Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1554: 3 circles exchange meeting

"Let's go to Three Realms!"

With the ability to make amulets of vitality indefinitely, Nie Yun no longer cares, looking at Gu Yong.

I have this ability, which means that I have endless wealth. I just went to the Three Realms to see more about the Three Realms battlefield.

Although the current strength has reached the peak of the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, you must also be careful. Dominant powers will appear in different places in the Three Realms battlefield. If you are accidentally followed by people of this level, it will be a lot of trouble.

"it is good!"

Wu Guyong pointed out the direction, and the broken Shenzhou flew straight, and after a while he saw a small world hanging outside the battlefield of the Three Realms.

This small world is similar to an ordinary city, the entrance is extremely narrow, and the broken Shenzhou can not enter. Nie Yun and others abandoned the ship and flew.

"To enter the Three Realms, you need to pay the city fee!"

As soon as I arrived at the door, someone blocked the entrance and looked cold.

"Fee to enter the city? How much?" Nie Yun asked.

"Everyone has a medium-level vitality charm!" The gatekeeper was humane.

"Intermediate luck avenue rune? How expensive!" Nie Yun froze.

Intermediate Yuanqi Avenue Rune is a thing that has taken the centuries-old lords at the level of 2,900 Avenues to refining for hundreds of years. It is only necessary to enter the city, which is just like robbery!

No wonder so many people would rather stay outside than come in, and this entrance fee alone would scare away a large number of people!


Although Xun felt expensive, Nie Yun didn't care, and threw out a few vitality boulevards and led everyone in.

The gatekeeper was slightly wrong.

Under normal circumstances, you can enter at will, at least half a step to dominate the strong. A teenager brought in a group of suzerain peaks and was really rich.

The Three Realms is very lively and crowded. One part is the strong who came to the battlefield of the Three Realms, and the other is the indigenous people of the Three Realms.

The strongest who came to the battlefield of the Three Realms was the weakest level, and the half-step dominance was everywhere.

的 The powerhouses of this level, in other places, have spoken well, said nothing. Just like ordinary people here, don't dare to overdo it.

As for the indigenous people of the Three Realms, they are not very strong. It is usually between 2,800 avenues and suzerain.

"Who cares for this Three Realms?"

I looked around, and Nie Yun was surprised.

Since there is this Three Realms, there must be an end to the flow of these funds. Who did they go to? Who dares to directly enter the city toll. Half step dominate the strong can only obediently give?

"I don't know. However, it seems that the rules set by Feng Wangqiang, the funds collected, are used to maintain the operation of the Three Realms battlefield!"

Wu Guyong thought for a moment, said.

"Keep the Three Realms battlefield running?"

The battlefield of the Three Realms is not an independent world. It can absorb the chaotic power to maintain the balance of heaven and heaven. This is just an ordinary battlefield. To maintain it, you must have enough energy. Each Astral Power Rune is equivalent to the full strength of the super strong, and it's nothing less. Once more, it is not difficult to maintain the operation of the Three Realms battlefield.

It makes sense to say so.

听说 "I heard that the Lord of the Three Realms was personally appointed by the three great kings and strong kings. He is a dominating powerhouse. It is because of his suppression. Although there are many people here, no one dares to do anything wrong!"

Gu Yong followed.

Nie Yun nodded.

It is needless to say that he has already discovered that he has reached the level of dominance as soon as he enters. He has a special sense of the strong at the same level. Besides, only the strong can be suppressed in this place. Otherwise, a bunch of half-steps dominate the strong. Those who are in trouble are not strong enough to resist.

Xiu Yong and others did not practice high, Nie Yun deliberately concealed it, and no one else could see it. The group slowly moved forward and did not attract attention.

There are a lot of businesses on both sides of the street. Various treasures are emerging endlessly. Here, the peak chaos soldiers are only the minimum configuration.

Of course, it is extremely scarce to dominate the soldiers, even if it is not possible here, but the half-step master soldiers at the level of the territory map can also be sold, but the number is not large.

Moreover, each handle is sky-high. Nie Yun took a look and did not buy it.

I have a master soldier. This level of weapons is not very useful. If you buy it in large quantities, it will definitely attract the attention of many people. It is better to keep a low profile now.

