Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: World rating

The more you integrate into the small world, the wider the world of things and the more stable the space, the stronger his strength will be!

Now he has countless signs of vitality on hand, and the difference is the accumulation of this accumulation.

\ "Please go here, but ... this exchange meeting requires half-step strength to dominate the triple state of the middle, I don't know the adults ... \"

Xiaoyan's gaze was questioning.

In order to ensure the quality of the exchange meeting and the ability to participate, we must first ensure the strength. The boy's strength in front of him cannot be seen through, and he had to ask with a cheeky exit.

\ "Zhong Sanzhong? Don't worry! \" Nie Yun will not cover up anymore, the power will surge like a storm, and the surrounding space will roar.

Feeling this breath, not only was he frightened, but even everyone around him was dignified.

Half step dominates the big three, and even here, no one dares to mess with it.

\ "Please, please ..."

No longer dare to say more, Xiao Yan quickly led the way and walked forward quickly.

The Three Realms Exchange Conference is not far away.It is only a few hundred steps away from this Tianyi Pavilion.

The entrance is a wide hall, a long row of tables and chairs, and the sides are full of strong men.

\ "Master Moqu, this adult wants to come to the Three Realms Exchange Conference! \"

Xiao Yan took a step forward and came to a middle-aged person, and said carefully, looking at this person + long + wind + literature + + cfwx +, it should have a certain status in communication.


The middle-aged person looked up at Nie Yun, and the expression of contempt immediately became dignified: \ "Please come in! \"

Nie Yun's strength was not concealed, relying on his eyesight, he immediately saw the extraordinary, how dare to block it.

\ "Thank you! \"

Seeing the province's troubles, Nie Yun lifted his feet and walked in. He came to the long table and found a free place to sit down.

The strong men on this table are almost half-step dominates the triple strong. There are not many big triples like him, there are only a few, and the exchange meeting does not seem to have officially started, but there are already no private A few people talked secretly, each took out his own treasure and looked for the treasure he wanted.

\ "How does this adult call it? I do n’t know what treasure I want to exchange for? I have a lotus flower. It can solve hundreds of poisons and help practice in the poisonous avenue. I wonder if you are interested? \"

Seeing him seated, a middle-aged man came over with a smile on his face.

\ "Ground lotus? No interest!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

The poisonous Dantian has already reached the fifth form. No matter how powerful the poison is, no matter how good the antidote is, it doesn't make any sense to him.

\ "It doesn't matter if you're not interested, what treasures do you have? Maybe take it out and look at it. If you are not interested in my things, you can exchange with others. I will introduce it to you ..." The middle-aged person continued.

It seems that the real purpose of this guy is to explore what is good about Nie Yun.

\ "I have a lot of treasure. But I'm afraid you have nothing to exchange with it! \"

Guessing the other party's intentions, Nie Yun was not angry.

\ "I can't afford to exchange, others can definitely exchange, friends, I don't know what treasure there is, let me open my eyes? \" The middle-aged people's eyes are bright, and even their titles have changed from the previous adults to friends.

\ "Is this a baby? \"

Nie Yun flicked his finger, and a fist-sized stone appeared quietly suspended in front of him.

\ "Chaos ... Wang Shi? Would you like to exchange this thing? \"

Looking at the stone clearly, the middle-aged man was startled, and swallowed his saliva, his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

Chaos King Stone involves the promise of the powerful king, each one is extremely precious, and it is exchanged for it. This is unlikely ...

\ "Of course! Do you have enough value?" Nie Yun smiled lightly.

For him, there is no need for the Wang Fengqiang's commitment. It is best to see the Wang Fengqiang, so Chaos King Stone is of little use to him except for his soul level.

At the beginning, many king stones were obtained in the tortoise shell of the king of the heavens, of which only a part of the soul type was taken out. This one he took out was exactly the king of fire attributed to the day.

This kind of king stone is very small, so instead of leaving waste, it is better to exchange enough things.

