most produce the peak chaos, no matter how strong it can not be made.

Although the peak chaos soldier is very precious to others, for him, there is no use for it, and no matter how much it is made, it is also a waste.

"Forget it, don't bother!"

Knowing that the world of objects has the ability to create infinitely, Nie Yun is still very happy. With a change of spirit, his attention returns to the cabin of the broken Shenzhou again.

ps: After the two chapters, ask for a monthly pass on the first day of the month! If you have a monthly pass, please come here! (To be continued ...)

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