"Guests, do you want to come to live in the store? We have the safest residence, as well as Dadao Rundiao. Long-term viewing can help to understand Da Dao, which has a great effect on the promotion of strength. For a day of living, you only need one top grade Dao Da Dao , Very cheap ... "

Everyone walked for a while, and a little greeter greeted him with a smile on his face.

Bian Nieyun looked up and saw a huge restaurant standing not far away, with the three characters "Tianyi Pavilion" written on it.

"Go in and see!"

Anyway, there are countless signs of vitality on hand, Nie Yun doesn't care, laughs and walks inward.

When Yi Yi entered the gate of Tianyi Pavilion, he suddenly felt a strong aura, which made people refreshed.

"It really is a good place ..." Nie Yun sighed and threw out a few top-quality Yuanqi Avenue charms, turning his head to Xiaoying and saying, "Take us to see the reliefs on the Avenue!"


Seeing the man so generous in front of her, Xiao Xiao's excited eyes narrowed, he jumped up quickly, and led the way.

Avenue relief is a sculpture that contains the meaning of the avenue by the masters by comprehending the Three Thousand Avenues. It has a great help for practitioners. Before coming to the front, you can see the empty courtyard full of people, each with The strength of half-step domination, one by one watching the relief in front of them, blinking without blinking.

Although there are many people in the courtyard, there is no sound at all. Everyone is sitting in their own unique position and realizes the avenues that are useful to them.

"Let's be here!"

I glanced forward and found that the front was full, and there was no free space, so Xiaoyan took a few futons and sat down behind the crowd.

The bas-relief is carved with no known ore, and it is full of dense and fine lines. These lines come together to form a complete three thousand avenue.

These avenues are connected end to end, and are somewhat similar to the master's runes, forming a special ring that gives people a different kind of beauty. Just look at it and no matter who you are, you will immediately feel that this is the most beautiful picture in the world. No picture can catch up.

No wonder there are so many people who can be immersed in it. The charm of the avenue is endless for practitioners.

Although Nie Yun did not have a complete understanding of the Three Thousand Avenues, but he has three thousand Dantians. He is no stranger to these road patterns. After watching for a while, he has no interest.

He turned to look at Gu Yong and others, only to see that they were completely obsessed with it, as if they had forgotten who they were.

"Sovereign, these are some high-level vitality boulevards. You take them to watch the reliefs, and I will go out casually!"

Xun's spirit formed a wave, pierced into ancient Yong's mind, awakened him from Shen Tsai, handed a move, and passed dozens of vitality avenues.

Without these things, it is impossible for others to watch the embossment, but if you give too much, and you are afraid of being embarrassed by others, dozens of them can just persist until the Three Realms battlefield opens.

Once the battlefield opens, even if they don't leave, Tianyi Pavilion will drive them out.

After Ning Yun explained, Nie Yun went out.

Futianyi Pavilion is the largest residence in the Three Realms City, and many of them live in it. Nie Yun saw three and a half steps to dominate the big three strong.

These strong men usually do not show up in the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ trying hard to find breakthrough opportunities, now that the Three Realms battlefield is opened, all have emerged.

"This guest officer, you don't look like relief, you should want to participate in the Three Realms Exchange Conference, why don't I take you there?"

Xiao Xiao, who was leading the way, saw that Nie Yun didn't go to see the relief on the avenue, but came out and came over with a smile.

He is doing business, depending on how much he pulls down.

"Three Realms Exchange Meeting?"

"Well, the exchange conference organized by the Three Realms City is made up of many strong people from the Three Realms. The weakest are half-step dominates the triple strong. Take out treasures for exchange, maybe there is something you want!"

Xiao Xiao busy.

"There are such events, well, yes, take me to see!"

Nie Yun's eyes flickered.

On the way I just came, I looked around and found no treasures or things that made him feel good. This level of communication will be significantly higher than the roadside booths outside, and some useful treasures may be found.

I do n’t say anything else. If he can buy some refining small worlds and integrate them into the world of things, he will definitely increase his strength again.

Ps: There is something at home today, there is only one change, and tomorrow will be filled up. Sorry!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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