\ "This ... what do you need, as long as I can find it, I will do whatever it takes! \"

The middle-aged man was busy, his eyes were full of fiery, and his body was blocking the sight of others, for fear that this good thing in front of him would be taken away by others.

\ "Oh, don't be so troublesome, I have banned it, except you can't see it! \"

Seeing his actions, how did Nie Yun not know the small abacus in his heart and smiled gently.

When the Chaos King Stone was just taken out, he had already sealed off the surrounding space with his soul. Except for the person in front of him, no one else could see it, otherwise, it would have caused a sensation already. .

\ "Can't anyone see? \"

The middle-aged person looked around for a week, and when they saw that others didn't notice it, they all traded one by one, and they couldn't help but be shocked: \ "Are you a strong leader? \"

No wonder he thinks so, Chaos King Stone, an ordinary half-step dominates the big three strong, holding it in his hand, it is difficult to prevent the breath from leaking, let alone to make it invisible to others.

Even the same big three strong players can't see it.What is not the means to dominate the strong ones?

\ "I'm not the dominant player, but there is a way to keep the Chaos King stone breath away. [,!] Bale! \" Nie Yun waved his hands at will, then raised his eyebrows: \ "I need a world above level 3, who There are many big worlds out there, and I am willing to exchange this Chaos King Stone to whom! "

When he came, Nie Yun asked Gu Yong in detail, knowing that the small world is also divided into levels, which are one to nine levels!

The first level is the strongest, and the ninth level is the weakest. The small world like the six worlds is also called the ninth level world. The nine heavenly world can rank up to eighth level, and the Daxuan chaos can be counted as the seventh level!

As for the world such as the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, it has exceeded the first-level category and is a king-level world!

After expanding, Nie Yun's world of possessions already has the standards of a seven-level world, similar to the Daxuan Chaos Domain. If he wants to continue to break through, he can only merge into a world of higher levels.

\ "Big world? Do you want the world? \"

The middle-aged man blinked with a strange look.

The chaotic world, which lives in the chaotic ocean, is used to make weapons at most.Others are not very useful.Someone wants this, and it is strange.

\ "Yes, if you have a hundred or three worlds, or a first world, I can send you this Chaos King Stone directly! \"

Nie Yun said lightly.

Even if others can get the chaotic world, it is not very useful, but he is different. The more and more fused chaotic worlds, the larger the ability, and the easier it is to merge with other Dantians.

\ "One hundred in the third-level world ... I really don't have one! \"

Middle-aged people's faces are full of tangled colors.

He is half-step dominating the triple-strength powerhouse, a world around level three. For him, refining is very easy, but he can't catch hundreds of them in one breath.

After all, every world contains countless souls, and refining them is equivalent to destroying the heavens and destroying the order of the entire world.Although it does not affect them much, it does too much and will also affect Tianhe.

Besides, the chaotic ocean is vast and boundless, how can a small world be so easy to find.

\ "You can find me a buyer, as long as you find someone who can bring out so many small worlds, I will not lose you!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun's wrists flipped, and dozens of high-level vitality signs had fallen on the table.

Although this level of vitality road charm is not very helpful to the three strong players in the half-step dominance, it can be used to exchange things and as a means of money.

\ "Okay, let me find out for you! \"

Seeing that the other party took out such a variety of gas avenues, the middle-aged man snapped his teeth and immediately gritted his teeth.

\ "Don't wantonly promote it, I just want to know who can afford it. If there are so many small worlds, I can exchange them directly! \"

Nie Yun explained.

\ "To say who can take out so many small worlds, I do know a person who should be able to take it out, but this person is not easy to get along with, and talk to him about the price, I'm afraid ... a lot of trouble!"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, thinking of someone, Tao.

\ "Oh? A lot of trouble? Oh, I am not afraid of trouble, who is he? Tell me about it! \"

When he heard such a person, Nie Yun's eyes brightened and he laughed.

Is he still in trouble? Really not afraid!

ps: Four more today, this is the first one, the second one later!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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